Tag Bachelor Podcast

IHGB Podcast #110: Tyler Who?

Hey ya’ll It’s episode two of Bachelorette Hannah’s season and things are already getting steamy. Some Guy in Austin and I break down the three dates and discuss: Do cowboy boots and speedos go together? Is Tyler G. a real contestant or just a robot without a personality? Can we change Cam’s acronym to “Always Be Chacchin’?” Are you rooting for the guy with the twelve pack set of abs who

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IHGB Podcast 56: Bachelorette Becca Week 3

Well it’s week 3 and Becca’s journey to find love has hit a bit of a rough patch. First, Colton and Tia are miraculously in the same room. (How did that happen?) Plus we have not one but TWO ambulances in a single episode. But there are silver linings: Richard Marx is back with an old favorite and a new face. And Our Host looks dapper delivering bad news in

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