Bachelor Pad Recap: Week 4
I’m working on my recap, trying to figure out other words to use for Chris besides dillhole, when I began to wonder how many people are actually watching the show? It feels like about three of you check in every week while everyone else is busy pinning ideas to their “harvest decorations” Pinterest boards.
Let’s take a poll. You know how I love a good poll.
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You crack me up. Chris is so many bad words you can not even write them online. Ugh.
Favorite line of the night though had to be “on a scale of 1-10 i’m on cloud nine” – where do these people come from!?
I LOVE that people voted on the “I’m lost” option.
@Allison, I know!!! When I heard that line I hid behind my trusty pillow.
And poor, poor Jaime. I want to show parts of this episode to the high school girls I teach, and show them to STAY AWAY from dillholes.
My answer is “Yes. But it makes my throat thick to watch.” What is my problem?!?!
I can’t even vote. I have watched it twice and after last night I won’t watch anymore. It has been awful this season. In fact, I feel bad that you have to watch just to give us a recap.
Linacre…I am so watching. At times it is uncomfortably awkward. LOL. Like last night watching Jamie throw herself at Chris and tell the cameras how they are perfect for each other and he is so loyal! Chris is a douche….but Jamie is kind of pathetic. I felt bad for her at first but now not so much. I look forward to the reunion to hear what she has to say after she has seen what went on. LOL
Yeah…my post above auto corrected your name. Darn it. I meant Lincee.
This is a terrible show but I always love your recaps!
I cannot watch it but am faithful to reading your recaps! Love your writing Lincee, thanks for the laughs!!!
My answer is Yes, but I must hide behind my throw pillow!
eek! that poor jamie, atleast she gave some words before she left. It was almost respectable….sooooooo love your recaps lincee!
I could only muster up enough courage to watch the first hour of the show. How many more epsiodes do we have to suffer through until this is over?
I “watch” with my friends but really we just drink wine and chat through most of it! This season is so lame!
My vote is poll option #5: Sometimes. Only watch when feel the need to puke, but always read recap by Lincee and try not to picture what happened in my head.
It is a std/cluster/hide behind the pillow train wreck that I cannot stop watching. The recaps are the icing on the “I feel better about myself now” cake. As my best friend said however, she would pay “$7000 to be able to watch Jamie watch herself” after last nights episode. That’s my suggestion to ABC, put a hidden camera on these people when they go home and let up watch that unfold!
I will admit there are moments of the show I miss because I just can’t sit still through all that silliness but I do find the drama entertaining. I look forward to each one of your recaps!