Happy 90210 Day!

My sweet friend Curt just informed me via instant message that it is 90210 Day. After a few moments of wondering when the Mayor bestowed our favorite kids from Beverly Hills a key to the city, I realized that it is September 2, 2010. Or 9/02/10.

Of course, this is just the type of cheese I can get behind and whole-heartedly support. And it’s not too late to post something! ( I can’t tell you how many years I’ve forgotten to post “may the fourth be with you” on May 4th.)

It’s time to turn back the clock to 1990. A year when we all ran home from the Thursday night JV volleyball game in order to catch the opening credits of this cool new show on that random station called FOX. Our parents thought it was about a group of high school teenagers struggling with the decision to plagiarize Robert Frost or try out for the baseball team instead of running track.

Little did they know that with the very first fist bump (crack/crack) and the sly smile from Dylan McKay, we were wishing we were on the other end of whatever makes Brandon Walsh pull his circular sunglasses down super slow.


It was a time when Donna Martin was still a virgin and before she showed up in season five with major boobs. It was a time before David had an earring and we didn’t think Steve looked like the 30-year-old Bachelor from down the street. Kelly and Brenda were rocking awesome bangs when bangs were about to go out of style. Sadly, Andrea always looked like a 30-year-old, but it was okay. We appreciated that she and Nat brought so much maturity to the Peach Pit.

The light colored denim was worn proudly.  The side burns were worn long.  And floral was worn on any given day with matching hair scrunchy.

And then there was Dylan…

Sure his hair was a little on the high side, but BE STILL MY JAMES DEAN LOVING HEART!

Here’s to you Beverly Hills 90210!  After a quick IMDB.com search, I’m actually surprised that some of us stuck with you for an entire decade.   Not to be done by everyone you know on Facebook, let’s go ahead and share some of our favorite 90210 moments in the comment section.

And just for the record:  TEAM DYLAN!

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September 2, 2010 4:09 pm

Thanks for getting the theme song stuck in my head. And, good thing I read your blog or I would have missed out on this day and then it would be gone forever. My high school senior party after graduation had a 90210 theme. All I remember about that was that they had our cafeteria set up to look like the Peach Pit. Good times.

September 2, 2010 4:19 pm

TEAM DYLAN FOR SURE! Too funny I hadn’t even realized this today! I was all about this show its entire run. Soap Net re-runs it! Hmm…fav memory…rather what I can recall at the moment…Brenda and Kelly wearing the same dress to prom….Brenda and Dylan doing the deed at said prom…the slumber party when everyone got all beyotchy b/c of some chick who was doing pills…I swear there was slap or a really good diss line in those scenes somewhere. And Vanessa Marcil…b/c …that chick rocks! Thanks for the memory lane trip Lincee!

September 2, 2010 4:45 pm

Lincee!!! did you hear the CRAZY news that Jake is wanting to be the bach AGAIN???? I mean is he nuts?? I swear on all thats holy, if they give it to him, I am NEVER watching that show again!! ok ok I will just skip that season 😉
wait lemme dig up a link for ya….
gah!! I can’t find it. but it was definitely written up in a small blurb in my free subway newspaper today… (AM NY)

September 2, 2010 4:53 pm

Reruns come on from 3-5 on the Soap Opera network. I’m ashamed to say that I DVR both episodes every day. Drives my husband nuts, lol! But I LOVE LOVE LOVE that show.

September 2, 2010 5:24 pm

Follow this link: http://glo.msn.com/beauty/the-beauty-of-90210-5475.gallery#stackState=2__%2Fbeauty%2Fthe-beauty-of-90210-5475.gallery%3FphotoId%3D16132
It is Emily Valentine all grown up- she looks just like Krisilly!!!! Please go to the link and tell me you don’t 100% agree!

September 2, 2010 7:00 pm

Favorite 90210 memory was when Brenda supposedly dyed her hair blonde and Shannen Dougherty had a horrible wig on. Either that or when Dylan and Kelly take Brenda for a walk to tell her that they’re now dating. Brenda “acting” at it’s finest!

September 2, 2010 8:49 pm

my husbands favorite episode was when “color me bad” guest starred!

September 2, 2010 10:02 pm

LOVE 90210. AngelaW- I’m with you all the way… and I often end up watching the same episodes Saturday afternoon and Sunday morning on Soapnet! It’s nice to have a forum where we can shout out “I LOVE 90210!” without getting strange looks! So many favorite episodes but the one when David and Claire make the “real world” style video using the gang and they all eat the vodka watermelon!

September 2, 2010 10:54 pm

I have been on maternity leave for the past 12 weeks. There are two episodes a day of 90210 shown 2x’s on Soapnet. I have watched it everyday for the entire 12 weeks. I love that show!!! I love how David knew Donna was in trouble when she called him Dave and he busted into her room with a bat and saved her from the rapist.

September 2, 2010 11:30 pm

Although I wasn’t a regular watcher of this show, it was pretty great! It’s funny to look back at Brian Austin Green’s baby face. What a cutie then and super hot now! Jenny has not changed a bit. Simply gorgeous! I even like Tori now all grown up with her beautiful family.

September 3, 2010 12:17 am

This is such a fun post today… especially since I was just in 90210/Beverly Hills this afternoon on an LA Tour. LOL Perfect timing!! Never even dawned on me that it was 9/02/10 – ha ha

September 3, 2010 9:42 am

I went to high school with Luke Perry…..and we rode the same bus. 🙂

Loved that show!

September 3, 2010 9:43 am

Did anyone see Vienna’s new look? Wasn’t a fan of her but she looks sooooo much better.

VA Beaner
VA Beaner
September 3, 2010 1:27 pm

#5, Claiborne – I totally agree and laughed out loud at work thinking which was sadder – my obsession with 90120 (love when Emily slipped Brandon “E” at the Rave) or knowing Krisily 🙂

September 3, 2010 1:27 pm

My circle of friends can’t believe this, but I’ve never seen 90210 or Melrose Place. Sometimes I wonder if I was deprived.

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