Bachelor Recap: Episode 1

The recap will be up as soon as I find my Miss Hallsville first runner up contestant sash from 1994. I had no idea pageant accessories were making a come back. Hurray!

*** UPDATE ***
My Huffington Post article on the most memorable first impression moments from last night’s show is up! Click HERE.

Feel free to list your favorite first impressions below in the comment section. At least 20 of the girls had something embarrassing to contribute. Which, of course, equals to awesome in my book.

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January 3, 2012 9:21 am

I think the NY Blogger, to be known as “Wannabe” (because she only wishes she could be the blogger Lincee is)….is this season’s CRAZY! It’s funny how some people look like their pets….Jockette has teeth just like her horse, Levi and still gets the FIR…….and PAM (Passive Aggresssive Morman from SLC that cusses like a sailor)….oh, my!…Wannabe is just gonna be sport for her….and her South Carolina VIP Waitress–WAKE UP! …PAM’s not your friend!

January 3, 2012 9:22 am

I have been waiting all night for your take on the disaster “Sybil” aka as Jenna. The producers had to make him give her a rose because every encounter they had was AWKWARD!! Can’t wait to read your recap!!

January 3, 2012 9:23 am

And somebody….ABC Intern maybe…please introduce Ben to a bottle of Prell…

January 3, 2012 9:31 am

Can we agree that Blakely’s “VIP Cocktail Waitress” title could actually be translated to “hooker”?

January 3, 2012 9:47 am

I got really excited last night just thinking about your return to the recaps.

Seriously. That alone was probably the reason I kept watching after I saw just how crazy some of these girls!

It should be an interesting, tear filled season if last night was any indication!

January 3, 2012 9:50 am

I read the Huffington Post piece and I already LOVED the cray cray comment! HA!

Kelly H.
January 3, 2012 9:53 am

I want to know what in the world Jenna was actually crying over. I couldn’t figure it out.
Plus, she was clearly, at one point, doing it to get attention and I can’t stand folks like that. I have to put up with that from preschoolers a couple days a week at church, it’s totally expected from them. Unacceptable from an adult.
I’m interested in the level of craziness from these girls. I think this season has clearly become a ploy of “how bizarre can we make them appear”.
Oh and one thing my friend and I noticed is that he definitely favors the brunettes over the blondes. Yes, he gave horse girl the first impression rose, but he speaks with more interest towards the brunettes.

January 3, 2012 9:58 am

I missed it…at least wanted to see the first episode so I could really enjoy your first post of the season. Guess it’s off to the internet for me. I’m sooo excited for the bachelor recaps to be back…you are hilarious always but this makes the winter go by sooo much faster! =)

Michele L
Michele L
January 3, 2012 10:02 am

I agree with Kelly H – What was Jenna crying over?She just met the guy…

I would have thought the walk-by would have worked but I guess he thought it was too much of a game move. If he was interested, he would have found her inside.

I also need to add that I don’t like Ben’s hair. Just not my thing – but obviously it works for a lot of other women.

January 3, 2012 10:04 am

Missed the show, will watch tonight! Huffington Post article got me excited just when I thought I could resist. Ben’s hair, gross!

January 3, 2012 10:22 am

Lincee I don’t think the pruducers cast this batch of quality “women” … more like crazies in my book … with Ben in mind. He could not have looked any more bored. I think they cast them for you because they knew that you could turn this disaster in the making into pure gold. I for one can’t wait for you to ride in your horse and save the day for us poor viewers.

January 3, 2012 10:26 am

Does anybody else think that Blakely and Casey would make a perfect couple? She’s rocking the “Key to My Heart” tat, and he’s still proud of his “Guard and Protect” tat. He could guard and protect the key to her heart.

January 3, 2012 10:45 am

Jenna was HILARIOUS……anyone else get the feeling she wants to be Carrie Bradshaw, shes a blogger…read: unemployed….and all she “preaches” about is love, no one is gonna go for that

I liked the funky brit! but i guess he didnt. And the girl with an actual life, emily is different then i would have thought, i dont see them working 🙁

I hated the model, i really hope she does not get far…..reminds me of elizabeth from jakes season but sligthly less crazy. They would never last cause ben needs a quiet, normal girl that can go back to northern california and be happy at a vinyard. I dont see it with any of them

January 3, 2012 11:24 am

I know who makes the surprise appearance alluded to in the previews–It’s gotta be Constantine! He misses his best friend.
This season looks like a mess. Jenna’ slurring was bad. Yes–I thought she was a Carrie Bradshaw wannabe too. That girl must be so embarrassed today. At least I hope she is! Can’t wait for this recap!

January 3, 2012 11:32 am

What a trainwreck! OK, my 8 yr-old commented on the girl who just walked by Ben in the driveway “How rude she was for doing that” Who would think that the Bachelor would teach a child a very important life lesson. Of course that may be the only one worth sharing! This season is already boring AND crazy!!

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