Hall of Fame: Lovable Charm
I promised a few posts ago that I would be announcing one of my new fake boyfriends in the next Hall of Fame feature. Most of you were completely correct in assuming that it would be Lieutenant Commander Steve McGarrett or the King of Snark Barney Stinson. With that said, I’m going to ask you to exercise patience and check back periodically under the title ROCK HARD ABS THAT MAKE ME DROOL because those two and their respective six “friends” will certainly be featured.
“Yes! The latest edition of Sky Mall!” – Rick Castle
My Monday night love is none other than RICK CASTLE! Allow me to break this fascination down for you:
1. Nathan Fillion’s character is a book writer on the show. I find writers super attractive.
2. He’s sarcastic. Clearly we speak the same love language.
3. He loves to have fun. So do I!
4. He is in LOVE with Beckett but won’t admit it. The anticipation is killing me!
5. On a side note, Nathan Fillion played Captain Hammer in “Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog.” Google it. Trust me. I have the soundtrack. Does that make me weird? I don’t care. I heart him. Witty. Sarcastic. Romantic. Singer. Dancer. Charming. Sign me up.
“You baited the balcony?” – Michael Bluth
I’m still confused why Arrested Development is off the air. I consider it one of the funniest shows of my generation. And I think Jason Bateman is about the cutest thing next to baby bunnies. I’ve loved him since his Little House and Silver Spoons days and I am a proud owner of Teen Wolf 2. SO WHAT?
“What is it about me that make broken people flock to me? Is it my height? Do huddled masses mistake me for the statue of liberty?” – Jeff Winger
Joel McHale is hilarious. I love him in The Soup and Community, which I just starting watching this season. Why did no one tell me how awesome it is? I’m about two seconds away from taking an US History course at Houston Community College with the hope that I’ll be invited to a dorky yet endearing study group that has a HOT guy like Jeff sitting at the head of the table flipping through his iPhone. It may happen. You never know.
If you’d like to review the other hot men featured in my Hall of Fame, simply click here, here, here and here)
I don’t know that much about Joel McHale but the first two are dead on!!!
I love them both!!!! Castle is one of my favorite shows and one of the best new shows to come along in a long time. It’s so much fun to watch. I sooooo want to be his fake girlfriend (or his real life girlfriend for that matter, never mind that I have a husband).
You forgot to include James Roday from Psych. Talk about loveable charm, not to mention the sarcasm!!!
All excellent choices! I LOVE Castle and Community and will watch anything Jason Bateman is in just for Jason Bateman!
This has to be your all time most awesome list of men for the hall of fame! Well done!
Arrested Development is coming back! New episodes and a MOVIE are in the works.
So agree with you on Arrested Development! I loved Jason Bateman from his early TV days too. He’s so talented and sometimes underestimated. Love the “baby bunnies” comment, Lincee. You and he would make genetically perfect children together.
I LOVE Castle…both the show and the character! Nathan Fillion is an amazing actor. I too own the Dr. Horrible soundtrack (my husband dressed up like Captain Hammer for Halloween one year), and you have seen Firefly, right? Nathan is awesome in that show. How could he not be?
Nathan Fillion was lead in the world’s greatest SCIFI series EVER, Firefly. Watch and learn youngsters.
OMG I love Castle. And Jeff Winger. So awesome.
Castle is one of the best shows on TV right now. Just the fact that they’re in season 4 and I still believe in the relationship between Kate and Rick is proof of how good the writing is! LOVE.
Can’t wait for the rock hard abs one – please include as many photos as possible. 🙂
I can’t get into Castle, just because the show doesn’t seem to have any TEETH, if you know what I mean. But I can see how you like my character. I would go more with the Mentalist. I am a huge AD fan (movie! movie! movie!) thought I can’t find Michael sexy. Oops. I LOVE ME some Joel McHale. His stand-up is even funny–I saw him at the Verizon a ways back. I second the James Roday nomination!
I have to second SGT Cole’s assessment of Firefly. if you love Nathan Fillion, you must watch this show! And I also own the Dr. Horrible sound track.