I know…I know…

I know I’ve promised a hurricane update for weeks now. It just seems like I still don’t have my feet back under me from Ike’s vicious sweep of the legs.

It was tough. And there are people here who STILL don’t have electricity. Not to mention the devastation in Galveston.

But there’s one thing I would like to report before giving my full description of Ike:

The apartment cat is okay. He’s alive and well actually.

I have to admit that when I made the trip home to survey the damage, I was sort of nervous that no one thought to take the apartment cat inside during the storm. I didn’t see him anywhere. And you know he smells my dislike. That’s usually when he chooses to rub up against my legs so that tripping over him or a sever rash is inevitable.

But for days he was a no show.

Then on Wednesday night, I heard the familiar scream of horror that those of us living in my complex have learned to tune out. He was scrapping with the neighbor’s cat. Oh happy day! He survived the storm!

The next morning, I open the door, check my stoop for “presents” and left my apartment for work. The cat is catching an early morning nap beside the stairs. Feeling a bit sentimental, I take my foot and rub three times on his belly. Only three.

That’s when home boy decides to grab my leg with his filthy cat claws and hang on for dear life while I flail my leg about to try and get him to let go. As I swing him round and round with all my might, I can feel scratches on one side and a single claw digging deeper on the other.

There was blood people. And a semi infection that’s not too bad, but STILL AN INFECTION.

This is why cats are evil. Never again my feline friend. Never again.

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Camels & Chocolate
September 29, 2008 6:24 pm

Yuck. I HATE cats. And my boyfriend (whom I live with) has one. Do you happen to know a cat hitman?

Animal Lover
Animal Lover
September 29, 2008 7:42 pm

Now Lincee and friends….have you stopped to think that maybe the poor cat acts the way it does because he has been treated less than kindly? Cats, by nature are not cruel – humans on the other hand…and we all know some of them….and maybe even have dated some less than desirables…The kindest thing you can do for your four legged friend is try to catch him in a humane trap and take him to a local shelter. He didn’t ask to be a stray left in a hurricane at an apartment complex, hungry and alone- a less than kind human did this to him. Have a heart and try to help one out – what goes around comes around 🙂

September 29, 2008 10:20 pm

Hysterical!! My Ike adventures did not involve felines, just a lot of board neighborhood kids running around all week!!

September 30, 2008 12:20 am

Sounds to me like you actually care for this cat. You may talk big about not liking him, but the fact that you were thinking of his well-being…I’m just sayin’. Maybe one of these days you’ll write about how you adopted the neighborhood cat. Stranger things have happened. 🙂

September 30, 2008 12:55 am

you try to be nice… look where it gets you!

September 30, 2008 8:04 am

HAHAHA I mean…I’m sorry! I couldn’t help but laugh at your story, but I feel bad for you! I hope apartment cat spreads his reign of terror elsewhere–you deserve a break!

September 30, 2008 8:59 am

Is that how you get cat scratch fever???? LOL- I am sorry but your story made me laugh out loud… I can only imagine what it looked like. You guys obviously have a love-hate thing goin’ on. 🙂

September 30, 2008 9:10 am

um…he probably thought you were either a)playing with him or b)going to attack him with that foot of yours. jeesh, give the poor guy a break. it was a traumatizing couple of weeks for him. 🙂 glad all is well in linceeland.

Julie P
Julie P
September 30, 2008 10:55 am

LOL! I have dreams about cats doing this to me. Nightmares, really. Stupid cat.

Char Char
Char Char
September 30, 2008 1:00 pm

No comment on the cat. I don’t like any animal, won’t even let my daughter have a fish.

But I understand not having your feet planted again from the hurricane. I just got power on Sunday, so I’m still trying to re-stock my fridge, and wash clothes. So, take your time. I’m sure we all have the same story.

September 30, 2008 1:42 pm

Hey Sis,
I was just sitting here with a few moments to kill, when I happened to notice Jaime’s bookmark for your site. Having never taken the time to drop-by before, I decided to take a peek. Wouldn’t ya know, the first thing I come across is your cat bonding experience. (Excuse me while I take a moment) Ok, so as I was… (nope, just one more sec.)
Sorry, anyway… You know, Jamie often worries about you being alone in the big city, but as I remind her, you’re a Ray, and I seriously doubt even a place like Beirut, Pyongyang or Mogadishu could make you break a sweat, much less little old Houston. Now, …well now… (hold up) Ok, so now I’ll still tell her, “sure, she’s fine.” However, it will be your bloody, fur-clad, lovely limping figure that stumbles and cusses its way through my mind when I give her the thumbs-up in the future. (ahahahahahahahahahahahahaha…..sniff, ok) Take care…..(ahahahahaha…igottapee….hahaha).

September 30, 2008 2:06 pm

He was playing. That’s what they do when you pet their tummy. If you had just stood there and kept rubbing, he would have stopped the rabbit kicking and all would have been well. When you started slinging him, he had to hold on to avoid being hurt.

September 30, 2008 2:22 pm

Hahaha! Cats are crazy. But don’t lie – you’ve got a soft spot for that one. Maybe there will be some magic allergy cure, and you can return his obvious love for you.

Your sis
Your sis
September 30, 2008 4:52 pm

Gary interrupted my work day to ask if I had read your post…which of course I cannot do from work since you are so dang funny and considered entertainment by BB…but any way, I’m sure Gar is really sorry about the blood and all…no really. I’m glad Apartment Cat is alive and well…no really.

September 30, 2008 7:32 pm

Camels & Chocolate, develop an allergy… fast!!!!! (I used to not have a problem with cats but not I’m allergic. Can’t sleep where they have been, can’t touch my eyes after petting them…)

Hmmmmmm, how can we fake the sniffles & red eyes for you…?!?!

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