Everything’s coming up roses

We are in the home stretch ladies and gentlemen. The Bachelor starts on MONDAY! I have my handy dandy clicker counter that will help me keep track of how many times Our Host Chris Harrison reminds the lovely viewing audience that Jason was DUPED at the Home Depot proposal pedestal by the evil DDAHnna Pappas who now holds a permanent place in Bachelor history IRONICALLY beside her evil DUPER Hotter

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Tis the season to be thrifty

When celebrating the holidays this year, it’s important to remember that during these trying economic times, friends and family members need to pull together and give from the heart instead of the pocketbook. Use your imagination. Get creative. Why don’t you have a white elephant dinner party with your friends instead of a traditional gift exchange? You might end up with a truly fabulous item. Much like the plethora of

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Licky boom, boom down

I’ve just purchased Snow’s “Informer” from i-Tunes. Should I have my head examined? Or am I the coolest person you know?

Sweeney Sisters

This is me and my friend Jill. We are dressed as the famous Saturday Night Live dynamic duo, THE SWEENEY SISTERS! Some of you may be too young to remember. And that makes me sad for you. Please – do not try to find their act on the Intraweb. It doesn’t exist. Believe me. I’ve looked every month since this summer when Jill and I were asked to reprise our

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