Hall of Fame: Bad Boys

Oh the bad boy. We love him, we hate him and somehow he entices us to love him again. Typically, we find our heart willing to offer a second or third chance after he turns on that smoldering gaze, or in many cases for me, he retorts with a snarky quip during a heated argument that has a touch of flirtation under the surface. Once that “I know I’m hot” grin spreads across his face, I’m done.

These three bad boy Hall of Fame-ers have been taunting me for the past couple of years. Continue on if you dare, and prepare to be hooked yourself.

1. Tim Riggins

Let me just get this out in the open: greasy hair is gross. Tim Riggins, even when he’s not sporting is #33 jersey on the Dillon Panther football field, always…I MEAN ALWAYS has greasy hair. Ironically, I choose to overlook his aversion to shampoo and often find myself swooning any time he is featured on Friday Night Lights. He’s just so pretty.

2. Matthew Bomer

Let me just get this out in the open: I understand that it is rumored that darling Matthew does not play for my team. With that said, GOOD LORD HE’S HOT! I encourage you to go and set your DVR for White Collar right now. Whether he’s in orange jailhouse coveralls or his signature three-piece suit and fedora, I would invite him to con me anytime.

3. Ian Somerhalder

Let me just get this out in the open: Yes. I watch Vampire Diaries and I LOVE IT. Stop judging. Damon Salvatore speaks my love language: sarcasm. And for some reason, I get a kick out of him when he’s sucking the life out of some chick, or showing tiny signs of vulnerability before breaking a neck. Hands down, he has the best one-liners on television since Arrested Development and the arrival of Modern Family. And if you’re wondering where you’ve seen those gorgeous eyes before, it’s probably because he played Boone on Lost.

What do you guys think? Who else is a hot bad boy? What are some other Hall of Fame ideas for the future? As always, feel free to peruse my entire collection on my Facebook page or read my entries HERE, HERE and HERE.

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June 24, 2011 12:49 pm

I just want to go ahead and say that I have a Christmas card from Matt Bomer’s family on my refrigerator as we speak. Yes I know it is June…. but it is Matt Bomer! On my refrigerator!

June 24, 2011 1:00 pm

I completely agree with all 3 men. Matt is so yummy. I love White Collar. Such a great show. On another note I hope you have as much fun tomorrow night watching NKOTBSB as I will. 🙂

June 24, 2011 1:01 pm

Also, did you know that Matt Bomer is from Spring, TX? He needs to come back home and just drive down 1960 so I could possibly have a chance to run into him. I’m just sayin…..

Susan in AZ
Susan in AZ
June 24, 2011 1:14 pm

Is #1 the guy who played Gambit in Wolverine?

June 24, 2011 1:43 pm

Let me just get this out in the open: LOVE it. Always agree with your list! Tim comes back tonight on FNL, can’t wait!! Love White Collar and Matt, hope the rumors aren’t true, jealous Kelly! And Ian, love him and Damon too 🙂 No judgement here, I think you have great taste!

June 24, 2011 1:46 pm

Ummm, I 100000% agree with your bad boy choices. I tuned in every Thursday to the CW for the lastest installment of VD. Ian makes my hear skip a beat. The sarcasm… yes! The eyes… I want to stare into them. He’s just hott!

And Neil Caffrey, I just want to make out with him. I don’t miss an episode ot WHite Collar. DVR is set… however, it has saddened my heart that you mentioned he might play for the other team. I’m going to pretend that he does not and should I end up divorced (sads and hoping that never happens) in my mind I’m pretending he will still be there, with a fedora on, to help me move forward in life.

Bluegrass State Laura
Bluegrass State Laura
June 24, 2011 1:51 pm

I must comment again on luscious Ian! I first fell in love with him as the ill-fated Boone on Lost. I al.most gave up on the show when his part was finished! But for the love of the other smoldering boys on the show, I persevered! 😉 Thank goodness for ‘Vampire Diaries”! Of course, my loyalty carried over there too…

Great list, as always!! I could say it will be one heck of a list when it’s finished, but I don’t reckon a list like this could ever be complete! Keep it up!!

June 24, 2011 2:11 pm

Well done Lincee. I love all three. But especially Ian. Gotta love the southern boys!

June 24, 2011 2:21 pm

LOVE the list. They are all rediculously HOT! And can I just say that Damon Salvatore could pretty much have whatever he wanted…no compelling necessary 🙂 A snarky bad boy always gets me!

My suggestion for an addition to the list is Alexander Skarsgard. Eric Northman is another man that could jump in my bed anytime and I wouldn’t complain!!!

June 24, 2011 2:41 pm

Ian is amazing.I seriously cannot get enough of him. For bad boys, I might add Prince Harry. Red hair and rosy cheeks get me every time!

Maybe you could do a list strictly of musicians or something. That could get incredibly long!

June 24, 2011 2:44 pm

Speaking of LOST, what about Josh Holloway, who played conman Sawyer on the show. The hair, the beard, the accent ::swoon::

June 24, 2011 3:11 pm

I love your picks, but one is missing. The love of my life: Ed Westwick is the hottest bad boy there is. Hands down!

June 24, 2011 3:14 pm

I was JUST going to wax poetic about Sawyer, but I see Brittany beat me to it. All he would have to do is call me “freckles” and it would be all over between the hubs and me. Sorry darling.

Also, I’d like to go old school and mention Johnny Castle (Patrick Swayze), from Dirty Dancing. I’d carry a watermelon for him any day.

June 24, 2011 3:31 pm

OK, so Tim Riggins is HOT, Hot, Hot!!! He has the bad boy, could break my heart and then he speaks so softly and from the heart sometimes.

I loved Ian on LOST! I totally agree with above about Sawyer. I think you have someone else from LOST on a previous post??

Just what I needed to make it through a boring Friday at work! Thanks!!

June 24, 2011 3:32 pm

best. group. ever.!

I’d tackle Tim Riggins if I saw him in public and Damon Salvatore too!

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