Season retrospect, birthday wishes and lucky winners
Emily and 1F. What a season. Walk with me down memory lane, won’t you?
Emily + 1F = LOVE from Lincee Ray on Vimeo.
The post wouldn’t be complete without a birthday shout out to everyone’s favorite host. Our Host. Chris Harrison.
Our Host Chris Harrison from Lincee Ray on Vimeo.
And finally, I couldn’t be more overwhelmed by the amount of participation I received from my Men Tell All “after the commercial break” contest. I have the most creative, wonderful, loving readers in the world. It was a tough decision, but congratulations to the following five lucky readers who are the proud owners of IHGB magnets!
Earlier in the show Ryan lost his bump-it, you’ll never believe where it turns up. Find out after the commercial.
After the break, we will all try to figure out who in the hell is the guy in the top left corner seat.
After the break, Sean will take the hot seat where he will then take off his shirt one last time for your viewing pleasure. And then Roberto will join us for an in depth, shirtless discussion of who is hotter Sean or Roberto?
After the break, Chris Harrison will undermine Jake Pavelka with a Muppet.
After the commercial, Ames will challenge the Wolfman to a walk off to see who wears colored pants the best! It’s Red vs. Pink when we come back!!
I liked Jef with the kid from Mary Poppins! LOL
Lincee, I love your “Emily + 1F = LOVE” video! Thank you for making it. What a nice way to tie up the season. As usual, you made the season for me. ABC should really pay you! 🙂
You are awesome! Thanks for the video! I wish nothing but happiness for Emily and 1F! Has OHCH ever seen your tribute video?
If I could, I’d spritz on some ‘Electric Youth’ parfum and send you a BFF charm from Claire’s. That was great!
Love them both!! I want to go to one of those watching parties! So cute 🙂
Great vid! Hope those two crazy kids make it!
Mahvalous Dahling, Thanks!
If it weren’t for Lincee’s recaps, this show would have been cancelled already.
Kudos to Lincee for making The Bachelorette one of my favorite shows! Your recaps are awesome and I love to read them. I also love the videos. It’s great to laugh every Tuesday! Good Luck Emily & Jef and Happy Birthday to OHCH! Thanks for the laughs, Lincee!
Got my magnet! I love it! Thank you so much!!
And great videos!! Love the Debby Gibson…