If I was one of the seven dwarfs…
I’d be Sleepy. I’m so tired people. Returned from Israel last night around midnight, ate Taco Cabana and went straight to bed. I promise to watch the show tonight and recap first thing in the morning. I’ve just received an email from my friend Jill who told me that DDAHnna gives me PLENTY of material. Therefore, I give you the comments section to talk among yourselves. Just know that I will NOT be reading them because I want to experience every bit of the train wreck myself.
Is DDahnna starting to get on anyone else’s nerves? Brian before Twilley?? Seriously??
Twilley…really? UGH.
DDahnna is starting to get on my nerves a little… but then I stop and think how I might come across on a show like that! Twilley won’t make it too much further, but I think she could see that he was really putting his heart out there, and while I don’t see a real connection between them, I definitely didn’t see a connection between her and Brian either.
Really now…what IS a Twilley?? He looks like one of those scary clown dolls little kids have. His eyebrows are all painted on and his eyes get all squinty. He flat out scares me.
Im wondering if anyone has any time to take out clips from this season and clips from last season to compare lines and phrases HTCB used with DD that she is now using with all of her guys. I swear the lines she used with both Richard and ChefBoy are the exactly the same! The same wording she gave Brad such a hard time about when he didn’t retract it and said that’s just how he felt. She’s such a hypocrite. And to add my two cents… Twilley over Fred and Brian!? Seriously!? Who is this girl? She is so annoying. And we have to sit through a full show of just her and her pouty “It’s all about me and it’s not fair when I don’t have EVERYONE’S undivided attention!!” attitude. Ugh. Poor choice ABC. Very poor.
Has anyone else noticed that we only got 50 to 55 minutes of Brit and his Monkey each week, but we are getting 2 full hours of DD each week?? Not fair!!
I can’t believe Twilley the Willey is still around….please.
Fred really won me over last night…cannot believe she gave him the boot!
I hate to defend DD, but I kinda like her. (Aside from the blinking) Twilley, go home, you are annoying! Graham is winning me over, he’s kinda goofy, and starting to pay attention to DD and say nice things. <3 him.
Ok…..I was annoyed by the fact that Natasha “Biddingfield” performed for them- get it right, it’s Bedingfield!!!
Has anyone else noticed that Jesse kind of looks like a younger version of OHCH with longer hair?
I forgot to add…
I loved Fred last night. She made a huge mistake by getting rid of him. She is SO into Graham and I am not thinking that he is that into her. The Chef is creepy mc creepstein. GOOBER.
My vote is still for Jeremy but I’m thinking she doesn’t pick him for some reason.
I haven’t watched the episode yet because I too was in Israel for the last two weeks. How crazy is that! It was amazing.
I am just overwhelmed by the number of times DDahnna uses the phrases “putting yourself out there.” If there were a Bachelorette drinking game based on the number of times she uses that phrase each episode, you would get pretty tipsy playing it.
I was bummed that Fred went home too, but he wasn’t going to win, you know? He wasn’t the guy for her, so I kind of give her props for sending them both home instead of giving him false hope. SO glad creepy chef with the popped collar is gone though.
First of all, I heart Fred. What a great guy! And it wasn’t just the ABC editing. All the guys think a lot of him. They all talked about how great he was and no one seemed to have anything bad to say about him. I’m so sad he’s gone. 🙁
And, I’m a little worried about our girl, DDahnna. She’s almost as desperate to feel some sort of spark with Graham as half the guys are to find some sort of spark with her (i.e. Chef). It really does seem like he’s not all that into her. Clearly she’s pretty into him, though, and just doesn’t see it.