Some of the Women Tell All

Top 10 Moments of Women Tell All

1. Lisa: “I’m not as crazy as I appear to be.”
2. Agnes: “If Lorenzo like Erica…please…don’t like me.”
3. Jami: “You are such a bitch Erica. Dayum.
4. Erica: “I’m perfect the way I am, so I’m going to give myself a rose.”
5. Chach: “I think it’s a cow’s penis.”
6. Our Host Chris Harrison: “That was a terrible woody.”
7. Erica: “Jami is loud, drinks beer and rides bulls…she should be with a cowboy or football player.”
8. Sarah: “We all knew you were a Bachelor whore, but did you have to wear the wedding dress?”
9. Drunk Kim: “Hey…at least I went down in history!” (Blasphemy!)
10. Our Host Chris Harrison to Agnes: “I see you are shaking your head, but do you understand anything they are saying? Bless your heart.”

Was Chris giving me a secret shout out? I’m going with yes!

All about the shame, not the fame,


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November 21, 2006 1:14 pm

I so love the women tell all episode. I was convinced it was going to be Sadie next week, but now I think the editors are pulling another Travis picks Sarah on us!

November 21, 2006 1:22 pm

I am devestated….no mention of the awful laugh track? It sounded like they borrowed it from “Friends.” Some of the things the girls said was funny, but come on! The laugh track made it sound like the audience was rolling in the aisles! I LOVED Kelly Ripa’s immitation of Erica. Is it strange Erica looked proud? I guess none of us should be surprised at this point. I want to go down to Houston and see what kind of people “worship” her!

November 21, 2006 1:25 pm

Lincee, I can’t believe that one of your top 10 was not when the Chach, who has so obviously seen himself ackwardly kissing on TV, try to make excuses for sloppy kisses by saying that he is only affectionate in private. Cringe-worthy!!

November 21, 2006 1:25 pm

I think the editing is favoring Sadie, but in the end he’ll pick Jen. The girls all seemed to think so, and they lived with both of them….

And, do ya’ll think Erica’s dad did her boob job????

November 21, 2006 1:33 pm

I LOVED the “bless your heart” moment!

And kudos to Agnese for mastering enough English to stand up for herself-and be funny!

Language barrier be damned, she’s my new favorite for the Bachelorette!

November 21, 2006 1:40 pm

Please tell me there is more?! 🙂

November 21, 2006 1:46 pm

#11. Chach to Erica: “For it to work, you’d have to be a completely different person.”

Catherine Avril Morris
Catherine Avril Morris
November 21, 2006 1:53 pm

Anonymous 1:46 – Yessss!!! Good call! I loved the way he dressed Erica down, and she just batted those eyes and smiled dreamily, having no idea what he was talking about!

November 21, 2006 2:02 pm

Lincee…. please tell me you have more in store for us! I love the wittiness and know that you have much much more to share so PLEASE DO SO!

I really think Erica was left crying after that one. She’s the biggest fruit cake of them all. And I feel sorry for Lisa… Bless her heart, she has no clue how scary she and her timeline are. I guess secretly, we all have goals but no one speaks publicly of them. That would be shameful!

November 21, 2006 2:55 pm

I want more recap! This is a tease 🙁 Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeease Lincee!!

November 21, 2006 3:08 pm

It looked like Erika’s dad sprung for some new hair extensions – that actually look like real hair.

#12: (Lisa): “Erika was the most honest one on this show.” (that was Lisa’s thank you for Erika referring to her as an upgraded vanilla milkshake with a cinnamon stick, chocolate sprinkles and BEER”)

November 21, 2006 3:11 pm

I agree that there may be some foreshadowing, but I don’t see an ounce of chemistry between Prince Dude and Jen.

On that note, the girl’s predictions are telling, but the Bachelor trend seems to be that the girls gravitate away from the front runner.

In any event, here are to all the uncomfortable moments we are sure to have next week.

athens, ga
athens, ga
November 21, 2006 3:15 pm

I can’t wait for next week. My vote is for Jen; however, I feel sure that I’m going to have to close my eyes during some things her Dad says next week. But he does obviously love his daughter!

My coworker hopes that Sadie wins, because she thinks it’s going to be really fun to buy the People magazine with the Virgin on the cover as she swipes her Vcard with Chach.

November 21, 2006 3:23 pm

i have to say this is one of the better, if not the best, WTA episodes so far. Maybe it was because they only had ten women on?

November 21, 2006 3:27 pm

I don’t remember the “that was a “terrible woody” comment” – What was that about?

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