Lincee has been blogging about television, movies, music and random personal ramblings since 2003. She's best known for her Bachelor recaps. Her sitcom boyfriends include Nick Miller, Richard Castle, Damon Salvatore, Jim Halpert and Wade Kinsella. She’s convinced that if she ever met Mindy Kaling, Tina Fey or Lauren Graham in real life, they would be best friends. You can read more of her work at I Hate Green Beans.
WORST. SEASON. EVER!! I thought Melba didn’t want to marry his “best friend”. Moll got that title tonight from our boy “J”! I’m sure Jill is thanking her lucky stars to be done with him and enjoy the honor(?) as the next bachelorette! At least she seems fun and has a pretty sweet wardrobe!
Lince, girl, you have mountains of material to work with here! Where does one start?
March 4, 2009 1:32 am
I am watching it now, had it recorded and i don’t even want to watch it, feels sooooo fake! ugh!
March 4, 2009 4:55 am
Sunny AZ, I’m with you, “best friend” seemed to be the kiss of death for Jillian, and now he’s all over that with Moll! She’d better watch out–he may realize he made ANOTHER mistake when he let his first best friend, Jill, go!! What a freak! The dude is a walking cliche, too. Everything that came out of his mouth was so “soap opera” drama queen! If I heard “I followed my heart” again I was going to have to throw up. And the GRAMMAR! From “where my heart’s AT” to “I was engaged WITH Melissa”, English teachers would have a field day with all of “Jay’s” lines. He’s just embarrassing.
And I’m sorry, but, Hey ABC, can we stop with the trend to put the most recent reject on as the next bach/bach’ette?? Jill’s cute and all, but we need some new material 🙂
March 4, 2009 7:52 am
Mothercita – I’m with you. I don’t mind recycling papers, plastic and glass, but not Bachelors and Bachelorettes. Jill seemed like a nice, warm, down-to-earth woman, but half the time I was rewinding Tivo because she speaks too quickly. And how many episodes in will they drag out the hot dogs?
I’m just wondering what ruse ABC/Fleiss will use to schedule Deanna’s appearance on Jillian’s season…
And Lincee, maybe you should try to schedule your vacation time around the season finales in the future! Just kidding. You’re definitely worth waiting for!
Susan in AZ
March 4, 2009 8:39 am
I am so NOT looking forward to Jillian being the next Bachelorette. She itrritated the hell out of me. I don’t think I can listen to her speak all next season. We need fresh meat on the Bachelor/Bachelorette!!
March 4, 2009 9:10 am
Did I miss something? Did they announce Jillian as the Bachelorette? I don’t remember, but all the comments from yesterday and today make it sound like it was official. I’m not a fan of the recycling either. I like fresh faces.
March 4, 2009 9:11 am
So, my husband pointed out something last night while they were doing their montage about the proposal to Melissa (I just love watching the show with him!)…
On Monday night, when Jason got down on bended knee (sorry, just reminded me of the Boyz II Men song) and opened the ring box to pop the question. The label ‘Neil Lane’ was etched in the lid of the ring box. We paused it and laughed about the not-so-subtle advertisement for Mr. Neil Lane and his gaudy engagement ring…
Last night, we re-lived that proposal moment and when Jason opened the ring box – guess what WASN’T there!?!? You got it. Neil Lane.
I guess I shouldn’t be shocked that The Bachelor is super-imposing advertisements – I mean, they’ve done worse, right? I just found it very funny…
As mad as I was at for Melba doing what he did to Melissa, it looks like him and Molly do love each other – for now, at least. I think Molly said something last night about how people tend to forget that they are PEOPLE and not just characters on a tv show – that sort of gave me a different tune. Molly is incredibly smart and seems like she has a great head on her shoulders – she’s definitely more mature than SINGLE dad Jason (which by the way, his ex-wife is on ET tonight, or Extra – can’t remember which one).
It sucks that Melissa had her heart broken on tv, but knowing what I’ve heard about The Bachelor contract, Jason basically had no choice and I’m willing to forgive him for his stupidity…otherwise he would’ve been sued for some crazy $5 million or so for breach of contract. Also, I read that Melissa knew what was going to happen before she walked out. Her and Jason did not kiss…they hugged and she didn’t snuggle up next to him like DeYAWNa and Jesse – it was more like Shayne Lamas and the British dude. She was also very prepared for a verbal assault against him. Had that happened to me and I didn’t know beforehand, I’d be too shell shocked to form a sentence.
I’ll still watch The Bachelor and anxiously anticipate Lincee’s blog, as I have since before she blogged and she just sent out a recap email (I miss my Bachelor recap emails!). It’s just my way of living vicariously through these HOT (and shallow) men and women – and secretly wish that I had had the opportunity to have 25 men vying for my attention at one time!! 🙂
Sorry. I’ve rambled. I’m just glad the show is over and the shocking, most dramatic-ness is out of the way and we can all stop the conspiracy theories and move on with our real lives… 🙂
March 4, 2009 9:15 am
When the showed the scenes again last night, when Molly couldn’t believe that Jason had dropped Melissa, when Mol said, “What about Melissa” I could see clearly now that it was so rehearsed. And toward the end when Jason said that “he did what was best for everyone” that meant the producers. He did what he was told. I mean the show has always been wacko with the Bachelor kissing and slurping with all these women and everyone falling in love with him which is so not likely. And Jillian passed along the company line when she said that the show allows for people to truly fall in love at a fast pace.
What made me snort and laugh is at the end when they said they have seen each other a few times in the past 6 weeks and Jason said they talked a lot on phone with Ty playing in background…….they don’t even have a real relationship going!!!!! It does seem like puppy love and he truly seems like an 18 year old. They will keep it on the downlow though and not show us their break up for a long time. I was really sick to my stomach. It seems to be that Reality Steve had all the correct info.
March 4, 2009 9:20 am
Just found this article about emails between Melissa and Jason – ATFR 1. It’s very interesting. Makes me LOVE Melissa even more…
I too am nervous for Jillian. Lately they have been making each successive bachelor/bachelorette come off even worse than before!
However, I never liked DD, not in Brad’s season, and I always thought Jason was a tool of some sort. Same for bachelor Bob. But I am hoping that if Jillian truly is as cool as she seems (and I believe that right now) she won’t come off horribly.
Remember Meredith? I liked her to the end. True, a lot of ppl got mad at one thing she did (leading on Matt) but I still liked her through and through. I’m hoping that’s how it goes with Jillian.
March 4, 2009 9:51 am
#8 Kylie, my boyfriend works in tv and he noticed the same thing. He said it looked like they re-shot him opening the box very slowly because it didn’t look “natural”. They probably slapped the Neil Lane in there in post production… the same way they changed the color of the dress in the promos. Crazy!
March 4, 2009 9:52 am
Molly’s MySpace page shows her age as 33. I wonder why the show listed her age as 24? She acts and seems more like a 33 year old and there would be no reason to fabricate that, right?
March 4, 2009 10:07 am
The Ukranian hookup must have gone real well. 😉 Gratz, Lincee. 😀
March 4, 2009 10:20 am
I completely agree with you Shameless. I’m really optimistic that Jillian will be a likable Bachelorette in the mold of Meredith. A little older at 29 and with a real job, she certainly seems miles more mature than DeAnna. And it’s always fun to watch the 25 guys. They generally have so much less drama going than the Bachelorettes.
What???? 🙂
I understand.
WORST. SEASON. EVER!! I thought Melba didn’t want to marry his “best friend”. Moll got that title tonight from our boy “J”! I’m sure Jill is thanking her lucky stars to be done with him and enjoy the honor(?) as the next bachelorette! At least she seems fun and has a pretty sweet wardrobe!
Lince, girl, you have mountains of material to work with here! Where does one start?
I am watching it now, had it recorded and i don’t even want to watch it, feels sooooo fake! ugh!
Sunny AZ, I’m with you, “best friend” seemed to be the kiss of death for Jillian, and now he’s all over that with Moll! She’d better watch out–he may realize he made ANOTHER mistake when he let his first best friend, Jill, go!! What a freak! The dude is a walking cliche, too. Everything that came out of his mouth was so “soap opera” drama queen! If I heard “I followed my heart” again I was going to have to throw up. And the GRAMMAR! From “where my heart’s AT” to “I was engaged WITH Melissa”, English teachers would have a field day with all of “Jay’s” lines. He’s just embarrassing.
And I’m sorry, but, Hey ABC, can we stop with the trend to put the most recent reject on as the next bach/bach’ette?? Jill’s cute and all, but we need some new material 🙂
Mothercita – I’m with you. I don’t mind recycling papers, plastic and glass, but not Bachelors and Bachelorettes. Jill seemed like a nice, warm, down-to-earth woman, but half the time I was rewinding Tivo because she speaks too quickly. And how many episodes in will they drag out the hot dogs?
I’m just wondering what ruse ABC/Fleiss will use to schedule Deanna’s appearance on Jillian’s season…
And Lincee, maybe you should try to schedule your vacation time around the season finales in the future! Just kidding. You’re definitely worth waiting for!
I am so NOT looking forward to Jillian being the next Bachelorette. She itrritated the hell out of me. I don’t think I can listen to her speak all next season. We need fresh meat on the Bachelor/Bachelorette!!
Did I miss something? Did they announce Jillian as the Bachelorette? I don’t remember, but all the comments from yesterday and today make it sound like it was official. I’m not a fan of the recycling either. I like fresh faces.
So, my husband pointed out something last night while they were doing their montage about the proposal to Melissa (I just love watching the show with him!)…
On Monday night, when Jason got down on bended knee (sorry, just reminded me of the Boyz II Men song) and opened the ring box to pop the question. The label ‘Neil Lane’ was etched in the lid of the ring box. We paused it and laughed about the not-so-subtle advertisement for Mr. Neil Lane and his gaudy engagement ring…
Last night, we re-lived that proposal moment and when Jason opened the ring box – guess what WASN’T there!?!? You got it. Neil Lane.
I guess I shouldn’t be shocked that The Bachelor is super-imposing advertisements – I mean, they’ve done worse, right? I just found it very funny…
As mad as I was at for Melba doing what he did to Melissa, it looks like him and Molly do love each other – for now, at least. I think Molly said something last night about how people tend to forget that they are PEOPLE and not just characters on a tv show – that sort of gave me a different tune. Molly is incredibly smart and seems like she has a great head on her shoulders – she’s definitely more mature than SINGLE dad Jason (which by the way, his ex-wife is on ET tonight, or Extra – can’t remember which one).
It sucks that Melissa had her heart broken on tv, but knowing what I’ve heard about The Bachelor contract, Jason basically had no choice and I’m willing to forgive him for his stupidity…otherwise he would’ve been sued for some crazy $5 million or so for breach of contract. Also, I read that Melissa knew what was going to happen before she walked out. Her and Jason did not kiss…they hugged and she didn’t snuggle up next to him like DeYAWNa and Jesse – it was more like Shayne Lamas and the British dude. She was also very prepared for a verbal assault against him. Had that happened to me and I didn’t know beforehand, I’d be too shell shocked to form a sentence.
I’ll still watch The Bachelor and anxiously anticipate Lincee’s blog, as I have since before she blogged and she just sent out a recap email (I miss my Bachelor recap emails!). It’s just my way of living vicariously through these HOT (and shallow) men and women – and secretly wish that I had had the opportunity to have 25 men vying for my attention at one time!! 🙂
Sorry. I’ve rambled. I’m just glad the show is over and the shocking, most dramatic-ness is out of the way and we can all stop the conspiracy theories and move on with our real lives… 🙂
When the showed the scenes again last night, when Molly couldn’t believe that Jason had dropped Melissa, when Mol said, “What about Melissa” I could see clearly now that it was so rehearsed. And toward the end when Jason said that “he did what was best for everyone” that meant the producers. He did what he was told. I mean the show has always been wacko with the Bachelor kissing and slurping with all these women and everyone falling in love with him which is so not likely. And Jillian passed along the company line when she said that the show allows for people to truly fall in love at a fast pace.
What made me snort and laugh is at the end when they said they have seen each other a few times in the past 6 weeks and Jason said they talked a lot on phone with Ty playing in background…….they don’t even have a real relationship going!!!!! It does seem like puppy love and he truly seems like an 18 year old. They will keep it on the downlow though and not show us their break up for a long time. I was really sick to my stomach. It seems to be that Reality Steve had all the correct info.
Just found this article about emails between Melissa and Jason – ATFR 1. It’s very interesting. Makes me LOVE Melissa even more…
I too am nervous for Jillian. Lately they have been making each successive bachelor/bachelorette come off even worse than before!
However, I never liked DD, not in Brad’s season, and I always thought Jason was a tool of some sort. Same for bachelor Bob. But I am hoping that if Jillian truly is as cool as she seems (and I believe that right now) she won’t come off horribly.
Remember Meredith? I liked her to the end. True, a lot of ppl got mad at one thing she did (leading on Matt) but I still liked her through and through. I’m hoping that’s how it goes with Jillian.
#8 Kylie, my boyfriend works in tv and he noticed the same thing. He said it looked like they re-shot him opening the box very slowly because it didn’t look “natural”. They probably slapped the Neil Lane in there in post production… the same way they changed the color of the dress in the promos. Crazy!
Molly’s MySpace page shows her age as 33. I wonder why the show listed her age as 24? She acts and seems more like a 33 year old and there would be no reason to fabricate that, right?
The Ukranian hookup must have gone real well. 😉 Gratz, Lincee. 😀
I completely agree with you Shameless. I’m really optimistic that Jillian will be a likable Bachelorette in the mold of Meredith. A little older at 29 and with a real job, she certainly seems miles more mature than DeAnna. And it’s always fun to watch the 25 guys. They generally have so much less drama going than the Bachelorettes.