Captain Twinkle Toes
Last night’s text exchange between me and my friend:
Jill: “Jake is a douche.”
Lincee: “He’s dancing to the song ‘Hip to be Square.’ Of course he’s a douche.”
Annnnnnnd I think that about sums up last night’s Dancing with the “Stars” performance.
What did you guys think?
I thought he did a good job overall. My most surprising revalation last night was that the pros/dancers don’t get to choose their own music (as revealed by Derek/the chick from the Pussycat Dolls having to Jive to Rhianna vs an Oldie) – the producers tell them what song they have to dance to. So once again, if he looked like a douche, thank the producers.
I thought he did pretty well, too. Kate has got to GO!
I heard on the E network the other day, that the Bachelor/Bachelorette gets paid half a million dollars for doing the show. I wonder how much the girls/guys get paid for each week they’re on. That might explain why they’re so upset when they get sent home.
As much as I hate to admit it (worst bach ever and i’ve had enuff of him) he did much better than I expected, There are at least 2-5 contestants that deserve to go before him (buzz-bless his heart, kate, aiden and ochochincho,shannon)
oh my word…he drives me crazy. and not in a good way. i just blogged about dwts. i’ve never been a fan but this season is drawing me in. jake, however, is not! : )
I can’t bring myself to watch DWTS this season. Watched the end of the first episode just to see if Pam’s twins would fly out of her outfit. They didn’t.
I AM eargerly watching The Amazing Race and was happy to know the Gravy Brothers will be getting another chance. They are really going to have to step it up if they want to stay on the show!!!
My power went out and I missed almost everything! I went over to ABC to see it- but they had posted the same episodes twice. Guess I have to wait till they realize their error and remedy it!
I am so happy that Jet and Cord are still on…my whole family are rooting for them. I hope they make it through their speed bump! They worked so hard on that last episode, having to swim the extra distance and all.
Of course he is a douche. He said Kate Gosselin was “super nice” or something to that affect. PUH-LEEZE!! We all know she is, well for lack of a better word, messed up!
Darn the wardrobe people for putting Jake in the pretty blue that makes him look nice! He almost bewitched me! Almost…
In spite of not dancing well, I still love Chad Ochocinco… he entertains me.
Kate needs to go. seriously.
I voted once for Jake and Chelsie only because I loved Chelsie’s shoes last night.
Jake is a better dancer than I thought he’d be. I like Evan Lycasek the best; I’m a big figure skating fan!
I cannot stand Pam and her “act”. Pammy, you are NOT Marilyn Monroe, you never have been, and you never will be, so STOP trying to be! Kate, go home to your kids that you love so’re totally nausating, and a TOTAL beotch!!!!!! I have to admit I was surprised at Jake..he didn’t do so badly. Buzz, there’s a time and place for everything. Unfortuately, this is neither your time, or place, sorry! You’re a sweet man,but you need to leave.
#11 – DeMo – HILARIOUS!! That was athe first thing I noticed with Chelsie and Jake… i went…NICE SHOES! LOL
I thought Pam did pretty well…she’s certainly not moving as stiffly as Holly did. Even if she seems like she’s on something some times…I think she’s working it.
Jake…eh…as I said..I noticed Chelsie’s shoes first. lol I don’t think he did bad though but I wasn’t watching that intently when he was on.
I thought there was something wierd about Jake’s legs. With those white socks and his pants rolled up they looked like two huge tree trunks. And his feet looked really small. The dancing was ok, but I just couldn’t get past that outfit! I agree that he will probably last a few more weeks. There are others who are much worse.
Do they have to show everyone fighting with their dance partners? Its getting really annoying.