Oscar Red Carpet

The Oscar red carpet is truly a sight to behold. So many hits. So many misses. So many devilishly handsome men in tuxedos. I have absolutely NO idea what I’m talking about when it comes to fashion. Therefore, it makes total sense that I would create an Oscar red carpet gallery full of first-impression thoughts that went through my head as I watched last night. Of course, this was my favorite part, which technically had nothing to do with fashion other than Ryan Gosling is adorable. But the night did have some beautiful, charming, confusing, WHAT WERE YOUR THINKING wardrobe moments that we should discuss. Click on the first picture to open the gallery. Enjoy!

For those of you interested in what a real professional thinks, check out my friend Natalie’s blog over at Signature Style!

Photo By: Getty Images and ABC.com
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February 29, 2016 5:19 pm

Love the captions, Lincee!
Jacob Tremblay was adorable, too, in his tux and Star Wars socks. And I think Emily Blunt would’ve killed it if she went with a simple bun instead of the over-done side waves.

February 29, 2016 7:05 pm

Pssst…Taylor Kinney is on Chicago Med, not Chicago Hope….

March 1, 2016 2:22 am
Reply to  Evenshorter

Actually it is Chicago Fire, but he sometimes guest stars on Chicago Med and Chicago PD.

amy a
amy a
March 1, 2016 2:42 am

Yes, Michael Keaton is and forever will be the true Batman. Loved Naomi Watts dress. My sis-in-law was critical of what Lady Gaga wore for the superbowl. My response then (applicable now) , “at least she’s all covered and it’s made of fabric”!

Erin Hern
March 1, 2016 8:14 am

Robin Roberts wins best dressed for me. She is STUNNING.

Laura Jean
Laura Jean
March 1, 2016 12:26 pm

I love that picture thing you did up there…not sure what to call it, but I appreciate it not bringing me to some site where I have to click through a bunch of webpages to see just 10 pictures but instead got to see all your fun comments on one page alone!

I’m not sure what got into stylists minds this year with all the listless hairstyles, but I do appreciate those simple, straight, and sleek styles that accompanied many of the ladies’ outfits.

Your comments on “Olivia Pope”‘s outfit was spot-on. Olivia Munn’s dress’ color was excellent – few people would try something and fewer would pull it off. And for the last Olivia, well…I think the better white dress of the night was not hers, but the one made of doilies. 🙂

Finally, I appreciated your comments on JLaw’s dress (though I really liked her hair…may copy it with my desperately-needed haircut coming up next month or so) as it did look very…just not right, but I did wonder, what did you think of Brie Larson’s dress? I loved it, though I wish she had a different hairstyle. I guess long, full, and wavy isn’t in these days?

Laura Jean
Laura Jean
March 1, 2016 12:27 pm
Reply to  Laura Jean

And I, too, loved Naomi Watt’s dress!!! Beautiful!!!

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