Sweeney Sisters
This is me and my friend Jill. We are dressed as the famous Saturday Night Live dynamic duo, THE SWEENEY SISTERS! Some of you may be too young to remember. And that makes me sad for you. Please – do not try to find their act on the Intraweb. It doesn’t exist. Believe me. I’ve looked every month since this summer when Jill and I were asked to reprise our roles as Christmas Cafe hosts. The theme was “Be There with Bells On” and the Sweeney Sisters just so happen to have a “bell medley” skit they did back in the 90s. Luckily, Jill and I were well versed and had the thing practically memorized.
The weekend was so much fun! We had four shows and the Sweeney Sisters opened and closed each night. In-between we had little skits that included us dressing as Taco Bell employees, elves, a Home Shopping Channel show where we sold holiday items in New York accents and Jill in a milk maid outfit and me in a cow costume selling Blue Bell ice cream. Oh it’s as funny as it sounds.
Ironically, this was not the first time I’ve found myself on a stage with Jill in a random costume. After meeting each other at a Pi Phi cookie shine/induction ceremony/pledge lock-in, Jill and I became fast friends and soon learned we were kindred spirits. In our first performance as Vivacious Violets (a fancy title for “entertainment chairpersons” during RUSH week at Baylor) we’ve transformed ourselves into go-go dancers, flappers, orphans, bride/bridesmaid and two of the five Spice Girls. After graduation, we found ourselves at Disney World in Jungle Cruise outfits and somehow reprised our Spice Girl roles in ice blue fringe dresses at the Adventureland Christmas party. We were a big hit.
Sadly, the older you get, the more you have to work to find a stage so that you can unleash your inner actress. Fortunately, since becoming grown-ups, we’ve managed to dress as Little Orphan Annie and Cruella DeVille, an angel and shepherd, a doll and a present and by golly if those little ice blue fringe numbers didn’t make a THIRD appearance at our friend’s rehearsal dinner.
Now that it’s over, we’ve both discussed that we are going through Cafe withdrawals. We’ll call each other and sing a bit of the medley. Or we’ll speak with our New York accents. But it’s just not the same when you aren’t wearing a wig or head to toe sequins.
I guess I’ll have to drum up a holiday play with all the kids at Christmas this year. I’ll recruit my pregnant sister and her husband to be Mary and Joseph. Then the rest of us can be barnyard animals. I think I know where I can score a real goat though. So much planning to do!
On a final note, many of you have asked/requested to see a video of the performance. I can say with quite certainty…over my sequined dead body!
Merry Christmas to all. And to all a good night.
Oh Lincee…. I would have paid some serious money to have seen that!!!!! If laughter really is the best medicine, then you and your friends should never be sick! MERRY MERRY CHRISTMAS!! XOXO
Oh my God, you crack me up! That is great!
I remember the Sweeney Sisters very well. I basically worshipped Jan Hooks. My sister and I knew all the words too. “Who you callin a ding a ling?”
Were those the ‘shweaty balls’ ladies??? My FAVVVVVV!!!
The Sweeney Sisters are on YouTube. We downloaded it at the office last year after we made some colleagues crazy with “The Trolley Song.”
Did you perform “Bridge over Troubled Waters” like when the Sweeney Sisters serenaded Paul Simon?? Definitely classic. Wish I could’ve seen you in action – my sister and I could pick up some pointers!
Don’t feel too bad. Some of us are so old we stopped watching SNL before thee Sweeneys. It went WAY down hill after the orginal cast.
Oh PRETTY PLEASE Lincee!!!!!! Pretty, pretty please put a video of you in that show!!! I mean really…teasing us like that is not nice. You don’t want coal in your stocking, do you? You know that guy in the red suit is watching! LOL! Ok…just consider it anyway.
MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE!!!!! Have a joyous holiday and enjoy your friends and family. Warmest wishes to all! :o)
since we are talking sisters, let’s talk MOTHERS, as in the train wreck of a show that is “Momma’s Boys”. Did anyone watch last night? That show really needs the Lincee treatment!
To Erin – no, the schwetty balls ladies were Molly Shannon and Ana Gasteyer (late 90s). The Sweeney Sisters were Jan Hooks and Nora Dunn, way before that (late 80s). Both very funny!
See. . yet again. . Sisters from another Mister. . I’m just saying!!!!! I LOVE the Sweeney Sisters, and I can’t tell you how many times I have busted out the bell medley at Christmas time. . or well. . anytime!! LOVE IT! I would put money on the fact that you secretly wish you could write for SNL and are convinced that you could bring the show back to what it should be!! I know this because I have the same wish for myself! LOL!! I also wish that you would reconsider the video footage of your fabulous performance. If you post yours, I’ll post mine (it’s me in a top to bottom sequined dress singing, or screaming, “My Heart Will Go On” onstage in Las Vegas. . it’s NOT pretty. . Edith Bunker ring a bell??)!!!!
Cookie Shine…hahaha I haven’t heard those two words used in the same sentence in about a decade. TTF and TOTT from a Missouri Alpha
Hubs and I watched “White Christmas” last night, and I thought of you and your sister singing “Sisters”…maybe you and Jill can do that at next year’s Christmas Cafe!
I always loved how their friends would smile happily and request medley magic. The Bells Medley was the best. Well-done, LIncee!!
I am reading this a bit late but had to comment. I absolutely grew up on SNL and am sad when I quote or reference the Sweeny Sisters and people don’t know what I am talking about. I know have twin daughters who are 16 months old and the thought has crossed my mind many times to dress them up as the sisters for Halloween next year. Halloween after all is for the parents right??? Happy Holidays!