It’s time to vote!

Tonight’s the night.  Hotter than Crap Brad will bestow a final rose, ending this amazing journey known as season 15.  Who will he choose?  Vote below!

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March 14, 2011 11:21 am

here is an old clip of Chris Harrison doing a mad men interview. 🙂

Thought you would enjoy.

Michele L
Michele L
March 14, 2011 11:51 am

I think it will be Chantel because they seem to have so much fun together and he has stated that there has been chemistry from the beginning.

I doubt Emily will want to move from Ricky’s family.

Northern Girl
Northern Girl
March 14, 2011 12:38 pm

I bet Brad and Emily decide together before the rose ceremony to break things off. I agree with Michele and think it will be b/c Emily can’t move little Ricki.

March 14, 2011 1:32 pm

Chantel: Big boobs, dark hair, (access to) fast cars, no kids, rich daddy-o, bit of an edge to her. She is his type of woman

Emily: BEST pick, but not Brad’s type. She’s out of his league and too classy and reserved for him, and he’s a partyboy…he doesn’t want a 5 year old.

I predict that he says some smack like “you’re too perfect for me”. Ugh.

Holly go lightly
Holly go lightly
March 14, 2011 2:39 pm

I just viewed the voting results. Team Emily needs to prepare for defeat. I bet my Aunt Fanny’s subscription to “Reader’s Digest” that ChanO and Daddy O are the chosen.

March 14, 2011 2:53 pm

I think it will be Chantel. While he appears to be smitten with Emily he also seems very uncomfortable and unable to be himself around her. I see exactly the opposite with Chantel–it seems like they are very comfortable with one another and there’s an easiness I don’t see with Emily. That’s why my vote is for Chantel.

March 14, 2011 3:05 pm

I can see it now: little Ricki going to visit daddy @ the bar, getting beer stains on her algebra homework. NOT gonna happen! By rejecting Emily, Brad would be doing her a huge favor!

March 14, 2011 3:37 pm

Good point that he might say Emily is too perfect for him and he doesn’t deserve her…and then pick Chan-tell (and her dad and in a round about way himself).

Emily is the best choice because she is the best, but he is not the best therefore the best for “not the best guy” is not the best…hehe.

Emily would make him a better person, but the dark haired girl is more his speed/style and at 38 does he want a lifestyle change that includes NASCAR and a 5-year old?

March 14, 2011 3:53 pm

@Holly go lightly – I don’t know why but I’m really chuckling at your betting your Aunt’s Readers

@AmyH…the best not the best…LOL

You guys are a hoot. Tonight better be worth all this time WE’VE invested in this AMAZING JOURNEY!!!

March 14, 2011 4:41 pm

I LOVE Emily but she is too good for him 🙂 Plus I think he is just infatuated with her looks. I think Chantel is a better match for him!

Tater Mama
March 14, 2011 5:09 pm

I’d love it if it were Emily, but I really think it’s Chantel. And her daddy, of course. I hate that he’s strung Emily along this far if he’s not going to choose her, though.

March 14, 2011 6:12 pm

I think the rate limiting step with Emily is that she has a child. I think that would be too much for Brad’s tiny brain to assimilate. If she was not a mom, my money would be on her, but I really don’t know. Lincee, tell us all who you think it will be!!

old fan
old fan
March 14, 2011 6:55 pm

almost 500 votes, that cracks me up! Lincee, you rule. I vowed I wouldn’t read Reality Steve this season, but caved. Don’t worry, no spoilers from me…..but I will tell you, he first said it’s A, then backtracked and said, no it’s B… it’s a toss up !!! Check-out line magazine covers hint at Emily …. but ABC is working hard for a surprise, so who knows?! Awaiting the train wreck with anticipation……

March 14, 2011 8:53 pm

I am shocked! So far. Didn’t see THAT coming.

March 14, 2011 9:07 pm

Yeah didn’t really see that either. What a stupid guy though to sit there and deal this woman a blow and crush her to then ask “Are you ok?” Well duh!

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