Bachelorette Emily Recap: Week 8
The recap will be up as soon as I figure out how to use Google translator to see if Arie’s Mom really DID ask him how his relationship with Emily was going.
For those of you in America who aren’t already celebrating our country’s independence and for that one person who follows me in Belgium, the recap will be up late, late today.
In the meantime, check out the mini recap on Huffington Post by clicking HERE.
#1 Hee Haw!!!! I just wanted to point out that our gold digger sent the guy home with the least amount of Net Worth – who would of guessed. She might be easy on the eyes but her paper thin personality ruins it.
Did anyone else notice Emily VISIBLY perk up when she realized how big One-F Jef’s ranch was? They should have added a “ka-ching” sound effect. The best part of his visit was the laughably edited “doing charity” addition to OFJ’s explanation of his parent’s absence. Couldn’t have been more obviously over-dubbed if they’d done it in James Earl Jones’ voice.
On a scale of 1 to Pretentious, I think Sean’s sister naming her kids Smith and KENSINGTON, along with that playhouse were off the scale.
Excellent recap on HuffPo! Quick FYI, though – Arie is an Indy driver, not Formula 1 🙂
Did anyone else notice that Kensington’s playhouse had it’s own A/C unit??? Ridiculous!
You have someone following from England too. I have only recently figured out how to view the show from here, although due to time zone differences I am unable to watch until tonight. I watched the UK’s Bachelor instead last night. 🙂 Your blog is awesome and was a fantastic replacement for the real thing the past couple of years!
Sorry, but I just have to say, Sean is a TERRIBLE kisser! He may be gorgeous, but he needs help with those kisses.
One F however seems to be a great kisser. I loved watching his home town last night…he’s winning me over. Team Jef!
Did anyone notice the dress Arie’s mom was wearing? It looked like she was wearing both a strapless dress, and a bra with straps.
Didn’t Sean say his family lived a ‘simple life’? From that comment, I pictured his parents living in a 3 room cabin with a tractor out back, or maybe even a 1,000 square ft ranch straight out of the 1950s. If they live a simple life, with the backyard playhouse that is as big as my entire house, I must be dirt poor.
I am hoping Chris is getting therapy for his many personality issues. Is his family just totally blind to that?
Unsaid in any episode is Jef’s mormon upbringing and that his parents are actually in S.C. on a mormon mission of sorts. He claims to be “non-practicing”. WTF does that mean?
OMG, how fast would Sean’s practical joking family get old? Like, instantly.
I’m glad Ari acknowledged off camera how rude it is to speak about someone in a foreign language when they are in your presence. I have living in Asia and had that happen many times, it really is a squirmy feeling. You honestly think his parents would know better, it’s kind of manners no-brainer.
Ari is still the one to beat. Emily obviously loves the lifestyle, excitement and attention (not to mention money) that racing brings. Plus, he is cool. Jef’s brother’s comments about him never being interested in marriage and families before left me wondering more than ever about his sexuality…..just saying.
I love Emily’s choices!
I think Jef makes her feel younger, and she is young! Sean is cute and his parents were awesome. I know she has physical chemistry with Arie, and I think he has tons of experience kissing lots of girls.
I still say One F for F1! I think Emily will ground him and he will get her to enjoy the fun in life again. Team Jef!
However, Sean would not be a bad choice at all!
To acknowledge that OFJ’s family is Mormon would require ABC to film the couple discussing something of actual substance rather than platitudes about “journeys” and “connections” and how Emily looks. ABC seems convinced American viewers can’t handle anything but Wonder Bread.
Was Chris wearing striped socks on his HTD?
I read terrible comments last night on twitter referring to Jef’s sisters and sis in law as really being “sister wives”. So wrong!
On a positive note, I thought it was cute that Jef and Emily can shoot guns well together! I think he was turned on and decided to come up behind her (so sexy!)…..
oh, did anyone notice when Chris was leaving in the limo, he flipped her off thru the sun roof? I played it again and it looks like ABC blurred it out but it was clearly the finger!
….and I hate that Sean’s tongue comes out before the kiss! Yuck!
was it something wrong with my TV or did anyone else think it looked like emily had a moustache on her hometown with jef?
While I would love to believe that Chris flipped Emily off, I don’t see any other mention of it online. Usually people are all over that. I will have to back and review the ending, but, it would be totally consistent with his childish behavior.
Whose to say what kind if kissing Emily likes? I agree with Josie and others about Sean’s lizard-like style, but, Emily was quick to stick her own tongue out in response. I have never been a fan of the tongue down my throat approach, either giving or getting, but, I’m sure many are.
Best surprise of the night was Emily going toe to toe with the skeet and pistol shooting. She did grow up in West Virginia after all and probably had to participate in putting possum on the table.
Looking back, why are the men’s professions (other than Ari’s obvious racing involvement) ever discussed? I want to know what being an entrepreneur in Salt Lake City means (translates to me as “spending my parent’s money.”