Bachelorette Ashley Recap: Episode 2
The recap will be up as soon as I write a technical paper, two newsletters and attend a business lunch. Let’s just say it’s going to be later in the day before I post my thoughts on the ridiculous road this show has chosen to take.
In the meantime, the fine folks over at AOL TV Squad have generously asked me to provide a miniature recap each and every Tuesday morning. I simply watch the episode and write up my top five moments that made the most impact based on the train wreck that unfolded before my very eyes.
We all know what little creativity I have when forced to write after 9:00 p.m. Let’s be nice in the AOL comment section so they’ll ask me back, okay? This week, I wrote the top five fan letters from folks watching last night’s show. It took a lot of finagling, but I finally convinced the ABC intern to share the mail bag with me. Read all about it over at AOL by clicking HERE!
LOVE the Tenley letter! Thanks for the laugh!
TLEW ~ Nashville. Why was it that last night as I watched the Bachelorette I felt like I was secretly on the set of “What Would You Do?”? And the What Would You Do situation was what would you do if you knew someone was being taken advantage of on national television!
Bentley…shame on you and good luck finding a woman who is going to trust you after this! Ashley, if it looks like a red flag, feels like a red flag, stands up and tells you that it’s a red flag, then by golly girl it’s a RED FLAG!
Re: Letters
Constantine got a rose last night. It was Stephen that was sent home.
Well it looks like the jerk Bentley will be going home. Sadly, it looks like William may go too.
No time for work, must post NOW! Also, things that you are required to touch on
1. Bently the Jackass
2. William the disappointment
3. West the adorable
4. Jp the with the smile
5. Mask Guy of the opera
Looking forward to it.
I still haven’t watched and not sure I will (but I probably will so I will “get” all the Linceeisms). I heard a lot of the sound bites of Bentley on the radio this morning and totally bump Twi…..this jackass is going to have a hard time finding anyone who will want to date him, least of all have a serious relationship with him, ever. I’m sure he will have a few weirdoes that are convinced they can change him…but why would they even want to? I think ABC is playing up Ashley’s “he’s so hot” comments because I personally don’t think he’s all that. He’s cute, but that’s about it. There are too many other fish in the sea to be hanging out on the end of the line waiting for that one to come around….this season is truly a “let’s see what outrageous crap we can come up with to try to keep our ratings” kind of season. Bleck!
Bentley is a jack-ass. I hope he gets raked over the coals at the Men-Tell-All just like how Michelle did at the WTA…..that is, if Bentley has the balls to even show up!
Mask Guy is this season’s Madison (Fangs). I kinda felt for the guy once he told Ashley about his past and was just about to take off the mask when……he was interuppted and Ashley ended up sending that guy home later!
The powers that be need to sit down and brainstorm a little more with some fresh ideas for this crazy show! Las Vegas? Really? Been there, done that (like…..100 times already!). Ashley “dancing” and performing with a dance crew? Is she really that good or was it just me?
How many times have we said GET A NEW BACHELORETTE OR BACHELOR!!!
Thank you, Jesus, for the blogs (Lincee and Some Guy) to make summer that much more enjoyable!
I loved the AOL mini recap! The fan letters are genious! Especially the one from Tenley 🙂
No wonder Bentley is divorced. He’s got the immature frat boy attitude to go with his frat boy looks. He is really cute, but his comments were ridiculous. When Ashley begged him to stay I cringed. She just fed right into his B.S. and acted totally desperate.
I also became confused about all of this flying back and forth to Vegas. Who’s going, who’s coming back, dates, fountains, aquariums, fake weddings. Vegas is getting stale.
Not sure what to make of William. I’m getting the idea that he lives with a bunch of guys in a stinky apartment and plays video games a lot. He seems a tad immature to me now.
I like the winemaker Groban from Sonoma. I’m reading him as sincere.
DIdn’t love Ashley’s rose ceremony dress. I thought it was borderline matronly.
Loved the letter from Tenley!
I like a few of the guys but most of them are kinda blah. This blog (and the comments) makes the show worth it though.
When Jeff was shown swimming with his mask on, all I could think was he better have on some good sunscreen because otherwise he’s going to look like a raccoon when he finally takes off that stupid mask! 🙂
The older I get the less attractive the “frat boy, bad boy” thing is. I thought Mickey (which no one has mentioned that I can see) was very mature and a good match for her. He is grounded and sure of his direction in life and seems to be in this for the right reasons. In fact, he kind of stood out from the crowd with a classiness that really defies logic in the grand scheme of this show. As for Bentley, seriously? Is this guy for real? Rarely have I seen someone so in love with himself. Ashley will have a hard time competing with him for his affection. Hopefully, she’ll get enough texts from friends she won’t have a choice but to open her eyes and kick this nit wit to the curb. Jeff and the mask–’nuff said.
My best friend’s husband is a chef, and I’m telling you, it’s the way to go! Especially if he is also gorgeous and smart and thoughtful and kind. So I think Mickey may be my new favorite, after that date.
I said from the outset that William is too immature for Ashley – he seems like a nice enough guy and I liked him much better in the LV date than I thought I would, but still…meh.
I like West too, but the whole ex-wife scenario is just a little creepy. Dark horses include the two remaining Grobans and possibly mask guy (although I doubt it – I agree with whoever said that he is the bachelor version of fang woman). Ryan P will suffer the curse of the first impression rose, I fear.
Between Michelle and Bentley, I might have to move away from SLC. There really are some decent people from here….really . . .but Bentley makes Wes Hayden and Rated R seem positively chivalrous in comparison.
Michelle C.–I wanted to bring up Mickey but I didn’t want to post and extra long comment! I think he is very good looking, especially with glasses on. He seemed very normal and a little nervous on the date. He is really cute. I wanted to barf after all of that coin tossing. They took it a little too far.
Everyone keeps comparing Michelle to Bentley. The difference is that Michelle wanted to date Brad. She was over the top, but she did seem interested in the bachelor. The same cannot be said for Bentley.
Here’s what I don’t get: if Bentley came on the show to promote his business (as it was said on the first show), how does he think this will help him? Watching some guy be a jerk on national television doesn’t make me want to jump off the couch and go patronize his little business. I wonder if he is in business with his ex. I saw her webpage and visited. She has a picture of the two of them up.