My thoughts on the ‘Best Picture’ nominees

Ocars 2015

I have a few thoughts on the “Best Picture” nominees for the Oscars this weekend.

1. I haven’t seen any of the movies nominated.

Okay, so maybe I have a single thought on the “Best Picture” nominees for the Oscars this weekend. Therefore, I need your help. If you had to choose ONE movie to see this weekend before the awards show, what would you recommend, knowing my personality? Here are your choices:

American Sniper
What I know:
It has my beloved Bradley Cooper cast as the main character in a tragic story. I am familiar with the life of Chris Kyle. I will not leave the theater happier than when I went in.

What I know:
Michael Keaton is one of the coolest people in my imagination. I’ve signed no less than 34 petitions for him to make Beetlejuice 2, and he was by far my favorite Batman. (No offense Christian Bale. I still love you too, but in a Jack Kelly/Laurie kind of way.) Birdman also features my best friend forever Emma Stone.

What I know:
It was filmed over 13 years, which is SO COOL, but I also heard that it’s as if you are sitting in the theater for 13 hours. It’s looooooong.

The Grand Budapest Hotel
What I know:
Quirky Wes Anderson wrote it, which means there will be tons of jokes that I probably won’t get.

The Imitation Game
What I know:

What I know:
It’s about Martin Luther King’s life during the freedom march in the ’60s. Oprah is somehow involved, with Common and John Legend. NPR told me that the cinematography is out of this world.

The Theory of Everything
What I know:
This is the story of Stephen Hawking and the actor playing him (Eddie Redmayne) is sweeping the award circuit.

What I know:
I know nothing about this film.

Let’s put it to a vote!

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Colorado Kathleen
Colorado Kathleen
February 19, 2015 12:03 pm

American Sniper really touched me. My dad and husband were military men so I have a deep, deep appreciation for what is required of those who serve in the armed forces. The show takes you into the harsh realities of combat zones but movies like this move me to help carry their burdens by allowing myself to empathize and respect their sacrifices rather than taking for granted the freedoms I enjoy and ignoring the details.

I really liked Imitation Game too, but that’s would be my second choice.

February 21, 2015 11:00 am

I feel the same way Colorado Kathleen. My dad served too, and I think that I would appreciate the behind-the-scenes look at what he went through. Thanks for commenting!

February 19, 2015 12:15 pm

I haven’t seen any of them either, but my son and daughter-in-law saw American Sniper and said it was one of the best movies they had ever seen, and the theater was completely silent when they left,

February 21, 2015 11:01 am
Reply to  baseballmama

I’ve heard the same…that there is complete silence at the end. Thanks baseballmama

February 19, 2015 12:28 pm

I’ve seen all but Selma (watching tonight) and Whiplash. I would skip Boyhood. I absolutely loved The Theory of Everything and The Imitation Game. Birdman and Grand Budapest Hotel were entertaining, quirky and funny. I would watch them but not in a hurry.

February 21, 2015 11:01 am
Reply to  Julie

Thanks for the tips Julie! You are an Oscar queen!

February 19, 2015 12:30 pm

SNIPER. Bradley Cooper’s performance is beyond outstanding. I saw it twice–opening weekend and the weekend after. And I’m usually not one to enjoy a “war” movie. Will you leave happier than when you went in? No…but you will be changed.

Disclaimer: I haven’t seen any of the others 🙂

February 21, 2015 11:02 am
Reply to  Shannon

Thanks for the vote Shannon.

February 19, 2015 1:14 pm

I saw American Sniper and Imitation Game and would highly recommend both – in that order. Saw Birdman too. It was weird. I love Michael and Emma too, and the acting is good, but the movie itself….eh.

February 21, 2015 11:02 am
Reply to  Wenda

I’ve heard that Birdman is sort of meh too. I’m glad to receive consistent reviews. Thanks Wenda!

February 19, 2015 1:15 pm

I saw The Grand Budapest Hotel last weekend. I really think I need to watch it again because I think the jokes went over my head.

February 21, 2015 11:02 am
Reply to  Lori

I’m sure that would happen to me. Thanks Lori!

February 19, 2015 1:33 pm

Too bad you don’t live in Kansas, Lincee! You could go to the Best Picture 24-hr. marathon with us this weekend! Seeing all 8 of the BP nominees from 10:00 Saturday morning to 5:30 Sunday morning. Fun times.

February 21, 2015 11:03 am
Reply to  Debby

Oh my heavenly days! That sounds intense! Way to go Debby!

February 19, 2015 1:38 pm

American Sniper fo sho…and take a box of Kleenex. You won’t need them during the movie but if you have a pulse, you will when you walk out.

I saw a snippet of Grand Budapest Hotel a few weeks ago when I was in an Acceptable Austin Hotel and for the 7 minutes I made myself watch it to see what all the hype was about, I was not a fan. Way too quirky for me. I’m a smart cookie but I don’t like movies where I have to wonder if I’m missing the joke or if the joke is smarter than I am and my simpleton mind didn’t catch it! No movie should make a girl question her sense of humor 🙂

Haven’t seen the others!

February 21, 2015 11:03 am
Reply to  Katie

Amen Katie!

February 19, 2015 2:10 pm

American Sniper. No question.
I was a Bradley fan, and now I’m a BRADLEY FAN. He was incredible. The story is incredible. It was such a touching movie, and really lets you in on how things are for our military. You won’t leave happier after seeing it, but you can’t NOT see it. As a Bradley fan, and as a TEXAN, you must see this movie!!

The only other one I have seen is Boyhood, and yes, it is cool that it took so long to film, but that is literally the only thing worth watching for…

February 21, 2015 11:04 am
Reply to  Amy

All good points. Thank you Amy!

February 19, 2015 2:49 pm

American Sniper – SOOOOO good! Highly, highly recommend.
Birdman – never saw, looks bizarre to me.
Boyhood – very unique concept, but not much actually happens in the movie.
Grand Budapest – rented it and turned it off 15 minutes in – not my cup of tea.
Imitation Game – have not seen personally but my mom and friends said it was incredible!
Theory of Everything – same as Imitation Game. Have heard it’s wonderful!
Selma – haven’t seen it
Whiplash – Kevin McCarthy (movie reviewer who I think you may like) said it was awesome but I haven’t seen it yet.

I am seeing Still Alice this weekend – wish I had more time to watch some more of these before the Oscars this Sunday!!

February 21, 2015 11:04 am
Reply to  Kate

Kate you are on fire! Thanks for the tips!

February 19, 2015 3:10 pm

Selma is amazing.

February 21, 2015 11:05 am
Reply to  Stacey

Noted. Thank you Stacey.

February 19, 2015 3:40 pm

I’d recommend either Imitation Game if you’re up for a good historical fiction or American Sniper if you want something heavy and intense. Both are really good. Spare yourself and don’t bother with Boyhood. Selma is also good. But not my first choice that being said I think every American should be required to view American Sniper and Selma.

February 21, 2015 11:05 am
Reply to  Donna

Thanks for that Donna. I love the patriotism.

amy a
amy a
February 19, 2015 5:35 pm

The only one I’ve seen is Imitation Game. We really really liked it! I don’t know if I will ever have the gumption to watch American Sniper…i know it’s worthwhile, but it’s R for a reason and I don’t know if I want all that imprinted in my mind.

I run through the reviews on plugged in. com when making viewing choices

Selma is the next one on my list…

February 21, 2015 11:06 am
Reply to  amy a

I’ve never heard of that website amy a. Thanks for the tips!

February 19, 2015 7:03 pm

I think you and I enjoy a lot of the same things. I haven’t seen American Sniper yet, so I can’t say about that one. If you are only going to see ONE, not Birdman. It was okay, but a little boring and weird. It is fine, but not if you are only going to see one of them!

Theory of Everything has everything you want in a good movie. A sweeping story, a love story, and triumph! I heard Imitation Game is good, but I haven’t seen it. Grand Budapest Hotel was a little boring to me, and I like boring movies more than most people probably.

February 21, 2015 11:07 am
Reply to  Kristin

Oh wow. It was boring to a person who likes boring movies? That says a lot. Thanks Kristin!

February 20, 2015 6:49 pm

Lincee – I’ve seen almost all of them and they are all so different in so many ways. I voted American Sniper for obvious reasons. The film is incredible. But I loved Imitation Game and Whiplash too. Theory of Everything was good. I thought Birdman was 2 hours I’ll never get back and so I must be missing something. I thought Boyhood was 3 hours I’ll never get back and so clearly I’ve missed a lot. lol BTW I thought Cake was so good – sorry to not see it or Jen nominated. I plan to see Still Alice if I get the time before the Sunday E red carpet show!

February 21, 2015 11:07 am
Reply to  Jodi

Way to go Jodi! You are well-prepared for this Sunday!

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