Bachelorette Season Finale: And Rachel’s fiancé is…
Our Host Chris Harrison warned us. He said that the bachelorette season finale was going to be emotional and I have to say, he was right. Carly and Evan are having a baby. Juan Pablo is getting married. The Bachelor in Paradise promo clip is disturbing. Mike Fleiss introduces a discombobulated finale format that feels like we have to sit through a two-hour presentation on time shares before we get to the good stuff.
And Rachel ends up with Bryan.
Why yes, Harrison, I am feeling all sorts of emotions during the bachelorette season finale. The first one being, “WHAT IS HAPPENING RIGHT NOW?”
Madness. It’s all madness and I have multiple thoughts that will fly all over the map. I’m sure you do too and I can’t wait to hear/read them.
First of all, what’s the deal with Rachel providing color commentary for the episode? And why didn’t she tuck her boobs in? Moreover, why didn’t she wear an actual dress instead of parading around on national television in full body spanx?
PS: Her skin is still F-L-A-W-L-E-S-S.
It’s the top of the hour and Harrison wants to get to the bottom of last week’s abruptly ended date with Peter. Sweet, debonair Peter who is unwilling to utter those four little words Rachel wants to hear at the end of her very long journey: “Will you marry me?”
They decide to remain as a couple in the fantasy suite, which is a darling efficiency apartment secured through a local airbnb in Spain. I bet the little old lady who rents out that room gives you a hearty serving of paella when guests arrive.
The next morning, Peter fixes Rachel an egg (borrowed from downstairs abuela no doubt). Everything seems copacetic with these two, so I feel good about her leaving to go on her next date with Bryan. I also felt pretty good about Rachel’s nod to the ‘90s. The plaid shirt, denim jacket, boots, and choker were on full display. All we needed was a scrunchie in her hair and the ensemble would be complete.
Rachel selects a brown horse because “it matches me” and watches as Bryan crawls up onto a white noble steed. (#foreshadowing) They make their way to a gazebo with lawn furniture so they can talk about how distracted Rachel is, thanks to Peter getting into her head.
Back in the studio, Rachel admits that she contemplated sending Peter home on fantasy suite night and that Peter dominated her mental space when she was on her date with Bryan. Of course Bryan picked up on it. Cut to dinner that night and Bryan calling her out for being “weird all day.” Rachel gives Bryan major points for picking up on that and reading her so well. Bryan reminds her that he didn’t come here for anything less than a proposal.
Rachel hands him the forge card, a legit old timey key, and smiles as Bryan pretends to contemplate if he wants to spend the night with her. He calls his mom to let her know that he’s about to put his phone on airplane mode and then escorts Rachel to a room with a real door and a bathroom the same square footage as Peter’s entire fantasy suite. They make out a little bit before Bryan slips the “do not disturb” sign on the door knob.
That’s right, people, we have a rose ceremony. Remember darling Eric? Yeah. He’s still in the picture, about to get his heart broken into a million little pieces which Rachel will then fashion onto another pair of sleeves to go with a transparent dress that showcases a leotard underneath what looks like the exact same one I wore in high school.
Bryan gets the first rose. Then she monologues about how important it is for someone (SHE’S LOOKING AT YOU, PETER) to propose to her at the end. She wants everyone to know that she’s following her heart, and her gut, before handing the last boutonniere to Peter.
Eric’s good-bye is classy. He’s in love with Rachel, sure, but he’s also stronger for this experience and has no regrets. He then confesses in the rejection limo that whoever follows Rachel will have to be really special, because she is the bar with which all women will be measured.
In the studio, Harrison brings out Eric and I’m all, “Wait, what? Oh we’re doing this now?” The audience cheers as Rachel gazes upon the second runner-up with the affection of a doting older sister or fun-loving cousin at a family reunion. A devastatingly handsome Eric strolls onto the stage. His shoes are not white canvas. The suit is impeccably tailored. And the facial hair gives him a maturity that definitely works in his favor.
Eric explains that he was ready and locked in. He wanted to marry Rachel. He doesn’t do things halfway. He’s 100. And he thought their progression was beautiful. Eric was also confident at the rose ceremony. Whoopsie.
He looks Rachel in the eyes and thanks her for filling his heart and helping him understand what it means to receive love. Now his life can really begin. Rachel tears up, happy that America is able to see what a wonderful man he is and hopes nothing but the best.
Eric leaves with all the class in the world.
It’s hour two now and I’m getting nervous. Rachel has her final date with Bryan, which takes place on a freaking hot air balloon. So cool. At dinner, Bryan drones on and on about how heartbroken he would be if he lost Rachel to a gap-toothed guy who doesn’t understand the importance of a quick courtship on national television. To prove his undying love, he gifts Rachel with a Spanish dictionary. All of the important words are highlighted. Wife. Love. Pineapple.
I’ll admit that was a cool gift. I’ll also admit that I wondered how many of those dictionaries Bryan has on his bedside table?
Suddenly, the scene switches to Peter’s date. Both wear a military-inspired outfit to a monastery where they talk to a monk about the importance of marriage. Of course they do. I was a little distracted by Peter’s olive green Henley.
To quote my friend Susan, “Is that a microphone or two nubbins?”
Rachel and Peter sit on the edge of a wall so they can stew in the fact that they love each other, but are facing one major hurdle. She claims that he runs too easily. He calmly tells her that “run” is too strong of a word because he is right there beside her. Exactly where he wants to be. He has never not committed to the relationship. In fact, he sees them together at football games and farmer’s markets. You can’t get much more committed than third and long downs or an organic sack of kale.
They go to dinner that night and match again in un-snapped baby onesies and grey sweaters. This is when things go south fast. Let me see if I can sum things up for you:
Rachel wants a ring at the end of the show, which is the next day. Peter does not want to propose the next day, but he does verbally commit to Rachel.
Rachel: I’m confused. How can we talk about the future if you’re not willing to commit?
Peter: I am ready to commit. Just not with a ring TOMORROW.
Rachel: You’re skipping steps. And that’s not fair.
Peter: I’m not skipping steps. The steps are coming. Just not TOMORROW.
Rachel: This has happened before with guys. They all say they will commit, but then they never propose.
Lincee: Yeah, but those guys probably didn’t feel the pressure to propose TOMORROW.
Rachel: You are choosing not to propose. You could, but you won’t.
Peter: Am I the one you want to spend the rest of her life with?
Rachel: I can’t answer that.
Rachel begins to cry, which makes Peter visibly upset. He starts to well up too.
Rachel: Where do we go from here?
Peter: We are not breaking up.
Rachel: But you’re not willing to take a risk and move forward.
Peter: I will. I’ll give tomorrow a chance.
Rachel: But what will change overnight, Peter?
Peter: I’ll do it for you. To pursue the relationship. I don’t want to lose you.
Rachel gets REALLY upset now. Tears flowing all over the place. Eyelashes popping out left and right.
Rachel: I don’t want to pressure you into this.
Peter: Then we have to split now. But I’m willing to make the sacrifice for you. If I have to.
Rachel: But I want you to propose because you want to.
Peter: And I want to. In the correct time.
Rachel: Tomorrow?
Peter: No. But you are the person. So I’m willing to make that sacrifice. I will not lose you.
Rachel: Would you be resentful?
Peter: No. But I will be emotional. I can’t make promises.
Rachel: I feel like you don’t know what you want to do.
Peter: I don’t know what I want to do TOMORROW.
He’s done. Peter blows a gasket and tells Rachel that if she’s ready for a mediocre life, then she should go. And all he can do is wish her nothing but the best. If she changes her mind, she knows where to find him.
Peter: I think we will regret this decision.
(Notice he said “we” and not “you.”)
For the next five minutes, the cameras show Rachel breaking down in Peter’s arms. He is equally as devastated. They walk to the elevator, unwilling to admit this is happening. She’s a mess. He’s a mess. I’m quite sure after watching this package, Bryan’s mama is a mess too. Rachel better watch her six the next time she visits Miami.
Seriously. How in the world can Bryan think, “Oh good! She picked me!” after watching this horrible “break-up” which wasn’t really a break-up? This is what we call a stalemate. Rachel is unwilling to budge because she feels like the end game is a Neil Lane ring. And Peter is definitely not going to give that to her.
Peter is unwilling to budge because he holds the sanctity of marriage sacred. He doesn’t want to commit to a life with a woman he’s technically known for six weeks and only been on a handful of dates with because she was busy dating 24 other eligible bachelors (excluding DeMario.)
Most of you are probably thinking, “Then why did home boy sign up for a reality show that’s been on the air since 2003 and everyone knows that the end game is a ring at the conclusion of this journey?”
My assumption is that Peter took a risk, assuming that he probably wouldn’t find love on a silly faux reality show. Then he did. Now what? He doesn’t want to play the game anymore. But he does want the girl.
When Harrison asks Rachel about the break-up, she keeps using the word frustrating. I thought it was frustrating too, because I hesitated the entire exchange wondering if it was an actual break-up. Was ABC duping me? Could Peter roll up at the final rose ceremony and surprise Rachel with a grand gesture of sacrificial love?
That would be a great big NO. Our Host invites Peter, PETER, to the stage so he can have closure with Rachel, who gives him so much shade that I have to turn on a light in the living room. What’s up with the frigid demeanor, Ms. Lindsay?
Peter sits there as Rachel launches into defense mode. She claims that she had misgivings with Peter after Geneva and how there were other “deep rooted issues” that gave her pause when it came to her relationship with him. Peter also reminds Rachel of her last boyfriend who apparently had commitment issues too. So…it could have never worked out.
Peter and I are shocked along with everyone else in my watching party. Then I realize that Rachel is doing major damage control. She has to prove to the “live” audience that Peter was never the one. She’s going to claim weird editing and Peter’s lack of commitment and anything else she can scrounge up, including that “enjoy your mediocre life” comment. It’s called “covering your butt” and she’s doing it well.
In fact, Rachel seemed a little, shall I say, disingenuous during her entire segment with Peter. He even admits that he feels attacked. Rachel riles up a bit and thanks him for remaining true to his beliefs, but she is living a great life right now and didn’t choose a ring over happiness and oh by the way did NOT attack him when he came onto the stage.
Then she flips her hair, turns her body toward Harrison, and stares Our Host down like a boss.
Peter is floored. Harrison picks up on it and pokes that beehive with a big fat stick. He wants to know if Peter is angry? Upset? Frustrated? Confused? Peter apologizes for the mediocre comment, admits that he will always love Rachel, and then sits silent, unwilling to “go there” with Harrison anymore. He continues to stare at the woman who told him she loved him three weeks ago. The same one who had no trouble leaving her falsies strewn all over the hotel floor, yet couldn’t find the courage to get into the elevator.
Rachel sums up her time with Peter by stating that maybe the Bachelor franchise is not the vehicle for him. He probably should go on a reality show that promotes finding love in a short period of time since he has such strong convictions about marriage.
Is she right? Or is this a woman who doesn’t want to see the man who she REALLY loves make out with a bunch of girls on television during next season’s installment? Is Peter just too logical for this show? Time will tell.
Peter stands up before Harrison even goes to commercial break. He. Is. Done. We all are. Even the producers didn’t care to give Bryan even five minutes with Neil Lane. Before we know it, he picks a pear-shaped ring and hikes up a mountain to propose to the woman standing at the top in a silver sparkly dress that was too tight so she had to rip the seam up to her nether regions.
Bryan isn’t the only thing that’s winded. So is the actual wind. The proposal was cut short due to what appears to be a hurricane blowing through. For a hot second I thought Rachel was going to ditch Bryan at the Spanish version of the Casa Depot altar, but she didn’t. Rachel isn’t a quitter. Bryan drops to one knee. I think he proposes, I couldn’t hear, and they celebrate with a big kiss.
Was it just me or did the last thirty minutes of the show fall woefully flat?
When we return to the studio, Harrison invites Bryan (a.k.a Jerome) to the stage. Rachel (in my opinion) plasters on a smile and giggles as Jerome proposes again (so we could hear it this time) and flashes her pear-shaped ring in Our Host’s face.
Harrison asks Rachel when she knew that Bryan was the one. Rachel answers that it was in Dallas during her hometown when she defends him to her family. Bryan admits that he knew he was the one the entire time. Rachel responds by saying that he just felt too good to be true.
Harrison also asks where they will be living and Rachel responds, “Either LA, Dallas, or Miami.” Which is code for, “We will be extending our fifteen minutes of fame for as long as we can in Hollywood.” They are also going to take their time and figure things out as a couple. Although she wants a winter wedding, there are no plans in the immediate future.
Exactly. No plans for a wedding anytime soon. Somewhere backstage, Peter is slamming his head against a wall.
I was team Peter the entire season. It’s no secret that figured he would win and Bryan was going to be the next bachelor. I have to admit that I still believe Rachel picked Peter in her heart, but she was willing to go for the fairytale instead of taking a risk on her heart. This should excite me since her decision gives Peter a one-way ticket to the ballot box for our next bachelor. I’m just not so sure.
If Peter is unwilling to propose at the end, will ABC even approach him? Or does he have too much love from viewers for show runners to ignore? With that said, Eric is someone who unofficially threw his hat into the ring as well. And America loves Dean. Will he be a total horny toad on Bachelor in Paradise like the rest of the cast? If so, his shiny exterior may be tarnished for those of us who watch behind couch cushions.
I will admit that this is the first season I’ve felt sorry for all parties involved. I think Eric’s heart was legitimately broken. Peter is probably still reeling over what just happened. You know Bryan (and his mom) have a ton of questions. And Rachel is going to be fielding “WHAT IN THE WORLD?” backlash for the foreseeable future. I hope they all have thick exteriors because I think Bachelor Nation will have a lot to say.
I imagine Bachelor Nation will have a lot to say about BIP, too. The promo made me want to bathe in Germ Squirt. I had no idea Damn Daniel was back. Does anyone really want to see him walk around in his Canadian man panties?
I have a feeling there will be multiple pineapple moments during each episode. Will you be watching?
rachel is very obviously NOT over peter.
i hope peter has the good sense to wait and find love the old fashioned way and say NO to any more reality tv.
p.s. soooo disappointed dean went to paradise. boo.
I agree, I don’t think she’s over him either – it was almost like she had to flip a switch or be reminded that we all needed to believe it was over between them because the first half of the interview seemed genuine and then all the sudden it just got super uncomfortable and poor Peter had to get that attitude from her.
I liked Rachel–until the last two weeks. I felt like she was only after a proposal and she wanted it to come from Peter. When it didn’t, she turned on a very nasty side of her personality. She had the outcome in her head and when it didn’t work out, her nastiness came out. Bryan was the ‘winner’ by default. I give them 6 months. Of course, I gave Nick and Vanessa 90 days and they still seem like they are together.
For those who track Kevin’s reactions–he was over it. This whole season, he would watch some of the dates pretty intently–I couldn’t even get him to look at the tv last night. I hope he doesn’t disappoint with BIP.
I did NOT like the format of the 3 hour show last night. Rachel’s play by play was disingenuous. I did get a kick out of Adam Jr (or whatever that doll’s name was) tweeting.
See you in Paradise.
I’m with you about Rachel… I wound up being disappointed in her because she really was just after the ring. I believe I heard her say “give it to me!” when Bryan offered last night… tacky Rachel. I also thought her unkindness to Peter was absolutely uncalled for. Yes, she had a whole lot of CYA to accomplish for her betrothed, but mistreating Peter like that was was awful. I was none too pleased with OHCH either for letting that continue and contributing to the torment.
Kristine, yes! It went on and on and on and on…we just wanted the convo with Peter to end! We kept expecting them to jump up and say “just kidding! We are the ones engaged!” but it never happened.
I agree with Kelli. Rachel showed a very nasty side and her body language towards Peter obviously showed her disdain. I guess that old saying “Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned” has a lot of truth to it. Despite Rachel’s snotty behavior, Peter still looked genuinely hurt and was a total gentleman. He’s way too real for reality TV. The track record for successful relationships for these engaged couples after 6 weeks of dating tells the true story and I applaud Peter for not being willing to commit to a proposal after that short of a time. Rachel lost by ending up with Bryan.
Exactly “Hell hath no fury……………………………” Her attitude towards Peter was awful to witness.
Again, I am in the minority here, but I think his behavior towards her was pretty gross during their “heartfelt talk.” I felt like he was manipulative and mean and if I had to re-watch that, I would be pretty pissed about it also. I don’t even think it’s about being scorned. He was just pretty much an asshole and she was Over It. She dodged a huge bullet with him. I truly feel like he is the Fake Nice Guy. He’s nice while it’s going his way but then you see his true colors when things don’t go his way. It was a remarkable transformation. I saw so many red flags, I lost count. I can understand being upset having to re-live it and also be upset to share a couch with him.
I agree with you so much Lauren! I know there’s a lot of Peter love out there right now, but he never seemed that into Rachel to me. He would say enough to string her along but SHE was always chasing him and he would rarely offer her consolation when she cried or felt insecure by his incongruous words and actions. I don’t necessarily think that Peter was even doing it on purpose. He might not be that self-aware. But he acted manipulatively regardless and her frustration was, to me, perfectly understandable. I’ve dated “Peter” before–and it’s hard to “get over it” or get closure because the relationship is a fantasy house of cards constructed by that person and so you’re invested in an idea of a future, and in their idea of you, rather than the reality that behind the story there is nothing to REALLY hold onto. I don’t necessarily think Peter is malicious, I just think he’s like a lot of other guys out there who talk the talk, who look the part, who project just the right fantasies because maybe they WANT them to be true, but at the end of the day it’s just smoke and mirrors and hollow words.
☝️ agree with both above. Peter is self absorbed and still trying to get famous. He is HOT AS ALL GET OUT and likely a good son and friend but he’s nowhere near ready for making a woman feel safe and trustworthy.
Yes Lauren ITA. He was manipulative–and not even a smooth manipulator–during that teary back and forth. I don’t think Rachel was out of line in how she was with him live. I’m really surprised if we’re in the minority. Are Peter’s looks really that impressive, people? I gave him a solid chance and he was a combination of blah, not into her, and then flat-out manipulative at the end!
This! I found him deadly boring the entire season, basically attractive but pretty average looking, and ultimately he just wasn’t that into her. I have nothing against the man — no, he shouldn’t have had to force himself into love with her if he wasn’t feeling it — but I’m not sure why people are so gaga over Peter. He was a yawn and did nothing for me all along.
My comments about Peter and Rachel’s interaction with him on ATFR have nothing to do with his looks.
I completely agree. I think he was being manipulative, narcissistic, and honestly, a jerk. Peter is probably nice-ish but he’s been pretty nasty on SM this season towards Bryan and on the show he was toying with Rachel. It didn’t seem to me that he was ever that into her. His body language was so so off and the woman regularly had to ask him to kiss her but he wanted to stick around because he’s competitive. I also think he wanted her to break up with him so that he wasn’t the bad guy a la Brooks.
People can think Rachel was only in it for the ring. I think the ring to her signified a higher level of commitment than let’s just see what happens. She was also clear from night 1 that she wanted to get engaged so it’s not like the guys should have been surprised. She is the first black Bachelorette. All 12 previous Bachelorettes have received proposals. There had to have been some of that in her mind as well. At the end of the day, Peter did not want to propose and acted like he would be doing her a favor if he did so. Bryan was consistent and steady in his feelings. Many of us would pick the man you have to chase but maybe choosing the Bryan who is sure of what he wants is a mark of maturity.
I don’t think Rachel was scorned. She knew it, too. She and Peter were in love but he said Tomorrow as if it was closer to a decision. He said she was the one but he wanted a normal progressive relationship with her. They didn’t want to part but Peter wanted Rachel to trust him and continue tbeir courtship off TV from then on. Rachel wanted the typical end of The Bachelorette with a betrothal. I respect Pete because he left the door open to her. She blew it.
I’m with Kevin the dog on this one! Last night (content AND format) was just hard to watch and annoying.
I think Rachel has been unfairly accused of being obsessed with ring and wedding over the man. She’s a grown up and has dated long term a guy who would promise a future but never go through with it. By early to mid 30s, with a successful career, she doesn’t want to keep chasing men who may or may not get over their fear of commitment. Remember Peter dumped his last gf abruptly and no going back. I think she has learned from her past mistakes that the hottie passionate guy doesn’t translate into trust and commitment and feeling insecure. I can’t stand Bryan – he’s not nearly at her level – but he’s good to her and reliable and she knows he won’t bolt. That’s a lot of why wo,en in their 30s choose differently than 20s. Security and long term trust.
Emily – I think sometimes we forget that Bryan has an actual career as a Chiropractor. He’s not a lawyer but I do think that Bryan is stability-wise at her level. I don’t really see a long term relationship with a personal trainer. I think she needs someone intelligent that already has his own shit going on and in my opinion, that’s Bryan. I think he turned up the charm/swarminess to a 10 and I hope he tones that down to a 5 or less when they are hanging out on a regular basis. Like, stop eating her face, Bryan! Please!
If you really liked someone, wouldn’t you pick their eyelashes up off the floor?
Bravo, Lincee! You nailed it again! My favorite quote begins with, “Our Host Chris Harrison warned us.” and ends with, “I have a feeling there will be multiple pineapple moments during each episode. Will you be watching?” In other words, everything about this recap was perfect! Can’t wait to watch BIP with you!
Was it ever explained why Bryan was “a.k.a. Jerome?” I was confused by that last night. Was it some kind of alter ego name for him for when they would meet together after the show wrapped up taping?
On social media Rachel started calling the winner “Jerome” since she couldn’t use a name.
Oh! Haha
It’s an Urban Dictionary term as well:
A MAN who knows how to treat a lady. Don’t judge this book by its cover or its past. He may appear to be someone you try and avoid but once he starts talking to you, your mind is changed completely. A man like this will never leave your mind because you know he is perfect. A man you might just marry. He is kind and gentle but can sometimes come off too strong or go down the wrong path. But, all in all, he always finds his way back.
He is the most amazing guy in the world! The ONLY amazing guy in the world! No other guy can compare to him! He is beyond your wildest dreams. He is incredibly gorgeous with a lightening smile and strong arms to carry you through life (like on auto cruise). He is sexy, sweet and a passionate kisser, very passionate. He is desired so many girls because he’s incredible. he’s the best bestfriend and perfect boyfriend. I love him and really i think i love him more than love it self (is that possible? Most definitely because it Jerome). He is my true love. He’s a guy who is lovable, trustworthy and someone who you know will always love you and who you can love through the fabulous, freaky, low, high, awesome, incredible times. He’s a guy who will be there 24/7 always there. Light hearted who can make you smile every moment of the day. He’s someone to love and treat with passion and respect. He’s a once in a life time guy. If you find your Jerome treasure him.
girl 1: is that your Jerome?
girl 2: oh honey, he is and my gosh! he is amazing!
girl 1: you are a lucky thing you better take good care of him! he’s TREASUREFUL!
Oh wow, didn’t know that context of the “Jerome” name. So interesting! Thx Lindsey!!
Horrible finale!
I really liked Rachel all season until last night. She chose that ring over a great man with potential for a wonderful future. I really think she’ll regret her decision.
Such a bad decision on her part, and the proposal from Bryan felt so incredibly fake and forced. I don’t see their relationship lasting long at all, to be honest. UGH that hurt my brain to watch all of that last night, I’m more than ready for BIP!
Last night’s format was sort of dizzying, wasn’t it?? I felt drunk before we hit the one-hour mark, and I wasn’t even drinking (not on purpose; we were out of wine). I’ve been fairly confident for a while now that she would choose Bryan in the end, but WOW, did that breakup-but-not-really with Peter leave me with a lot of questions! I don’t know how Bryan (or his mom) can feel remotely confident in their relationship after watching that – and I noted that they really glossed over all of that when they brought him out at the end. I love Rachel and think that she has a better, more rational head on her shoulders than most of her predecessors, but I had some pretty strong and not altogether positive reactions to her last night.
A few random musings: 1) I loved that Eric left with so much maturity and class, and agree that the facial hair and well-tailored suit did him all sorts of favors last night. (The white undershirt and matching sneakers at his final rose ceremony irked me.) I think that he and Rachel will be friends for life…if Bryan’s mom allows it. 🙂 2) I was shocked by how cold and borderline aggressive Rachel was with Peter when he came out on stage. I agree that she was doing damage control, but wow. She was pretty icy, and it seemed out of character for her. 3) Did anyone notice how many times Rachel said “There’s no denying that I *didn’t* care for him” when talking to/about Peter?? I know what she was trying to say, but was surprised that she flubbed it so many times. 4) I really have no idea who the next Bachelor will be. I’ll be surprised if it’s Peter, after how clearly (and repeatedly) he stated the fact that he wasn’t comfortable proposing after such a short amount of time. I’m thinking maybe Dean, but we’ll see how BIP goes…
Great season of recaps, as always, Lincee! Bring on the Germ Squirt! 🙂
Yes! I noticed her “there’s no denying I didn’t…” at least three times and said that to my friends last night. Once, fine, just a slip of the tongue, but that many times I think she really doesn’t know how to use it correctly!
It surprised me, because she’s really smart and is typically quite articulate! It reminded me a bit of someone who incessantly says they “could care less,” when what they really mean is they *couldn’t* care less 🙂
Julie…yes! I HATE it when people say “I could care less”! I always say “oh so you do care then?!” and they get so confused. Ha!
Julie & Kel, I hate when folks mess this one up as well. It’s amazing how many people get it wrong.
That double negative was driving me nuts! I’m glad you mentioned it.
Same thoughts on the double negative. Once is a mistake – but she did it several times.
I adore Eric ! He’s the most naive and sincere of everyone. I hope we see him in the future. I cried when he talked about his emotional growth and thanked her.
Rachel is a great lawyer. She definitely planned to get producers to doubt giving Peter the lead next season. I know it was vindictive, but we have never had such a smart and savvy bachelorette, so I loved that.
I’m glad that so many other people noticed the double negative! My boyfriend looked at me like I was crazy, and told me I only notice things like that because I’m an editor. (I’m drinking my coffee from a mug that says “I’m silently correcting your grammar” right now.)
I hope we see Eric again, too, Emily. But not in Paradise! I feel so protective of his heart right now 🙂
I don’t think Peter will want to be the next Bachelor. He knows that it is mostly entertainment and must feel betrayed.
You nailed everything that I felt watching the show, and by bringing Peter on before the actual proposal segment let EVERYONE in America know the outcome 1 her earlier. I totally agree with this sentence ” Exactly. No plans for a wedding anytime soon. Somewhere backstage, Peter is slamming his head against a wall.”
Because this is EXACTLY what Peter was saying, that they needed more time to get to know each other. In fact when CH asked what were your plans her statement went something like this – we have time we plan to date a lot and get to know one another, go on real dates and hold hands in public. So why did she keep insisting all along and ESPECIALLY to Peter that she didn’t come on this show to date.
She never said she wanted to get married right away though but she wanted to walk away with more than a boyfriend. I also feel like she’s probably contractually obligated to “want” the ring/fiance thing but I don’t remember her saying anywhere that she wanted to get married really quickly, too. I know she kept saying she was “ready” but I don’t think she meant to get married the next day. In fact, she kept telling Peter that they can basically get to know each other later, after the ring. He didn’t want to do the ring thing. She is obligated to do the ring thing. And so it goes.
Do you have to make your pro-Rachel point on every comment??
Maybe. Time will tell.
Seriously! I’m wondering if “Lauren” is some kind of bot or someone who works for the show. Have never heard of her before this entire season, she insists on posting a photo of herself for her profile (pretty much no one else on this thread bothers), and she is WAY overly involved with the outcome of the show. Geez!
OMG, agree! Who’s blog is this again? Oh right, Lincee’s!
Ladies, thank you!!! Dee Dee you had me wondering that as well.
Unpopular opinion but I was Team Bryan the whole time. She always seemed to have the most fun with him, even when he was basically eating her face. She enjoyed it. She perked up. Their chemistry was undeniable. I could feel it through the TV screen from day 1.
I’m probably making this way personal but I feel like I’ve been there before. I’ve tried to make it work with the complicated guy but then realized just because it’s complicated doesn’t make it more worth it. It just makes it complicated. And so she finally went with the dude who wasn’t complicated, who she always generally liked. She always looked for the problem because she thought there had to be one. And this isn’t saying that they won’t have problems in life. But I think she realized REALLY FAST during that HORRIBLE conversation with Peter.
I kind of really, really, REALLY HATE PETER. I THINK HE IS THE WORST. I thought he was merely boring for awhile but this episode showed his true colors. I don’t know how any woman would want to date him after seeing that. It’s not about the fact that he didn’t want a TV proposal on the show about a TV proposal. It was his fighting style. He got really, really mean really fast. And INCREDIBLY manipulative. I would never touch Peter with a 10-foot pole.
So after living through Peter’s fighting style, I think she realized she didn’t have to be with someone like that. She can be with someone who she loves and problems don’t have to exist just for the sake of being problems. Being happy can be easy. It doesn’t have to be hard. Sometimes we fool ourselves into thinking that working through all sorts of complications makes something MORE worth it. But it’s just more complicated. And life doesn’t have to be like that!
I am glad she chose happiness. I hope to never see Peter’s smug face on my TV screen ever again.
*Realized really fast with that horrible conversation with Peter *how her life might be with him.* And would not want that kind of toxicity. It was ugly.
Great analysis and I agree with you totally
Don’t demean yourself by “REALLY HATING” someone you’ve watched on a reality show. Every single person’s time on screen is edited to fit a story line. Prefer one man – sure. But HATE.?.
LOL, OK. I do not lose any sleep over this person. But prior to last night, I just saw him as a boring generic guy and after that conversation, I found him vile. Then, when Rachel was just literally describing her feelings on a conversation that we just watched, the dude has the audacity to say he feels “attacked.” Can you imagine living with someone like that? YIKES. Such a big YIKES. RED FLAG.
Yes, I can imagine living with someone like Peter…yummy!
YES, LAUREN. YES. I think that’s EXACTLY what happened.
It’s the classic case of a guy being all “complicated” when the real issue is that he’s not being sure if you’re good enough for him. I don’t think the proposal was the actual problem at all. She wanted to know if he was sure about HER, and all he gave her was “you’re the correct person” (which she basically pulled out of him), and topped it off with “have a mediocre life”. After that conversation, it was a no-brainer to choose the guy who was there for her all along. She was 100% right to pick Bryan, and I think they are great together!
And I honestly wonder how much she was trying to get him to propose because the Producers wanted it there to fit the narrative. CONSPIRACY!
I agree totally! Peter was a classic waste of time… he should have been booted weeks ago!
Exactly ! Agree! Go with the man who wants you. Don’t chase the one who isn’t sure.
“Your life is going to be mediocre. Just think, with me, you can watch football and go grocery shopping.”
I like your analysis and definitely see merit in it, but I also really understand where Peter’s coming from. It was disgustingly apparent to me that Rachel wanted a ring — not just an uncomplicated relationship, a ring. She practically pulled it out of Bryan’s hand while he proposed and said something like “Give it to me!” At that moment, any respect for Rachel that I had (and I had a lot) went right out the window. And after seeing how she obviously loved Peter, how does Bryan think that he’s really THE ONE? But then again, if you go look at Rachel’s Twitter feed, it’s one promo event after another. Bryan seems well suited to that kind of thing. Peter not so much. I know it’s the nature of the show, the network, etc, but…You do the math.
I don’t know. I know a lot of people saw how much she loved Peter but I never got that vibe. My husband and I kept joking about how she wanted all dates to be with Bryan because she so clearly liked him so much. I never really saw that with Peter, honestly. So that’s why I have a hard time believing that she REALLY loved Peter and settled for Bryan. I do believe she prob loved both of them for different reasons but then made the choice that made her happy. I don’t believe Peter would have made her as happy as he thinks he would have. I saw so many red flags which gives me so much pause when it comes to him.
I agree. I think the whole thing with Peter was designed to throw viewers off the scent. Bryan was always the one. Peter wasn’t in love with Rachel.
I didn’t take Rachel’s “Give it to me!” comment seriously. I think she meant it to be humorous. She was excited and happy to finally go public with Bryan.
I agree, with the “give it to me” statement being more humorous than ring-happy. I don’t think Rachel needs any ring or dude to be happy. She’s got it all already. But I do think she got caught up in the moment as we all tend to do when that happens. I remember my mind kind of going blank in that moment when it happened to me. And even though she knew what was going to happen, she didn’t know what he was going to say. I think that moment between them was genuine. I got a little teary eyed.
Bad choice of words but the guy was hurt……….. I’m 56 years old so to me Peter is very young as are a lot of 31 year old males, haha . I do hope it works out for Rachel and Bryan especially as Bryan does seem quite mature. 🙂
I agree with you wholeheartedly. Bryan was true blue from the beginning.
I agree with you, Lauren!
I can definitely see some truth in what you’re saying (what you’ve all said) and of course when it comes to reality tv, we never know what “reality” really is and what was scripted. I just can’t agree completely with your perspective though. When Peter said the “mediocre” comment I think he was hurt and desperate for her to know how much he cared. I don’t think it was malicious and something he truly meant. I mean we know how he felt about Bryan… Rachel really backed him into a corner and he held is ground – I didn’t see the “mean” in him like you mentioned, but we all have different experiences in this area so maybe I’m just used to a different sort of mean? I don’t know….
I did not like Peter either, he didn’t seem to have much of a sense of humour or joie de vivre. They had different values in a relationship and their differences really came out in the interview with Harrison. I think there was more to it than just Rachel’s “I don’t want a ring”, because it doesn’t fit with the rest of her character. She seems to be logical and ambitious and doesn’t want a future of indecision, waiting for Peter to be ready.
I wasn’t team anybody this season, so I do hope she and Bryan are the real deal. The proposals get me every time!
Do s you notice Peter would only say ” I’m devolving feelings of love for you.” ? The strangest phrasing. It’s so detached. He never loved her. He needs a therapist before he chooses a wife.
I agree!!!
Eric was more emotionally evolved and kind to Rachel than Peter.. .. and she never even shed a tear over him.
Oops meant to say I agree with everything you said and boy does Peter have a nasty streak.
I agree with your comment on another thread about Peter’s red flags. My “faker” meter started going off during his hometown date. Also, he’s got a modeling portfolio and acting agent floating around Google. But more than anything was how he kept calmly throwing out little hurtful digs at her but then would act hurt or surprised when she lashed out. Not a good sign.
Lauren, your version of Peter is so way off it’s scary. Take a chill pill hon. Maybe these shows are too stressful for you to watch.
Oh my, oh my, oh my. You are right about it all. I have been a firm Rachel fan for a while, but I have to say she was not showing her best self last night. She seemed defensive, manipulative, and combative. It was SUCH a turn-off, as she has been likeable for the majority of the season. She knew exactly what she was doing when she told Peter (in such a misleading “I’m just innocently and kindly saying there’s nothing wrong with you” context) he was “not made for this setting where you have to make decisions about love quickly.” She was one-hundred percent putting it out there that he better not go off and be the Bach and propose to someone within the season after what he “did” to her…and, if he does, don’t you know there will be hell for him to pay via her shade-throwing tweets and Instagram posts. I think she will look back on this (or re-watch the episode) and cringe at the way she handled everything. It was terrible.
Their conversations in Spain were hard to watch, mostly because I understood where each side was coming from. It felt real and raw and like an argument a true couple would have. I was so disappointed that she obviously chose the ring/story over the man she loved in her heart. It’s glaringly obvious and anything she says to the contrary will be transparent. The thing that bugs me the most is I thought Rachel was BETTER than that! Rachel stood a head above the rest (well, most of the rest), so to see her fall hard into the “I’m here for a ring” mindset was so frustrating. It will be interesting to see what comes of Peter in the Bach world…boy, there will be some interesting commentary if he is named Bach. My heart still holds out for Dean as Bach, though, even though we know he is going to BIP.
I will say I liked Brian more this episode. I do think he is genuine and loves her. Any weird vibes I got from him in the past were forgotten as I saw how sweet and in love he is. I do not think it will last, though, for the obvious reasons.
And, lastly, Lord have mercy on us all while we watch BIP. The promo was out of control!! While BIP has always been looser than the Bach, this just looked downright raunchy.
I think Bryan is genuine, too! He definitely comes across as a bit too good/slick to be true, but I think he just has an over-the-top way of expressing himself at times. This is the first time in a while where I’ve gotten to the end and realized I genuinely liked the final two contestants.
I agree Bryan is genuine….He’s an emotional latin guy….he wears his heart on his sleeve….
Up above there are plenty of comments about Peter being boring. Well….he’s not boring to Rachel and lots and lots of women.
Eric not being ready. Maybe not before…but he was ready for Rachel.
Relationships are not perfectly wrapped up in a package with a bow.
Good comment tracee. 🙂
Yes Bryan was the real deal. There first exchange is on You Tube. The chemistry is there!!
Also keep in mind, Rachel got dumped after the fantasy suite date with Nick, she could see Peter wasn’t sure about their future and yes she wanted a husband, not just a boyfriend
Totally! She’s been there done that! She wants to get married and start a family. Bryan is smooth, charming, great looking, has a loving family. Thats awesome! Rachel is a catch
This felt very much like the end of Ben’s Higgin’s season. Been and JoJo had the marathon cry session the night before, and then he ended up choosing boring, safe Lauren at the end. And look how that turned out for those two. JoJo was the real winner that season, not getting picked and then getting Jordan out of the deal. Hopefully Peter will end up with someone even better as well.
That “breakup” was the most genuine thing I think I have ever seen in this franchise. It was painful. And it was obvious Peter didn’t expect to fall in love like this. In the breakup I respected them both for not compromising their beliefs. Just because you are totally in love doesn’t mean there are times where you both don’t want the same thing and compromising wouldn’t be wrong on either end. (Even though her compromise seemed to be she wanted that Neil Lane ring.)
However, watching her with Peter on that stage was horrible. I loved Rachel as the Bachelorette but she was shady, harsh and bitter to him. He was clearly still heartbroken and she seemed to just be trying to save face for Bryan at the expense of Peter. And clearly trying to make sure he is not the Bachelor. I don’t think any of these three feel good how that went last night. The whole thing kind of reminded me of Andi’s season. How will Bryan be willing to get over this? Or will this turn into a Josh Murray thing. I lost respect for Rachel last night.
The format was also horrible and it completely overshadowed any happiness that came after that gut wrenching “breakup”. No One wins this except ABC because everyone is talking about this.
I was sooo disappointed last night. The format was terrible. I was totally still holding out hope for Peter until they brought him out on stage. I was SUPER annoyed by Rachel throwing Peter under the Bachelor bus and saying ‘the format obv doesn’t work for you’ – she was TOTALLY keeping him from being the next Bachelor. And you’re right – she was all about damage control because it was always Peter … until it wasn’t and then it was Bryan because he was the only other option. Still feeling deflated about it this morning :/
THANK YOU Lincee for nailing exactly how I felt.
1) Peter doesn’t want to commit to a life with a woman he’s technically known for six weeks and only been on a handful of dates.
2) Rachel is doing major damage control. She has to prove to the “live” audience that Peter was never the one…. claim weird editing…lack of commitment.
3) “We are also going to take their time and figure things out as a couple.” (Isn’t that what Peter promised?!!!) Somewhere backstage, Peter is slamming his head against a wall.
Peter’s feelings were sincere, honest and logical. I’m disappointed Rachael and ABC made him look like the bad guy when it was Rachael who chose someone else.
The whole I PUT MY LIFE ON HOLD thing is always a red flag for me. You were on a season of the Bachelor. You followed up immediately with a season of The Bachelorette. Soone to be followed by a season of Dancing With the Stars. Then to be followed by a reality show on some lesser network or a televised wedding. Yes, YOU put your life on hold.
I think we should also factor in that the bachelor or bachelorette in each season gets paid. Would it be a stretch to guess their is a financial bonus to the journey continuing with an engagement versus a relationship just continuing without one? It just seems like since the Juan Pablo season (timely given last night) there has been a greater emphasis on the show ending in an engagement. They make a similar push on the boozefest/STD highlight reel that is Bachelor in Paradise – “it’s for love”.
I’m not blaming Rachel for wanting to get engaged, to each their own. I do think she’s opened the door to criticism by basically saying ring or nothing. That tends to go against a journey of love for the right reasons. wha-BOOM.
And one other thing – Rachel tells Eric all the reasons why he wasn’t picked and then OHCH asks her is she can give Eric a reason why he wasn’t picked. OHCH was sleepwalking in prep for the Peter discussion. Or he was thrown off by the odd format like everyone else was.
I feel like I wasted the last two months watching this season only to be let down by the worst finale episode ever. Our viewing party was either yelling at Rachel through the tv (HOW ARE YOU CONFUSED BY WHAT PETER IS SAYING?!?!) or so bored that we started discussing our favourite Aaron Sorkin shows.
I thought it was super ironic that OHCH asked Peter and Rachel if that break up was official, and everyone agreed that is wasnt, but sometimes these things just go unspoken and people move on, and it’s okay. DeMario is probably thinking they’re all hypocrites for judging him for doing basically the same thing.
She totally chose Peter in her heart, and there’s no way Bryan can feel great about their relationship/engagement after watching that gut wrenching scene of Rachel literally crying her eyelashes off.
ALSO, I feel like every date with Bryan is always the most extra, the fanciest, because he doesn’t seem like a guy that would just like to stroll through a farmer’s market as a date. It’s going to be pretty hard to keep up those lavish dates when ABC isn’t covering the cost anymore, and I don’t see them lasting very long.
I hope Peter, Classy Eric, and poor, poor Dean all find ladies worth their time. Rachel was such a B when they brought Peter and Eric out, I hope they feel some relief to not be stuck with her. If you break up that emotionally with someone, you don’t need to be boasting about how you’re living “my greatest life!” The next time you see them. It’s tacky and rude. Be gracious.
I am so glad we weren’t the only ones shouting “How do you not understand what he is saying?” We were so confused why she was confused. I think Peter was just exhausted that she didn’t understand plain English. My husband (to his dismay) watched with us and he can’t understand how Rachel can be a lawyer if she was confused by Peter’s straightforward statements. I think this show distorts people’s minds while they are in it.
I completely disagree; I don’t think Peter was making any sense at all. He was making contradictory statements and in a clunky way, too. Rachel really wanted him to be clear, and he wouldn’t.
I’m not sure what is confusing. Comparing a man you dated for 5 YEARS who did not want to propose with one you have known for 2 MONTHS who does not want to propose is lunacy. I want a future with you but I’m not prepared to propose after 2 months is a normal and healthy reaction.
Engagement should be special and not just an opportunity to date more. That is called dating. Rachel is just dating Bryan while wearing a new piece of jewelry. That is really all they are doing. They have not even decided on a place to live. Because they are DATING.
Good point Charlotte!!