Bachelorette Ashley Recap: Episode 3
The recap will be up as soon as teach the folks in my building some choreography for the flash mob I’m directing in our courtyard. Oh it’s as cool as you are imagining. And more.
In the meantime, feel free to read my “Top Five Moments I Never Thought I’d Write About While Recapping The Bachelorette” over HERE at AOL.
I’ll see you this afternoon. Feel free to give your opinions on William, Bentley and the Great Reveal in the comment section. I’ll be back.
i cannot wait to read what you have to say. i may stop watching this show after last night…can someone say jump the shark??!?!?!?!?! ugh
i’m still trying to figure out what business bentley is trying to promote?
Just two things:
What was up with the squirrel and the cracker during the Great Reveal? We had to keep rewinding and watch again.
And, why in the world would Ashley wear a tinfoil dress after she had been roasted? The irony was not lost on our group!
Can’t wait to hear what you have to say!
I don’t understand the point of the d-bag, Bentley. How is being the ultimate d-bag going to promote his business? Which, by the way, what is his business? At least He Who Shall Not Be Named had a talent he was promoting. AND, he really wasn’t a mean person, just kinda slimey. Bentley’s got nothing – he’s not cute, not charming, not funny, not talented, etc…… I hope this is a total set up and Ashley is in on it; otherwise she is going to be questioning her instincts in men the rest of her life.
I’m starting to question my instincts in TV shows!!!!
I say let’s learn more about the Josh Grobans – they raise me up…..
This recap may be the best one yet. Bently is a loser; Ashley looked so sad while she was sobbing over him…bless her heart.
The poor mask dude – how embarassing – you show your face and get dismissed?!?! AHH!!!
SHAME ON ABC for airing that much negativity about Ashley from Bentley-. I have to say I didn’t like her at first but now I want to HUG her…how dare they air those comments..I would have fell for him hook, line, and sinker too. She didn’t deserve it – I am so upset at ABC…..Team Ashley 🙂
I agree too that Bentley is a complete douche. I felt very bad for Ashley last night because she was seeing all the awful stuff he said about her when it aired on TV, so she must feel even worse after seeing it last night and so foolish for falling so hard for him.
Having said that, I couldn’t believe Ashley was in “love” with him. How could she be in love with him so fast? They hadn’t even had a date alone together. I mean, she can’t have spent more than an hour alone with the guy since they met! I hope she uses her head a bit more after the Bentley thing. Either way, she didn’t deserve to be treated that way by such a scum bag.
I heard that Bentley’s business is a kid’s playground place – you know the kind with all the indoor bounce houses. I don’t know if this is true, but that’s what I read. I don’t see how Bentley thinks being a creep will do well for his business. It sure hasn’t made He Who Must Not Be Named a big musical success outside of Chihuahua, Mexico! 🙂
Can’t wait to read the recap Lincee!
From that roast to Bentley, it was painful to watch. Seeing someone humiliated isn’t entertaining. Plus I couldn’t help but think how sad it is that Bentley is a father to a daughter and had no problem (in fact enjoyed) treating Ashley that way.
Annette = I kept rewinding as well to the squirrel. What the heck? That part was very amusing.
Poor William. Bless his pointed little head. He was on a roll there for a bit. Although, he’s not looking so bad compared to Butthead Bentley .
VA Beaner, my thoughts exactly. Nobody deserved to have their emotions manipulated in that way on television. I know some people will say that Ashley knew what she was signing up for when she became the bachelorette, but give me a break! A roast for a woman who obviously has insecurity issues??? Low, ABC!
These dates are ridiculous and gimmicky–not romantic!
How she dealt with all the boob jokes with such grace, I don’t know…I would’ve crumbled at that, much less being told that I was not as desirable as Emily or Chantal!
Has there ever been a Bachelorette with fake boobs? I can’t think of one…
There are lots of Bentley’s in the world, sad to say…
Brandy, Bentley’s trick is that he made her feel sexy and desirable–Pulling her up in his lap for a kiss, massaging her thigh on the coach, putting her head in his lap…The other guys make her feel smart and interesting and even pretty, but they don’t treat her like a sex object at all. Bentley made her feel desirable…that’s Bentley’s trump card.
When I saw the squirrel, i thought it must be a shout-out to Tenley.
I can’t count the number of times I wanted to throw something at “Buttly” what a jerk. My only solace is that Ashley is now seeing as the episodes air what an absolute evil ass the guy is. And the fact that he’s most likely ruined his life and hopefully will never get another date. (Period…forget the dot dot dot)
And then there’s William who doesn’t seem to get it that humor isn’t funny when it’s at the expense of someone else. I’ve been to several funny roast’s and they aren’t public humiliations. Glad the Mask is history that was just creepy.
Lincee, as much as I loved your videos last season, I’m so glad it’s a written recap this time around. Much easier to enjoy stealthily in my office at work!
In Ashley’s blog on, she says we haven’t seen the last of Bentley…hmm…
I sort of felt awful for Jeff. he is now forever going to think that he was eliminated solely because she thinks he was unattractive, whereas really he was just a giant creepshow with no personality. I actually thought he was decent looking with really nice eyes.
Oh William, what an dumbass. I liked him a lot before, but he just wasn’t using his head with this one. Too concerned with having Jeffrey Ross notice him and give him his big break. Still, I’m glad Ashley is giving him another chance.
Ok, i love JP and all, but did anyone notice his nipples???? He had moobs all over the place… (dot dot dot)
Also, I think Ashley should have let William go. He was an insensitive JERK, and her problem is she lets these guys walk all over her!
AND, please let there be a new bachelor for the next bachelor season because I am really not feeling any of these guys enough to watch for another whole season.
At what point does viewing this show become complicit in the travesty that is the Bachelor/Bachelorette? This is not even funny anymore. How can anyone feel good about doing whatever possible to magnify people’s weaknesses for the sake of a “television” show? Last season was like Fear Factor. This season is all sorts of wrong. I cannot in good conscience watch this show anymore because it is s good as condoning what is promotes.