IHGB Movie Review: ‘Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation’
Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation Movie Review
Rated: PG-13
Starring: Tom Cruise, Simon Pegg, Jeremy Renner, Rebecca Ferguson
The Trailer:
The Gist: Ethan Hunt is put in impossible situations in order to catch the bad guys before the world explodes. That’s why it’s called Mission Impossible. Yet somehow—he does it.
My Thoughts:
- I don’t care what you say about Tom Cruise. He’s still hot. He’s like Maverick’s older, wiser, less cocky brother and he wears it well.
- If you have a problem suspending reality, the opening scene is not for you. When Ethan is hanging from the side of an airplane as it takes off, just go with it.
- Simon Pegg is one of my favorite sidekick characters of all time. He is the comic relief of the movie and trust me when I say his spunky one-liners are perfectly timed.
- Tom Cruise takes parkour to a different level. Jake Johnson (a.k.a. Nick Miller) would be proud.
- This movie has the most handsome cast of bad people I’ve ever seen. I was sort of sad when the really hot nameless one died.
- The main actress, played by Rebecca Ferguson, is a typical Mission Impossible girl. Is she on our side? Is she bad? Is she both? I won’t spoil it for you. The good news is that she is smart enough to know that she must remove her shoes when running on top of the Opera House in Vienna. She’s the relatable yin to Ethan’s formerly mentioned airplane antics yang.
- She can kick some major butt too. She’s the opposite of damsel in distress. LOVE.
- She can also pull of wearing the color chartreuse. She deserves some sort of award for that alone.
- I’m not sure who would win in a foot race: Jeremy Renner or Tom Cruise. They both may be short, but they are F-A-S-T.
- Do you love non-stop action and adventure? This is the show for you!
Survey Says
Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to see this movie on the big screen before it self destructs.
Hey Lincee! This sounds great. My husband and I rarely go out to the movies because I usually don’t go for the action/adventure stuff and he suspects all dramas are sappy. However, I will gladly accept the mission to see the most handsome cast of bad people you’ve ever seen!
I saw Tom Cruise on Jimmy Falon and he said the stunt with the plane was real (albeit probably on a smaller scale). He did the stunt himself and said it was freezing because he just had the suit on.
Although, agreed, still not a typical real life scenario 🙂
Although, agreed, not a typical real life scenario 🙂
I personally loved this movie! It’s great for what it is – suspending reality and enjoying some good, clean fun along with some amazing stunts. There were so many, and every new one, seemed to top the one before!
Even though the typical hot-girl is in the movie, she’s there as a real character, and not just for what she looks like. I appreciated that.
And I don’t care what anyone else says, Tom Cruise is still very good looking!
Thanks for the review, Lincee!