I’ve got the blues

funny entertainment blog-Harmonica

Remember how once upon a time I made a vow to learn a new skill every year? It all started with balloon twisting. You can read about my penis swords HERE and HERE and the time I made balloon dogs for the children of Rwanda HERE.

Then there was the time I decided to learn the ukulele. You can read about that adventure HERE. I think it’s important to disclose that I have yet to master “Hula Hana.” That song is HARD. With that said, if you need someone to strum out “I’ve Been Working on the Railroad” or “Happy Birthday,” I am definitely your girl.

I decided to continue my musical streak (I use that definition loosely) for 2015. This year, I will learn to play my new Hohner harmonica. I will wear a fedora, sit in darkened bars and play the blues with as much angst as I can muster.

Of course, I probably won’t book any gigs until later in the year. Right now, I’m having trouble not passing out from all the breathing that goes on. Did you know that playing the harmonica requires you to suck AND blow? I had no idea.

Raise your hand if you thought of the movie Clueless when you read “suck and blow?”

Moving on.

I do have my showmanship down. I played “Skip To My Lou” for Mama and she clapped. She clapped for a long time. Pretty soon I’ll graduate to a harmonica holder that stretches around my neck, so I can play it and my uke at the same time.

Is it too early to sign up for the 2016 Newport Folk Festival? I’d like to perform “Babysitting Blues” from Adventures in Babysitting. I think the crowd would love it.

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March 23, 2015 4:47 pm

You should try “here comes the bride” (super easy, per my harmonica days!)
Good luck!! AK

amy k
amy k
March 27, 2015 8:41 am
Reply to  Lincee

I just did the chorus, and figured it out on my own, but my college roommate was impressed 🙂

Stephanie Treece
Stephanie Treece
March 23, 2015 4:53 pm

Why no audio or video?!

amy a
amy a
March 23, 2015 5:13 pm

So, do you have a book? Video tutorials? I used to think the harmonica was a dumb instrument. Then I tried to play one. Once. I’m no good at hitting fewer than six notes at a time.

March 24, 2015 4:02 am

I think it is WONDERFUL that you learn something new each year!!!! I’d pass out from all the breathing too if I tried to play the harmonica. I can barely blow up balloons without getting light headed! I’m with Stephanie Treece- we wanna see a video!!!

September 11, 2024 4:54 pm

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