Do NOT mess with Hare Roz. Or you’ll have ME to deal with.
My dear readers,
Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart for all of your sweet messages and well wishes about the passing of my uncle. I wanted to write a proper post about him, but I just haven’t been able to stir up the energy to write something that will honor his memory. I am overwhelmed by the support of perfect strangers and feel so loved by the outpouring of love from so many people. Thanks again.
Now…on with the mini recap!
In keeping with my WTA tradition, I will be bringing you one of my famous Top 10 lists. I call this one:
Top 10 Things We Learned During Women Tell All Wings of Love Edition
1. The two hour episode could have been cut to about 30 minutes of dirt we didn’t know coming in to the show.
2. The Bachelor Pad show looks like a frat party for 30-somethings. There will be drunken orgies, Kiptynite’s abs, Natalie the bear lover and apparently He Who Must Not Be Named will be counting nipples. I know. I don’t get it either. But did I mention that Kiptynite’s abs will be there?
3. Some of the old Bachelors and Bachelorettes give back to the community. Eighty percent of the guys and girls we don’t remember, but one thing we do know — Hip Hop Mikey Michael is still adorable. And DDAHnna is going after elementary kids now. How sad.
4. The girls think that Tenley dreams in cartoons and fell out of a Disney movie. Gia put it the best when she told the camera that Tenley probably sh*t rainbows. I had to rewind the DVR because I was laughing so hard.
5. Moment number one when Hare was awesome:
Elizabeth: “I wanted him to pursue me.”
Hare: “But you toyed with him.”
Elizabeth: “I know. I felt pretty stupid after watching the show.”
Hare: “You are never as cool as you think you are.”
6. Biggest Jim Halpert Moment
Michelle: “I don’t need a therapist. I am stable.”
Valishia: “Maybe you are a little unstable.”
7. Answer Roz’s lawyers told her to memorize: “Absolutely not.”
8. Lamest thing to come out of Jake’s mouth: “My heart was crying when I let Gia go.”
9. SHUT UP if Our Host Chris Harrison is singing WINGS OF LOVE!
10. Hare asks Jake if he is happy with his decision. Jake answers that he is happy. Not with his decision, but that he’s happy. Could our winged Bachelor be pulling a Womack this season?
We shall find out next week!
You are MOST MOST WELCOME….and keeping you and your family in my thoughts still!
Gia is quite funny isn’t she?!!? That was hilarious. So was Hare signing OTWOL…I had caught it on my little re-watch…funny.
Oh so agree on Jake and that my heart was crying crap! He didn’t seem to genuine in most of things he was saying tonight – to me anyway!
Was rolling at the little kid who told DD she was too big for him! lol I know he really meant she was an adult in big people terms but gotta love a kid that tells ya like it is. lol
Just finishing the show in my time zone. I thought it was nice of Ali to admit that she is blunt in a mean way and that Vienna is still a person. I find it amazing that people (in the tabloids) can be so careless and heartless with what and how they report – seems like a little bit of a play up about Ali being Bach-ette – Hare saying she has lots of fans, her saying she would choose love if she could do it again… etc.
I just wanted to tell you that we’re having a Bachelor Finale party at my house. As a special treat, my husband is grilling us WINGS! Might even have some Skittles to taste the rainbows for Tenley. If you were in Fort Worth, you would be invited!
Lincee, so sorry to hear about your uncle!! Praying for you and your family… 🙂
Yep, after tonight I have a whole new admiration for Gia – she nailed it with the “rainbows” remark.
P.S. Definitely think he’s gonna pull a Womack
I secretly wish Chris would have smacked that girl! That was a low attempt to deflect the issue off of her lies.
Random thoughts:
*DP, how many “amazing’s” were there tonight?
* Jake’s patent leather, zip up pilot boots, from the 80’s (when sitting down talking to OHCH @ the beginning of the show) were uber dorky! Do pilots STILL wear those?
*Ali must have been paying attention to this blog as she nixed the color yellow and had her hair down!
(although she is for sure working “it” as the next Bachelorette- blah!)
*Gia, where was this spunk all season? Pretty funny stuff! ABC, she would be good!
*the whole Roz thing was very uncomfortable to watch!
Glad you are back, Lincee! You are still in our thoughts and prayers! xoxoxo
Haven’t watched it yet, and didn’t watch last weeks, so Linceee, I’m sorry to hear about your uncle. My thoughts are with you and your family.
Just noticed that Hare says “where jake *hoepfully* chooses one of these women to be his wife”, foreshadowing, yes?
If we were to play a drinking game and have a drink for every “journey” and “amazing,” would we even remember how it ends?
Thanks so much for the great blog; I feel like you are all my friends.
Heart crying rainbows at the thought of this journey ending next week.
Everyone should have a camera following them around to record their lives so that they can rewind things and see how uncool they look to the rest of us. Would eliminate a lot of annoying stuff I think. But, it would also give me less to blog about so I guess it’s sort of a Catch 22! Great recap. Always enjoy yours:)
Wow. Just wow. I thought last night was going to be a throw-away, so I said to my husband, “let’s just watch a few minutes, and if it’s lame, we’ll switch to the Olympics”. I am SO glad we stuck with it, because that was maybe one of the most shocking things on reality TV I’ve ever seen. When Roz said what she said about OHCH, we were literally struck speechless for whole minutes.
I read OHCH’s blog on EW, and a lot of the comments are very polarizing. One thing they never seem to remember is that Roz CHOSE to come on WTA. She didn’t have to. She could have chosen to stay away like villain Wes. I don’t believe as OHCH said there’s a “mountain of evidence”, but I do think it’s very telling that the producer allegedly confessed, and yet Roz is still shilling that nothing happened.
Moreover, this producer knows how the show works. If he and Roz are still close, wouldn’t he have the sense to tell her to just stay away from the WTA? What was the benefit of her going on the show (except to us)? She had to have known she was in a lose-lose position, no matter what the truth is…
Belated sympathies to you and your family, Lincee. I just now read last week’s hilarius recap. Glad your’re back
to recap TWTA. My heart was smiling while I read it!
SO glad you’re back, Lincee, w/snappy mini assessment of WTA. So very sorry for you & your family’s loss.
Re: your comments, I totally agree w/ your #10 comment for same reasons. Plus, the girls (V & T) both look miserably unhappy in one of the final clips of the night like they are both getting dumped. Did yall see the clip of Tenley asking Jake you don’t think we have heat? No heat is surely a deal-breaker cause you know V brought the heat on their date & lots of it. Besides Gia’s sh*tting rainbows great quip about T, priceless clip was Jake’s Mom saying in Vienna’s meet-the-parents date…”is THIS the girl that all the girls hate?” Her face looked 100% turned to do-do. I think Jake is bailing….hoping he ends up with Ali later somehow or that she reappears next week(I am a hopeless romantic) & gets the ring & her guy. Really feeling sorry for both V & T though….