Stocking stuffer
Thanks to IHGB reader David for sending me a link to THIS book…
FINALLY! I can’t tell you how many times I’ve wished, “If only there was a manual written by a tough guy that would help me crack the bad boys, pompous male co-workers and Harley riding bandidos in my life.”
Our prayers have been answered ladies! And just in time for the holidays!
Former Bachelor and half-winner of Bachelor Pad, Crazy David Good promises a road map to finding your tough guy’s gentle side. This riveting piece of literature will help women:
– Break down protective walls
– Strip away bravado
– Decipher the men you are attracted to but don’t understand
– Discover the secrets and unwritten codes to which real men subscribe
SOLD! I’m off to purchase my “Man Code” copy from Amazon. Between these eye opening tips and Barney Stinson’s “Bro Code” rules for relationships, I should be in pretty good condition to conquer the dating world this year. With this much research, clearly 2011 is going to be legen…
wait for it…
***Note to reader***
I know what you’re probably thinking. And I thought the same thing. IHGB reader “David” sent me this link? A link that pimps out a man code book ironically authored by a crazy with the same name? After a bit of reconnaissance and light Facebook stalking, I was able to confirm that our David is not Crazy David.
Hi-larious! And legendary. I am sure to be a best seller in the next week as well.
lol, no way am I supporting this guy and his ego and angry eyes!
Holy crap! So this is what I’ve been missing??? Who knew that lurking behind the facades of all those narcissistic, d-bags I’ve been dating was a sensitive guy just waiting for me to “strip away his bravado” and “discover the secrets to his unwritten codes”!!! Man-o-man this is going at the TOP of my “Wish List” this Christmas!
That’s AMAZING. AHHHHHHHHHH-mazing. I cannot wait.
All I can do right now is laugh and laugh and laugh – this made my day!! It is perhaps going on my Christmas wish list 🙂 lolololol
OMG — I’m not sure whether to laugh — or throw up a little — inside my mouth, of course!
How great would it have been if David had been David?! Oh well…
Love these little surprise posts – I am counting down ’til The Bachelor — not for HTC Brad — but for a weekly dose of Lincee!
I wonder if Amazon will pair it with the book “The Young and The Thirsty” by Jesse Kovacs for a discounted price?????? Mmmm next I need to get on a show so I too can write a book.
I find it hilarious and ironic that Rageaholic Dave (dubbed so in my friend circle) has the last name of Good.
Please don’t tell me I’m the only person who just looked this book up on Amazon. I’m going to feel awfully stupid.
But I have a feeling that others did too, because I typed in The Man Code…..and David Good came up as an related searches.
I think he got his cover art idea from this T-shirt:
Coincidence that the t-shirt features a bar-code with the name David? I think NOT!
Hmm . .I’m thinking someone had a little too much time on their hands. Dead giveaway is that the picture is his Bachelor mug shot. Still hilarious though!
I wonder if it includes a Chapter written by Natalie titled “I Shoulda Screwed Him Over and Taken the Money”….
Retitle: “A Guide for How to Hook Up with total Doochebags”
All right – I think we all need to chip in and buy Lincee a copy of this book, so that she can review it for us!!! I mean, so we know whether it’s any good or not 🙂
I’m still hung up on the fact that crazy dave wrote a book!
It’s quite possible he had a ghost writer.