I am not ashamed
Lincee: “I just purchased my first American Idol single off of iTunes.”
My sister Jamie: “Which one?”
Lincee: “David Cook’s soulful rendition of Billie Jean. Are you going to make fun of me?”
Jamie: “Uhm…NO! Best $0.99 you’ve ever spent.”
Lincee: “Clearly.”
Slight pause.
Lincee: “Did you see the Jonas Brothers on Dancing with the Stars?”
Jamie: “I have to draw a line somewhere.”
Ummm, yes, David Cook’s version of Billie Jean was a must have … that was the first thing I did this morning … before I got out of bed! 🙂
Um, I also just purchased it – and have been listening to it over and over again. Thank God my co-workers can’t hear what is in my headphones because they would think I am nuts.
You are not alone…..and should feel no shame. It was brilliant…
i love david cook! he is awesome! soooo hot!
Um, why not just purchase the version by Chris Cornell that David Cook “re-did’? At least then the purchase wouldn’t have been wasted on a soon-to-be Idol has-been who is most likely to be the best karaoke singer this world has ever seen. Save your moolah for the contestants who actually do what really show-cases their musical talent: taking an older song, re-vamping it and ultimately making it THEIR OWN. But whatever tickles your pickle….
I saw DWTS. I havent ever seen the Jonas brothers before, but they were pretty good, and the dances the pros did were amazing to the music!
who the hell is chris cornell?
David’s version of Billie Jean was one of the best performances I have seen. He needs a record deal now!
Who is Chris Cornell????!!!!!!!!
Lead singer of Soundgarden and Audioslave…. and hottie. Love him!! I like David Cook and thought he did great, but I have to agree – I would rather purchase the Chris Cornell version.
That was pretty good, I had goose bumps. Thanks also for the laugh… Paula is so strange. Whenever she talks I just feel so … uncomfortable.
What David Cook TRIED to do……
I listened this video on repeat all day long yesterday. No shame at all, it was a sick remake.
Listened to Chris Cornell version to be fair. LOVED the David Cook version and chose to buy it instead. I don’t know what the big deal is either…Ryan announced that David was singing Chris Cornell’s version of Billie Jean before he started.
I realize everyone has their own opinions as far as music goes but I just took a listen to Chris Cornell’s version of Billie Jean and thought it SUCKED. David Cook’s voice is so much better plus he’s cuter. Your loyal reader, Cat
Ladies and Gentlemen ~ this has now become an INTERNATIONAL incident as we here in Canada poked our heads out of the igloo this morning and tuned into the commotion happening right here right now. The choice was clear… we had to intervene. We have come up with what we think is a reasonable solution to determine which version was indeed the best. We get a pit. We fill it with pudding, probably chocolate. We place a board across the pit. DC and CC come out in their swim trunks holding giant Q-Tips a la American Gladiators. Battle begins. Eventually, one falls in and thusly, a winner emerges taking all glory, honor and leftover pudding. And that’s how we’ll decide which rendition was best. Done and done. Next week in the pudding pit… Matthew McConaughey and Ty Pennington. No reason needed. Are you with us ladies?