Waiting for Boaz
My boss just forwarded me the email below. It’s comforting to know that when he receives such solid advice for single ladies, he immediately shares the wisdom, walks into my office laughing about it and then reminds me of an overdue deadline.
In the Bible, Ruth patiently waited for her mate Boaz. While waiting on your Boaz, don’t settle for ANY of his relatives. Brokeaz, Lyinaz, Cheatinaz, Dumbaz ,Cheapaz, Goodfornothinaz, Lazyaz or Marriedaz. Please wait on your Boaz and make sure he respects Yoaz.
Naturally, the rest of the afternoon consisted of me giggling at my desk when I was clever enough to come up with more of Boaz’s relatives: Jackaz, Selfishaz and Arrogantaz.
I’m sure there are more. Challenged EXTENDED.
How about Drunkaz or Narcissistaz? 🙂
Your post reminds me of a wonderful book called Lady in Waiting. All women should read this book. It’s a Bible based book about waiting for your Boaz like Ruth. It was such a lifeline for me when I was single as it puts what’s really important in a husband in perspective. Here’s a link to it on Amazon if your interested:
unfortunately, I married Drunkaz…..
I just saw this on someone’s facebook yesterday, LOVE it!
Love this!
ha. very clever. good reminder to me that I should be oh so thankful to have found my Boaz! (but for the grace of God, cause Lord knows I didn’t do anything to deserve him)
Ha! This is fantastic!
Wiseaz, Tightaz? Haha! I love it!
Yellinaz, Hittinaz…Let’s just pray you don’t have to wait as long as Ruth for your Boaz!
lol.. that is kickaz.
Some women really like Badaz, but he’s no good. No good.
Kristin, I think Wiseaz is a pretty good one!
So funny. I’m waiting for tightaz seabaz.
Sleazyaz, jealousaz, controllingaz
I’m waiting for a smartaz who’s also a hotaz 🙂
always avoid it’sallaboutmyaz
How about Crazyaz?
Love your post, Lincee! 🙂
Just thought of another…..Painintheaz