A Message from Chris Harrison
Received this email from Chris Harrison:
“Brad is really good and reps Texas well. We’ll both be stopping by Dancing with the Stars Monday night before the show to promote. Look forward to reading you blog on Tues… The best gift I could ever give you is a girl named Melissa…. enjoy!”
Isn’t it just like our favorite host to provide us with such a wonderful morsel of information before we begin our journey together tonight?
I’m sooo excited I can barely stand it!!!
Gotta love Chris for giving us something to look for.
I heart Chris!!!
Yay, let the fun begin!
Hehe…thanks for the head’s up Chris. Can’t wait for tonight!
Does he really email you?
I typically email him first, but he’s pretty good about responding within a few days. Always has a little inside glimpse of something to look forward to. He’s really my favorite host of all shows with a host. Seriously.
How cool do you feel that he reads your blogs??? Hahhahaha
And let the crazy begin…..
Aaargh! Why must the Bachelor conflict with the Hills?!!!! Such a dilemma.
i am smiling ear to ear about c.h. emailing you an insider tid bit. i cannot wait! well done lincee, well done. just when i think these blogs can’t get any better, you prove me wrong. you are the greatest!!!
Five minutes into the show…..I’M IN LOVE!
Brad looks great theres he really seems down to earth and a good guy. Not to mention he’s the most attractive Bachelor ever. Theres a bunch of picture on http://www.realitytvspoiler.com of brad and his brothers and it looks like two of them are identical twins! What do you guys think?
Does anybody remember The “prince” or the tire Guy man were those crappy seasons. Hopefully this one is as good as season 10.
Okay, I’m excited to read your recaps again. We’re currently watching the show and super cool that Chris H. wrote you (even though there was a type-o). 🙂
I think “relator” is code for “stripper”
I don’t think I can watch/ listen to this guy for an entire season. his accent is so hokey and he looks WAYYYYYYYYYYYYYtoo much like Patrick Swayze. Sorta inbred.
what did Chris’ comment about michelle mean? Some behind the scenes stuff?