Bachelorette Ali: Episode 8
Recap will be up later this afternoon. I’m in a heated bidding war with “ChinDimplesRock” on Ebay for Roberto’s rookie card.
In the meantime, feel free to discuss last night’s episode. Go on. I know you have thoughts about Frank’s cardigan and stretchy wife beater, the creepy squirrel holding a raspberry and the wonder that is Mr. Martinez in a baseball uniform.
Play ball!
The taxidermist was a bit much – what was that thing behind him & Ali when they were having a chat – I’m guessing it was a squirrel base just waiting for the fur to thaw out of the “snack” freezer.
I love Cape Cod, and Chris and his family are too wonderful – I hope if Ali breaks his heart, there is another REAL woman out there for him.
Roberto’s hips – nuff said.
Frank – what the heck was that – it looked like he shrunk his grandpa’s sweater? And not only is he living with his family, he’s living with them in their TOWNHOUSE? Wonder if his sis and hubby and soon-to-be baby are also living there…
Did anyone catch Hare’s blinging watch?
Lincee – forgot to add that you make my Tuesdays at work bearable – thank you so much!
I knew one of your topics would be Frank’s horrific outfit. Who lead him wrong?!?!?!?!
P.S. Jenny – I did…it was in such a prominent place. I began to wonder if it was part of an advertisement!
OMG–I’m sorry, but this was the most BORING EPISODE EVER!!! I fell asleep before the rose ceremony because of all the stimulating dialogue.
I do love Chris and Roberto and if she doesn’t choose anyone–it’s her loss. Frank is annoying at best and Kirk never had a chance with taxidermy in the basement.
ABC has been very good to Hare.
I was said to see that there was not one single wacky relative…. where was the comic relief (the crazy grandma, the hippie mama, the tarot reading card mom)…sure taxidermy dad was a bit off, but in his part of the country – that’s no big deal. I love both Roberto & Chris (and would love for Chris’ dad to be my dad-in-law) but unfortunately think that Frank dropping the “big bomb” next week will ruin Ali for both of them… I predict she officially freaks out – she’s been bordering on it all season — gets serious cold feet, and dumps both Roberto & Chris at the Pottery Barn alter of love in Tahiti…
Ughhhh!! Frank needs to go to a corner and suck his thumb, taking special care not to choke on that ridiculous THUMB RING!!!
Agreed on ‘most boring episode EVER.’ ~ zzzzzzzz ~
Ok, my thoughts about last night’s episode. I am a very appily married woman, but I LOVE and dream about Chris. I think he is honest, genuine, gorgeous, and would make an excellent husband, father, whatever! Love his family. As far as his “over” grieving for his mom, and other posts that say he is a “mama’s boy”, um…no. She obviously raised a great guy. I don’t think his grieving (or anyone’s) can be called overkill. So he loved his mom, and had deep respect for her. That is a good trait!!!!! I don’t think Ali will pick him, but he will have no problem findin love after the bachelorette. Roberto seems to be more of Ali’s type. His dad seems very traditional, not sure if Roberto is the same way? Kirk, he and Ali just didn’t have a connection. I was cracking up when she was in his dad’s basement. Dad was a little on the creepy side, but in a funny way. And Kirk’s mom??!?…I just don’t know. Frank is just Frank-he seems so tormented always. I was a Frank lover in the beginning, but I he is way too emotional, dramatic, not-so-fun anymore, and it will get old really fast. Very curious about next week. So, if he has this girlfriend, how could his family be so dishonest as well? Can’t wait to read your blog Lincee!
Lame season. I am over Ali and don’t care who she picks…except that I DON’T want it to be CCC. Bring on “Bachelor Pad”.
I have to mention Ali wearing high-heeled boots on the beach (Chris’s hometown). It was hard for me to concentrate on the date b/c I kept thinking about how hard it would be to walk in high heels on a beach. lol.
@ #12-Stephanie–when I saw those boots, my exact words were “Who the hell wears leather high heeled boots to the beach?”
Random something I noticed as I rewatched CCChris’ date online: They put the wrong name for the sister-in-law that kept talking to the camera. In the beginning, they showed the picture of “Mark and Megan” on their wedding day, and it was obviously the sister they labeled as Sara. Plus, when the brothers and sisters-in-law first came in and everyone was hugging each other, Ali hugged the clearly shorter one (who also had shorter hair) in the blue jacket and said “Sara?” and she said “Yeah!” So big fail to ABC, I bet they appreciated that one.
Roberto’s dad got on my nerves with the “I know she’s getting a prize” stuff. Which I get that he’s proud of his boy, but that just came off as cocky to me. And maybe it’s Latino tradition, I really don’t know that many Latinos, but I found it kind of funny that the daughter was named Olga, too. Poor Peter, who was he named after?
Frank…ugh. Just ugh. He gets on my nerves SO BADLY. I’m actually going to enjoy it a little when all the bitter housewives out there fly to Geneva just to egg his house when they find out he leaves Ali for a girlfriend.
And awwwwwwwwwwww, POOR KIRKY! He was #2 for me, just behind CCChris, so I really hated to see him go. I can surely say that I wouldn’t have handled his dad’s really creepy sounding “So would you like to see my basement?” and taxidermy trophy case half as well as Ali did.
#12 Stephanie…I noticed that too! I was wondering how many pairs of boots she has ruined with saltwater LOL. Remember when she jumped in the water with Jake?
Boring episode. I fastforwarded through Kirk’s date…snore. Roberto is hot. I would dump my husband for CCC!! LOL