Lincee has been blogging about television, movies, music and random personal ramblings since 2003. She's best known for her Bachelor recaps. Her sitcom boyfriends include Nick Miller, Richard Castle, Damon Salvatore, Jim Halpert and Wade Kinsella. She’s convinced that if she ever met Mindy Kaling, Tina Fey or Lauren Graham in real life, they would be best friends. You can read more of her work at I Hate Green Beans.
my favorite part is always the outtakes and bloopers that happen. i wish they would show more of that or have an entire show dedicated to that!
can’t believe kasey sang again, but at least he could make fun of himself and didn’t seem to take himself too seriously!
kirk looked sickly to me, anyone else think so?
the 20/20 “special” was a huge disappointment. the exact show we saw a few months ago with some jake/vienna, ali and bachelor pad sprinkled in. hope the E! one on wednesday night is better!
lincee, have you ever thought of podcasting? just wonderin’
July 27, 2010 9:41 am
I heart OHCH!!!!!!!!! He was at his best last night!
July 27, 2010 9:55 am
#1 – katytxgal – I thought the same of Kirk. I think they had the wrong makeup on him and possibly the lighting was bad when he was in the hot seat. Didn’t look as sickly back in the men panel but not his normal self either. The styling dept on that show is really lacking!
Ok I’ve been seeing comments on the TWOP (televisionwithoutpity) forum that it looks like Ali had a nose job. Did any one else notice this? I’ll have to rewatch tonight…or see if it’s online at lunch…I’m curious now. I obviously wasn’t as horrified by her face as I was by Kate Hudson in that commercial but something seemed off in Ali’s face it just didn’t stick out to me right away what it was. hmmm
Lincee..I know you can turn that snoozefest into great entertainment! Can’t wait!
July 27, 2010 9:56 am
here’s a rumor that’s maybe/maybe not a spoiler —- there’s an internet rumor swirling around that Roberto has applied for a California insurance license and his office in the State Farm system now shows him as being part of the West Coast area — not South/Southeast…. but this could be because he’s the next bachelor or it could be because he’s with Ali…. don’t know and maybe it’s all a lie — but it’s fun to know!
July 27, 2010 10:01 am
What the heck was Ali wearing? They keep showing her trying on these gorgeous gowns. Then the thing she had on last night had me wondering if it was the cover-up they had her wear when she got her makeup and hair done and maybe she just forgot to take it off.
July 27, 2010 10:14 am
#5 – you mean she had her hair done?!? 😉 I liked her look in the first (taped) interview, but hated her ‘do when she joined the guys on stage. Maybe she was in the process of getting all done up, but they only got so far as the makeup before realizing they were out of time and just pushed her out on stage “as is”….lol! Looking forward to Lincee’s recap!
VA Beaner
July 27, 2010 10:14 am
Did anyone else notice Kirk’s thumb ring???????????????????????
July 27, 2010 10:19 am
VA Beaner – Totally noticed the thumb ring! Maybe a jab at Frank? Maybe despite his frustration at Frank, he has chosen to follow him as his style guru? Bad choice, Kirk, bad choice.
July 27, 2010 10:22 am
Also, I LOVED Our Host’s outtake with the clinking of the plastic cup!! OHCH, if you weren’t married off already, I would want you to be the next bachelor. Think of how much more interesting the show would be! It wouldn’t be the show we love to hate anymore, it would just be the show we love!!
July 27, 2010 10:24 am
#7 – my hubby noticed the thumb ring, too! he was so upset – he liked kirk from the start since they’re both from green bay, but that ring did him in. apparently he spent too much time with frank.
also, i don’t think kirk looked sickly – it was his hair. it wasn’t styled in the front and it totally made him look different.
and speaking of hair, ali’s rat nest was SCARY. i can’t believe they sent her out like that.
finally, during the 20/20 show they showed ali with her stylist. WHAT?!?! someone actually helped her pick out those horrible dresses? i was shocked.
The blooper reel was by far the highlight of my night. It was the only thing they hadn’t talked into the ground already! Chris N. a.k.a. The Phantom was the funniest thing I’ve ever seen, especially his disappearing into the fog, or his love of the nickname.
July 27, 2010 10:26 am
Lincee, you get a great shout out on! (I read that Bach recap while anxiously awaiting yours!)
#3 Saggleo–I agree, I was horrified by Kate Hudson’s puffy face in that Almay commercial. Way too much filler and botox!
July 27, 2010 10:26 am
the clips at the end are always the most funny. chris doing the impression of the lurker dude was funny.
i love the outakes the best. more more more!!
July 27, 2010 10:26 am
When Kasey started talking, I seriously did not understand a WORD. Boomhauer.
July 27, 2010 10:28 am
Ali’s hair on stage was absolutely awful. My husband (yes, he watches too–haha!) and I were in total confusion of what was supposed to be going on with the hair…and the 80’s sequined dress was heinous as well…
I only remembered about half of the guys they had there…who was Derrick? Was he even in this season?
can’t wait to read your recap!
my favorite part is always the outtakes and bloopers that happen. i wish they would show more of that or have an entire show dedicated to that!
can’t believe kasey sang again, but at least he could make fun of himself and didn’t seem to take himself too seriously!
kirk looked sickly to me, anyone else think so?
the 20/20 “special” was a huge disappointment. the exact show we saw a few months ago with some jake/vienna, ali and bachelor pad sprinkled in. hope the E! one on wednesday night is better!
lincee, have you ever thought of podcasting? just wonderin’
I heart OHCH!!!!!!!!! He was at his best last night!
#1 – katytxgal – I thought the same of Kirk. I think they had the wrong makeup on him and possibly the lighting was bad when he was in the hot seat. Didn’t look as sickly back in the men panel but not his normal self either. The styling dept on that show is really lacking!
Ok I’ve been seeing comments on the TWOP (televisionwithoutpity) forum that it looks like Ali had a nose job. Did any one else notice this? I’ll have to rewatch tonight…or see if it’s online at lunch…I’m curious now. I obviously wasn’t as horrified by her face as I was by Kate Hudson in that commercial but something seemed off in Ali’s face it just didn’t stick out to me right away what it was. hmmm
Lincee..I know you can turn that snoozefest into great entertainment! Can’t wait!
here’s a rumor that’s maybe/maybe not a spoiler —- there’s an internet rumor swirling around that Roberto has applied for a California insurance license and his office in the State Farm system now shows him as being part of the West Coast area — not South/Southeast…. but this could be because he’s the next bachelor or it could be because he’s with Ali…. don’t know and maybe it’s all a lie — but it’s fun to know!
What the heck was Ali wearing? They keep showing her trying on these gorgeous gowns. Then the thing she had on last night had me wondering if it was the cover-up they had her wear when she got her makeup and hair done and maybe she just forgot to take it off.
#5 – you mean she had her hair done?!? 😉 I liked her look in the first (taped) interview, but hated her ‘do when she joined the guys on stage. Maybe she was in the process of getting all done up, but they only got so far as the makeup before realizing they were out of time and just pushed her out on stage “as is”….lol! Looking forward to Lincee’s recap!
Did anyone else notice Kirk’s thumb ring???????????????????????
VA Beaner – Totally noticed the thumb ring! Maybe a jab at Frank? Maybe despite his frustration at Frank, he has chosen to follow him as his style guru? Bad choice, Kirk, bad choice.
Also, I LOVED Our Host’s outtake with the clinking of the plastic cup!! OHCH, if you weren’t married off already, I would want you to be the next bachelor. Think of how much more interesting the show would be! It wouldn’t be the show we love to hate anymore, it would just be the show we love!!
#7 – my hubby noticed the thumb ring, too! he was so upset – he liked kirk from the start since they’re both from green bay, but that ring did him in. apparently he spent too much time with frank.
also, i don’t think kirk looked sickly – it was his hair. it wasn’t styled in the front and it totally made him look different.
and speaking of hair, ali’s rat nest was SCARY. i can’t believe they sent her out like that.
finally, during the 20/20 show they showed ali with her stylist. WHAT?!?! someone actually helped her pick out those horrible dresses? i was shocked.
The blooper reel was by far the highlight of my night. It was the only thing they hadn’t talked into the ground already! Chris N. a.k.a. The Phantom was the funniest thing I’ve ever seen, especially his disappearing into the fog, or his love of the nickname.
Lincee, you get a great shout out on! (I read that Bach recap while anxiously awaiting yours!)
#3 Saggleo–I agree, I was horrified by Kate Hudson’s puffy face in that Almay commercial. Way too much filler and botox!
the clips at the end are always the most funny. chris doing the impression of the lurker dude was funny.
i love the outakes the best. more more more!!
When Kasey started talking, I seriously did not understand a WORD. Boomhauer.
Ali’s hair on stage was absolutely awful. My husband (yes, he watches too–haha!) and I were in total confusion of what was supposed to be going on with the hair…and the 80’s sequined dress was heinous as well…
I only remembered about half of the guys they had there…who was Derrick? Was he even in this season?