DD is woman. Hear her ATV roar.

Hello people! I know, I know…it’s late. But this work thing keeps getting in my way of posting. In less than 24 hours, I have become the author of two more company newsletters, which raises my corporate total to six. I feel a nervous breakdown coming in the near future, but let’s worry about that later, shall we? Last week when I noticed that we were going to have to

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If I was one of the seven dwarfs…take two

I’d be Dopey this go around. Faithful readers…I figured one day it would happen. And last night it did. My buddy, my beloved DVR failed to record the one show that I really needed him to record. I could leave it at that sentence and let you curse the digital recording companies and shake your fists in fury. But that would be misleading. The reason my DVR friend failed to

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The men in my life

Teel: almost five Jackson: two Benjamin: almost two Sam: brand new And I’m in love with all four! These are the sons of four dear friends who are gracious enough to let me share in the lives of their children. Caroline (Teel’s mom) took these photos just for fun. She’s known for her ability to capture cherished moments. She typically takes actions shots during birthday parties or while we are

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Put your collar down dude

Shalom friends! It’s good to be back in the ole U S of A. I had a fabulous time in Israel and really appreciate all the sweet comments of encouragement left on those posts. You guys are amazing and it still floors me that you invest interest in what I’m doing with my life over in this tiny corner of the world. For that…I thank you. And I thank SOME

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