I’m a sucker for an accent
Drew Lachey is really using his 15 minutes of fame since he won Dancing with the Stars a few seasons back. Not only is he hosting DANCE WAR dance war, (you have to whisper the second one) but he had the honor of introducing to America…or the 472 people who watch DANCE WAR dance war … to the next Bachelor!
Meet Matt Grant. Here’s the 411:
– 27-years-old
– 6’5″
– A global financier
– Considers himself a gentleman
– Loves a flirty woman
– Youngest of five brothers
– Has never seen The Bachelor
Oh yeah…and he’s British. I think he’s going to grow on me like his native cousin Hugh Grant did back during his Four Weddings and a Funeral days.
Break out the champagne, hot tub and cricket bats! We’re going across the pond people! Show starts March 17.
Ooooooooooh, a cutie! Didn’t know there were Brits out there that cute… and TALL! Consider me in for March!!
Wow…he is tall! Are they filming this in the UK? I thought that DD was up next, but I guess that they have already filmed this one and she will be hot-tubbing it later in the year.
Looking forward to another season! I love the accent too 🙂
Does Drew Lachey mean NO CHRIS HARRISON????? Travesty.
WHAT, NO “your host Chris Harrison”? waaaah. Lincee, do you have the 411 on that?
But otherwise. Cutie patootie. Cannot wait for the accent or the season. yay.
I don’t think i have ever been older then the bachelor this ought to be an interesting season! damn i am getting old.
Don’t worry! Drew Lachey is the host of Dance War, they introduced the Bachelor last night on that show. I’m sure Chris Harrison is still the Bachelor Host! : )
Based on the picture Lincee posted, this Bachelor has the finest set of teeth in the whole UK! Can’t wait for St Paddy’s Day for the season premiere!
Woo hoo!
I love a British accent! I’m so watching this season!
Welcome back Lincee!!! is it already that time again? YAY! and we get one with an accent!
Did anyone else hear the rumor that Chris Harrison was going to be on dancing with the stars?
is it just me? i don’t think he’s hot…i’ll have to go to the abc website to see other pics but his huge chompers in the pic lincee posted kinda freaked me out.
Wahoo… we are on countdown people! I think he’s handsom. But wicked tall. I’d hate to be a camera guy trying to get a cute shot between the tall guy/short girl. (if there are any).
Any other Dallasites think he looks like a less sleazy version of Mike Modano of the NHL Dallas Stars?
He cannot be English! No way, they have slipped someone in with a great accent. Proof you need? Look at the teeth, my gawd not even Hugh Grant has that nice of teeth. I believe they don’t practice dentistry in the UK.
Like this site…clever and cute, great chick fest.