Tag Apartment Cat

One can’t be too sure…

Well it’s definitely not a bird due to the lack of feathers.  And what one might think is a mouse tail is actually innards in what appears to be the remnants of the intestine family.  The thing on the left resembles a femur bone.  Or a very thick spinal cord.  I can’t be certain.   I’m going to go with baby bunny, portly frog or the teacup poodle in 3B.

He’s baaaaaacccckkkkk…

Last night my phone, Facebook and email blew up with the confirmation of Jake’s return to The Bachelor.  And for some reason, ABC chose to share this news on Dancing with the Stars in one of the lamest announcements I’ve ever witnessed.  Granted, I fast-forwarded through most of the train wreck.  (I’m not emotionally invested in anyone on the show but Dmitry now that Maks is gone.)  But from what

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