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funny entertainment blog-Lincee Ray | I Hate Green Beans

I’d like to thank everyone who commented, tweeted, messaged and called me about my previous post. I’m still processing the COUNTLESS emotions that I felt while reading and can’t thank you enough for the encouragement. I’ve been tearing up for roughly 12-hours, so I decided to research some links that will make you smile! Except for the one about animals. You’ll need a Kleenex for that one. Have a great weekend everyone! And thank you for reading. My cup runneth over!

I just noticed that this is a year old, but it’s still interesting. Pumpkin-flavored food items to get your ready for fall! Did you know that they make pumpkin Peeps? WHAAAATTT???

Taylor Swift sings “Smelly Cat” with Phoebe Buffet at her L.A. show. Does it get any better than this?

This video is titled “most epic animal saves.” Please know that NONE of the animals die. It’s all about kind people going above and beyond to help a jungle cat, a kitten, a whale, a shark, a turtle and a baby kangaroo. Kleenex alert.

The Jungle Cruise has just landed a themed restaurant in Magic Kingdom. As a former world-famous skipper, this makes me very happy for some reason.

I ranked Schmidt’s douchbag jar moments from New Girl over on Entertainment Weekly. I think “bishop in a turtleneck” is worthy of first place, but feel free to vote for yourself.

In case you were wondering, America’s Got Talent is STILL looking for America’s favorite talent. My money is on the professional regurgitator. He is AMAZING y’all. Truly. Gross, but amazing. My recaps are HERE and HERE. There’s a video of him swallowing Heidi’s ring in the first one. It’s mesmerizing what he does once it’s in his stomach.

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August 28, 2015 8:58 pm

I had the Chobani pumpkin spice yogurt yesterday and it was good! I bet the Siggi’s is even better!

August 29, 2015 4:08 pm

Hi! This comment is actually for your previous post. I am so excited for you! If you are ever in Georgia, I’d hire you to speak!!

August 31, 2015 8:45 am

Aww, that animal compilation definitely made me all sniffly at my desk this morning.

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