I totally stuck the landing
Last weekend I was frolicking in my parents’ pool with eight children and three adults. Being the cool grown-up I am, I was the only one participating in “Diving Board Games” as they are called at the Ray household. Basically, those in the pool challenge the daredevil kids (and one full-grown) to answer a question mid-jump.
I had just correctly answered “EIGHT” when my brother-in-law called out the square root of 64 (we like to educate as well as play) when I popped up by my sister in the shallow end. She was proud of me!
Wait…proud that I was able to both recall and blurt out the answer in such a small sliver of time while in mid-air? Or proud that I knew the answer? I sat there contemplating if I should be offended. To test the water (pun intended) I casually wondered out loud if I should do a back flip off the diving board.
Jamie: I don’t think so.
Me: You don’t think I should? Or you don’t think I can?
Jamie: [silence]
I marched my happy self up to the diving board to the chortle of my entire family. Half were rooting me on because they wanted to point and laugh when I ended up doing a belly flop. The other half were scared that I would crack my head open. I specifically remember Mama screaming, “Don’t do this! You’re not a young girl anymore!”
I’m happy to report that I executed a beautiful back flip in pike position. I’d appreciate it if you never told any of the witnesses that my entire right side and my tailbone hurt that night. Next time, I’ll remember to do some light stretching before showing off.
Annnnnnd there it is. The root of all evil. Pride got the best of me. Again.
Please tell me I’m not the only one who suffers from prideful moments in my life. This annoying character trait pops up at the most inconvenient times. It make me stubborn. It keeps me from saying, “I’m sorry.” It makes me think I’m invincible and better than those around me.
King David pondered the same idea. Psalm 10:4 reads, “In his pride the wicked does not seek Him. In all his thoughts there is no room for God.”
Hold please while I go and highlight that Bible verse in yellow. And circle it. With big stars and arrows.
So what’s the best way to combat my pride? Fortunately, we have an answer in Daniel 4:37: “Those who walk in pride, He is able to humble.”
Praise the Lord.
Having a humble heart is hard for me. Mainly because that means I have stop looking inward for once and instead concentrate on those around me. What better way to humble myself than to invest in the lives of others? Is it possible for me to listen to their stories and while silently serving as a beacon of light? How many lives can change if we simply tell someone through our actions, “I SEE YOU. AND YOU ARE WORTHY.”
I need to do a better job of understanding that it’s not all about me. Otherwise, I’ll be icing the right side of by body for the rest of my life. And I don’t have time for that.
You are NOT alone in this. But man, did I need to hear it this week. I have done so well lately being the person that was able to say NO freely. The past few weeks I’ve been adding more to my plate and I just realized this week that it’s ok to not get it all done, again. I guess I have to have this talk with myself once a year or so.
Thanks Lincee!
You are welcome Erin. Baby steps!
Congratulations, but please don’t do it again. I felt nervous just reading this!
Ha! It was GLORIOUS!
Beautiful, Lincee. I am thankful for your humor, your talented writing, and your faith. (and that you survived the backflip!) Thank you for making us laugh – and making us think about what’s really important in this life!
Well said, Jan, and my sentiments exactly. You are one, talented writer…and diver! Sure do appreciate you, Lincee!
Thank you Jan! This comment came at the perfect time. You are sweet to write.
Oh my! My 35 year old self also participated in some diving-board dares with my boys over the weekend. My left hamstring stung for about 2 hours. I too am thankful for your humor and faith.
You know it! Advil…here I come!
Oh sweet Lincee, you are not the only prideful person. This past weekend, pride got the better of me and I have the bruises to prove it. You see, I am deathly afraid of mice and as I was sitting in my bathroom at 5 am doing my business, one peeked its head out from behind the trash can. As I was trapped, literally, I begged it to go away and it did. However, when I moved to the kitchen to make sure my dogs each finished their OWN food, it stuck its head out under the bathroom door. I begged it to go back, but it made a beeline straight for me, with murderous intent, I’m sure. I went full on ninja and tried to spread eagle between the fridge and the kitchen sink cabinet and to say it was an epic fail is an understatement. My left foot slipped, my right hand slipped and down I went, smacking my head on the pantry door and my hip and elbow on the floor. I am 55 and I spent the rest of the day wondering just exactly how I thought I was capable of such a move.
Bless you and your sense of humor.
Kelli! I’m so glad you survived to tell the tale! Hang in there. Ice and elevation. Sick those dogs on the pest and we should be fine.
I’ve been reflecting on this since I read it yesterday. I really struggle with pride vs empowerment. I can take responsibility for mistakes with the best of them, but there’s a fine line between “I got this” and, “but by the grace of God I’m equipped to handle this”. Thanks for sharing.
Wonderful input amy a. “Grace of God” indeed!