IHGB Movie Review: Wonder Woman
IHGB Movie Review: Wonder Woman
Rated: PG-13
Starring: Gal Gadot and Chris Pine
The Trailer:
The Gist: The rumors are true…this woman is a wonder.
Here’s what I wrote about Wonder Woman in my 2017 Summer Movie Preview:
This one worries me, because it looks a little dark. However, since I had a pair of Wonder Woman underoos, gold metal cuffs, a lasso of truth, and an invisible plane, I feel like I owe it to the old gal to see her movie. Also, Chris Pine is in it, so there’s that.
- Was it dark? Perhaps it was visually darker, considering major battle scene occurs at night. But it was not emotionally dark.
- In fact, I laughed. A lot. I never expected to giggle as much as I did. Gal Gadot is extremely charming in her Amazonian ways and equally funny. She endeared herself to me multiple times.
- Let’s talk about the costume for a minute. I don’t mind the scantily clad outfit, because the storyline addresses this issue. Diana needs to be free to move and punch and kick. Her legs and arms can’t be bound by cumbersome armor, because she needs to wield a sword and swing her lasso of truth. I applaud the costume designer (and the female director) for not exposing Gal’s actual boobs too much. And PRAISE that they didn’t stick her in blue panties with white stars. (Shout out to Lynda Carter!)
- Her legs are PHENOMENAL.
- Most of the time, Gal’s hair is in a sensible braid, which makes sense. When she officially embraces her superhero status, the locks come down, which makes sense.
- PS: Someone tell me what kind of shampoo Wonder Woman uses. Thanks.
- I am not exaggerating when I say that the ENTIRE viewing audience exploded in a boisterous cheer when Diana took charge in battle. The cheers increased when all the men followed her since we was the clear leader.
- There were one or two moments when characters complimented Diana’s beauty, but the majority of the admiration came when she was a warrior. I never rolled my eyes at the “hotness” of it all, because most of the players appreciated Wonder Woman for her bravery and strength.
- With that said, the comic book dude sitting next to me kept muttering, “She’s everything I ever imagined. I think I’m in love.” Had there been any other single seat open in the entire screening, I would have left him to be alone with his popcorn and dream Wonder Woman.
- Fun Fact: She’s never called Wonder Woman in the movie.
- Chris Pine is hotter than crap. There’s a shirtless scene that proves my theory.
- Seriously, Chris Pine can do no wrong in my book. He is debonair, a bit sarcastic (my love language), swoon-worthy, and can pierce your soul with one glance. Just ask Wonder Woman, most of the women in Germany, and all of the females in London.
- There is a lot of compassion and patriotism in this movie.
- Young Diana is a-freaking-dorable.
- Another time the audience clapped and whistled was when the Wonder Woman theme song came on in the middle of the movie.
- This was followed by an aggressive “hell yeah!” from a group of girls who really loved when Wonder Woman threw a bad guy through a brick wall.
- If I had one down side, it would be that the show was about twenty minutes too long. It didn’t at all feel bloated, but I was mindful that I had been sitting for so long.
Survey Says:
Y’all know that I prefer Marvel to DC comics. Superman and Batman movies have been a bunch of crash, slam, fight, CGI villains with storylines that don’t interest me at all. I believe Wonder Woman is what we’ve all been waiting for. It has little to do with the fact that she’s a woman, and more to do with the fact that this movie is highly entertaining, full of adventure, funny, action-packed, and showcases a cast of characters you hope wins at the end of the day.
In other words? GO SEE THIS MOVIE TODAY!
I absolutely adored the movie, though it was not without sin. I also have been informed that Chris Pine signed a multi-movie deal, which doesn’t seem possible anymore?? Your review was on point per usual, Lincee!!