There will be blood

When I was in high school, I took pride in my Student Council responsibilities as Vice President by organizing an American Red Cross blood drive in the gym. I’m pretty sure the bulk of the work included me making a flyer on Mrs. Johnson’s Commodore 64 and printing several copies on yellow, green and orange neon paper to be distributed in all the lockers. I also remember asking students to donate during announcements over the loud speaker.

Can you imagine the East Texas twang that rang through the halls of Hallsville High School?

I can assure you…no one noticed.

Since I was in charge of the drive, I was asked to give blood as the Bobcat Chronicle photographer took pictures for the school paper and yearbook. Looking precious in my denim button-up, khaki pants, brown braided belt, white socks, Cole Haan loafers and undoubtedly a ginormous white grosgrain ribbon in my sponge rollered hair, I was careful to not look nervous as the needled approached.

Having never given blood before, the nurse instructed me to squeeze the little yellow stress ball at a slow and steady pace. She then found a good vein and prepared me for the prick. A hush fell over the crowd as she stuck me. I didn’t feel a thing and said, “Was that it?” The crowd cheered at my bravery!

Okay, maybe that wasn’t really how it happened. Actually, some dude snapped my picture with a Kodak disc camera and made his way to the cookie and orange juice table to graze. I think my friend Julie was the only one cheering for me. She was on the bed beside me and told me that my blood was flowing super fast. She was confident that I would be the first one to finish. Being an over achiever coupled with my approval addiction, this pleased me to no end. I was just about to encourage her slow dripping blood when I felt something weird.

There was a hot sensation oozing down my arm. I turned my head and was traumatized by the amount of blood gushing from the tiny hole where a needle used to be.

It turns out, you’re supposed to stop squeezing the stress ball when the needle goes in your arm. That would have been helpful information. Blood was spewing everywhere.

Needless to say, this little incident turned into mass chaos. The nurse is freaking out. Kids are fainting. The janitor is none-to-thrilled to mop up the spill under my donor bed. Those waiting in line who weren’t really on the donor band wagon, but chose to give because it was an excuse to get out of fourth period have headed back to Spanish class. And I am turning a delightful shade of grayish green. Not to mention the fact that the Chronicle photographer was snapping pictures the entire time. Perfect.

After an hour in the nurse’s office, I’m allowed to change out of my bloody clothes into my “I’m A Donor” t-shirt and my Lady Cat volleyball shorts. It’s a true miracle that I had shaved my legs the night before.

Let the record show that I have given blood numerous amounts since 1994 and I still have good veins and fast blood. I AM A BLOOD DRIVE’S PERFECT DONOR.

I’m sure I have been flagged in some special American Red Cross database, because they have invited me to participate in the Bachelor Blood Drive this weekend. In honor of National Blood Donor Month, the Red Cross is gathering Dallas-area former bachelors and bachelorettes from the show to help spread the word about the importance of blood donations. Some of our Bachelor friends will be helping with registration and refreshments.

The drive is at the Doubletree in Richardson (located at 1981 North Central Expressway) from noon to 4:00 p.m. on Saturday, January 22. Sign on to to schedule a donation time so the coordinators will know how many people to expect.

And you never know! There could be a spark between you and Tanner the foot fetish guy at the granola bar station. Don’t miss this opportunity. He could be your type.

Get it? Type? As in blood type?

Okay. Try this one.

Starve a vampire. Give blood.

THANK YOU. I’m here all week people. Make sure to tip your wait staff.

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January 17, 2011 4:58 pm

PUHLEASSSEEE ensure there will be footage!! We want FOOTAGE!

SGT Cole
SGT Cole
January 17, 2011 6:12 pm

Awesome memories! I may be one of the only daily readers here who actually remembers those days. I also remember Mrs. Johnson’s “Computer Concepts” class.

Ahhhh…such good times. I would donate blood but my middle east travel and deviant personal life preclude me from being an eligible for blood donations.

January 17, 2011 6:16 pm

I believe I had that same exact outfit….down to the braided brown belt. All the rage then. Have to say that I’m impressed you weren’t incredibly traumatized. 🙂 Did you make the yearbook?

January 17, 2011 8:33 pm

Not sure if you noticed, but on the Red Cross site, they refer to the Bachelor(ettes) as “talent”. I’m sorry, but does anyone else find that even a little bit funny??

January 17, 2011 11:45 pm

So Lincee, are you going to go to the Bachelor Blood Drive? If so, that will be hilarious! You will probably get to meet some good people from the show. Definitely a blog worthy day! If you go, take lots of pictures! I wish I lived in Texas instead of the Pacific Northwest! I bet it would be a really fun thing to do!

January 18, 2011 7:34 am

I’ll go if Lincee goes. And I can’t even donate blood for another year!!

January 18, 2011 9:35 am

Oh, I hope you are going! There has been some good Texas “talent.” Very funny, JLI.

Holly go lightly
Holly go lightly
January 18, 2011 2:42 pm

I live in Missouri now but Richardson is my hometown…dang, wish I could be there! Be sure and have a Del’s hamburger for fortification…google Del’s for driving directions. My high school classmates agree no other hamburger like it.

January 18, 2011 4:01 pm

Definitely can’t wait to hear all about your time at the blood drive! I am guessing you will have a lot of fun and will get a great post out of it!

Don’t forget to bring a Dr. Pepper can!! 🙂

January 18, 2011 4:04 pm

P.S. Lincee, I wonder if any of the Bachelor people will know who you are? I always wonder how many of them read your blog…

I know Jesse from Deanna’s season read your blog. In fact, he told me that you (and this is a direct quote) “hated on him pretty hard”. I defended you and told him you were on Team Jesse a lot of the time, and it is all in good fun. 🙂

Anyway, I wonder if any of the Bachelor folks will recognize you.

Patty C
Patty C
January 18, 2011 6:14 pm

Oh my God Lincee I live in Dallas, very very close to Richardson and I have a chance to meet the witty, wonderful you?? I’m in! Carter Bloodcare has been calling me telling me it’s time for me to donate again anyway. Yay!!

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