Random acts of kindness
I’ve been doing this blogging thing for a while. I like to tell my story and recap TV shows in the comfort of my pajamas. It’s really easy to be vulnerable when you’re technically blabbing to a computer screen instead of a live human being.
My random acts of kindness challenge blew that security blanket out of the water. I was overwhelmed by the response. Within a few days, an entire community of people banded together to bless others. I wanted to gather everyone tight into my arms so they could personally share their experiences, sing a happy song and end with a big group hug. Maybe it was the sugar high from various birthday treats I received yesterday, but I certainly felt lots of love and lots of joy. I’m confident those who were blessed by your kind gestures felt that as well.
Emily (@Cafe_Emily on Twitter) completed 40 acts of kindness ON HER OWN. And my sweet friend Stephanie hauled 40 care packages to church last night so our Bible study group could bless individuals who are homeless. Words can not express my gratitude.
Several of you (WAY MORE THAN 40!!!) accepted the challenge. From the moment you made that choice, lives were changed. I’m going to write that sentence again so you can feel the weight of it.
From the moment you made that choice, lives were changed.
We live in a world full of suffering. I am overjoyed that in the last 40 days, we were able to shine a light in the lives of others. Maybe you did it with a meal, donation or holding an umbrella. The important thing is that you purposely thrust the spotlight on someone else. And that is a beautiful thing.
“Just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve. And give His life as a ransom for many.” — Matthew 20:28
Here are your acts of kindness. Thank you for spreading the joy!
Lincee and Emily — Paid for meals at Chick-Fil-A, lottery tickets through the autobank tubes at Wells Fargo and lottery tickets on windshields
Catha — Organized neighborhood party, cleaned up church playground area after everyone left and purchased Starbucks gift card at Target and gave to an employee who seemed to be having a bad day (PS: Catha was an ambassador of RAK, asking several friends and family members to contribute to the end goal. Thank you!)
Todd — Gave a waitress a hefty tip
Marion — Spoke to lady at MD Anderson about loving their kids well, ran errands with Granny and drove her daughter to the store (who just had a baby and needed to see the light of day)
Cindy — Purchased M&M’s from a man in need and then left the candy on a car with a note that said, “Have a sweet day.”
Heather — Put the neighbors’ trash cans out on the street (one just had foot surgery and the other walks with a cane)
Morgan — Gathered car seat, stroller, swing, bounce set and some clothes for a woman who just learned she is about to be a foster mom to a newborn.
Rachel — Gave up prime seats to two older ladies at a flamenco dance show (Best sentence ever Rachel!)
Monica — Bought a massage gift card for neighbor who is battling cancer
Julie — Baked pumpkin muffins for the elderly man down the street
Nancy — Ordered a picture Bible for a child in the Arise Africa organization (Loved this!)
Crista — Organized community-wide prayer campaign for Sam (who had been in an ATV accident.) Sam passed away and his organs were donated, saving three lives. Chick-Fil-A sponsored a spirit night with all the proceeds going to the family. The community worked like crazy to volunteer that night. The event raised more than opening day numbers.
Lauren — Counseled a friend through a tough time and purchased dinner for the babysitter
The Johnson Family — Prepared an Operation Christmas Shoebox
Benjamin — Paid for the family behind him in Chick-Fil-A (Age 9)
Andrew — Went out of his way to purchase his GG’s favorite lasagna at Olive Garden (Age 6)
Allison — Left the security guard, Vanessa, a bag of treats, thanking her for being so awesome at her job
Holly — Purchasing a bag of food at the YOLO County Food Bank
Lorraine — Sponsored a Christmas Stocking at friendsandhelpers.org. They are a non-profit organization based in California which assists women and children who are victims of domestic abuse.
Jen — Stopped by Aldi today and put quarters in a bunch of carts. (I’ve never heard of paying for a grocery cart!)
Lori — Took her dog Sophie to visit the residents at the nursing home
Erin — While a friend was going through chemo, posted uplifting song lyrics on her Facebook page and put together fun gift bags for fellow marathon runners
Annie — Provided a listening ear to a complete stranger who was going through a hard time
Megan — Helped neighbor clean apartment and gave money to someone who needed to ride the bus
Paige — Gave several “free lunch plate” coupons to city workers
Evangeline — Helped a blind lady make her way to the bus
Amy — She purchased something from the Amazon list for my friend Betty in Rwanda!!! (LOVE!)
Jill — Saw an older woman trip and fall on the street. Offered her a ride to her destination.
Sydney — Made bags of Halloween candy for her teachers because she wanted to make sure they received something too. Sydney also decided to accept donations for her birthday instead of presents. She’s nine-years-old.
Emerson — Following in her sister’s footsteps (Sydney), Emerson asked for donations for her birthday and was super excited to donate the toys to the United Way.
Nancy — Her daughter volunteers at “The Believe In Tomorrow” Children’s House at Johns Hopkins and her son encouraged her not to worry about the time change because “we’ll get through this together” (adorable)
Maggie — Donated to her church’s no-fee adoption campaign: http://antiochadoptions.org/
Tara — Note: Tara RECEIVED a RAK — Weepy and frightened after a diagnostic mammogram, a TSA attendant didn’t seem to think twice about reaching out to Tara both physically and emotionally to offer a warm hug and encouraging word.
Karen — Donated linens, towels, shirts to the Humane Society of Freeborn County, as well ad bags of clothes to the local consignment shop
Julie — Returned an elderly man’s shopping cart to the store so he wouldn’t have to get out into the pouring rain
Kelli — When the patrons next to them dined and dashed, Kelli and her friends combined their money to pay for the tab so the waitress didn’t have to take that out of her paycheck
Michelle — Raked leaves for a homeowner that needs help, served taco dinner at Union Gospel Mission, packed food for Feed My Starving Children (FMSC), spent six days in the Dominican Republic on a mission trip where we passed out on FMSC food and loved the kids
Maigan — Purchased groceries for the man behind her in the store
Melissa — Brought banana chocolate chip muffins (yum) to the teachers at school and anonymously dropped off pumpkins to neighborhood houses
Justin — Traveled to PA with uncle to help gather my cousin’s belongings and bring them back home to Texas after his tragic passing in a car accident. Picked up neighbors in the rain the on their anniversary after their vehicle got stuck in the mud.
Paula — Dropped a check to pay for several months of membership at a gym that specializes in Parkinson’s patience (where her friend receives therapy) and sent a box a Halloween candy and some other goodies to college kids whose mother just passed away from ALS
Julie — Purchased Kroger gift cards and asked cashiers to gift people in line who needed it
Weissflisch Family — A little girl (age 8) from daughter’s school is undergoing chemo for a rare blood disorder and she is losing her long blonde hair. We got some Disney Princess dolls and are shaving their heads and sending her encouraging letters to say she is beautiful without her hair.
Melanna — After her friend’s mom recently passed away, showed up on her doorstep with a cupcake because birthdays should be celebrated
Mary — Met a student and his dad at school on a Saturday morning at 7:30, in the rain and gave him the I-don’t-know-how-many-th copy of some homework assignments to keep him from failing
Hayley — Fostered a dog for the first time
40 plus awesome acts of Kindness! Well Done!
So many wonderful acts! I’m so inspired! Curios what all went into the “Blessings Bags”? We have a homeless population near my office, and I’m always wanting to do something helpful, without giving a “handout”. Love that idea.
Thanks Lincee. This was so much fun to participate. I will say that blonde in the United Way photo is the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen. Ok, I might be partial.
I’m so glad there are still this many people out there that instill goodness in the world!
WOW, made me cry this morning just thinking about all the kindness in the world. Gave me some ideas to pass along random acts of kindness…God is good ALL the time. Lincee, you are amazing to do this for your Birthday it shows what a kind heart you have.
You rock
Lincee – what a great thing you’ve done! Reading this list brought tears to my eyes as I read all the ways so many have given and sacrificed for others…many of whom they don’t know.
I hope your birthday was special and fun ~ just like you! 🙂
Hey, Lincee.
Thanks for the shout out. I only heard about what you were doing 4 days before my 40th birthday but it was a great idea. I made so many people’s day and it made me feel both happy and humbled.
I’ve been going through a really hard time myself and nothing can distract you from the woes of life you can’t control than taking the focus off yourself and focus on making the world better for other people.
I know what you mean by being vulnerable in real life. It’s so easy for me to write out my thoughts and feelings for strangers to read but I found myself a nervous wreck when having to actually speak to strangers and offer them something for nothing, especially in L.A. where strangers tend to think you’re nuts if you even acknowledge their existence let alone offer to pay for their Halloween candy.
It’s an odd thing how people find it so difficult to accept kindness from a stranger. I’m a pretty serious introvert so breaking through my walls to talk to other people and then breaking down theirs so they could let kindness in was challenging for me but in the best way possible.
Thank you for your good work and for inspiring me to do good work.
🙂 Emily (aka cafe_emily)
Thanks for the inspiration, and hope you had a really happy birthday! 🙂
I sure hope you had a wonderful big four-oh birthday! I was really inspired by this project and loved reading how creative other people have been. I will make this a habit for the rest of my life…sure is awesome to see how little things can make a difference in others and in my attitude!
Cut out coupons and leave in the groecry store, book store, where ever. Leave nice notes on random cars ‘Hope you have a great day’ kind of thing.Compliment a complete stranger on their outfit, or smile, just whatever stands out to you. Donate clothes. Bring flowers to a nursing home.Bake cookies for your co-workers.