Offshore Technology Conference and Recap Update
It’s the most WONDERFUL time of the year. The Offshore Technology Conference is off to a good start! So far, my head hurts, my feet ache, my back is killing me, my hair is doing some weird half curl because of the rain, I’m having a stomach “issue” with some questionable Reliant Stadium lettuce I ate for lunch and I’ve just relaxed my PR smile for the first time in eight hours. ONLY TWO MORE TO GO! SCORE!
I know “Women Tell All” is tonight and I am going to do my best to keep my eyes open long enough to write the recap immediately after the show. Typically I write the next day, giving the juicy details a little more time to marinate in my head. But if I did that, there wouldn’t be anything posted until about 7:00 tomorrow night. And we just can’t have that.
So I’m going to write it. My webMAN Jason is going to post it, along with a poll to see who YOU think Matty will choose. Let’s see how close the votes are to the real outcome next week! I’m going to say $5 that we are 50/50. Make sure to vote tomorrow.
Okay. I’m headed back out there. Those media people aren’t going to schmooze themselves.
You are so dedicated… and we LOVE you for that! I also love that we can take full advantage of this poll technology Jason has brought to the table!
Thanks Lincee! It wouldn’t be a proper week without your brilliant wrap ups – thought you’d appreciate the British worked in there.
Did you see the teasers with Matt’s shaved head?? Ewww… I don’t think he’s as cute anymore.
I currently have a huge problem. I travel a lot for work…(sounds like you do a little too)…and I will BE ON A FLIGHT NEXT WEEK DURING THE SHOW. (Sorry to yell.) So, your recap may be all I have to depend on for info on the finale! I’ll DVR the episode and watch it when I get home…but that won’t be for a few weeks. Darn the luck…How did I let this happen?
Thanks, as always, for the excellent info…
He’s so cute. Shaved head and all. But, if he were truly in love, wouldn’t he be shouting it from the treetops? He seemed so composed. I still predict SHAYNE!!!
I was convinced he would choose Shayne until watching the “Women Tell All” show. When he was explaining to Amanda why he didn’t choose her, (the like/love thing) he starting comparing her to Chelsea first, then stalled, then added Shayne. I’m kind of hoping I’m wrong. In thinking about it further, the fact that she is an actress and looking to get some fame, it seems possible.
It’s Chelsea all the way!!!
#5 gracefuldisaster:
I thought the exact same thing. Unfortunately, I think it is Chelsea… If that is true, I don’t see it lasting. Relationships that are that much work from the beginning don’t seem promising to me.
If she doesn’t get the man, I hope Shayne at least gets some good work from this show.
DJ (and other business travelers):
You really need to look into getting “Slingbox.” It is a program that allows you to watch and control your DVR at home from your computer, so as long as you have your computer and an internet connection, you can watch “The Bachelor” from anywhere! (My husband is an “early adopter” when it comes to anything technological. When he brought home TiVo six years ago, I thought “Now what is he wasting money on. . .” Then I got hooked. Same thing with Slingbox. I own a retail shop and when my staff thinks I’m in back doing the bookkeeping, I’m probably doing the bookkeeping while watching “Ugly Betty.”
also…. I believe that the ABC website reruns the show for about a week or two. So if you don’t have the above mentioned technology… but you have an internet connection, you can probably find it!
#5, I noticed that too! At this point I really don’t care who he picks because I don’t care for either one of them too much…but of course I’ll be watching!
So has anyone else seen the Zaxby’s commercial with Shayne’s dad in it? Kind of weird that he just so happened to be in a commercial now that his daughter has been on tv.
Just wanted to mention that Lorenzo Lamas is now doing Zaxby’s commercials! Guess his little girl’s appearance on The Bachelor has helped to bring him back out into the spotlight!
um…HELLO!!! did you guys not see what I did???
during the show, one of the little pop ups that show up near the abc logo said “The Bachelorette…season premiere 2 weeks from tonight!!”
ok the recapping of the hills and the voting was a little premature since it ends next week! what came in second place?
#13 – I didn’t see the pop up, but I did see the commerical with DeAnna and my first impression was BORING! I may sit this next season out form watching, but will just keep up with through Lincee’s recaps.