We’re putting it up to a vote.
Will Captain Jake choose Vienna or Tenley? Will Ali quit her job at Facebook and return wearing a yellow formal to steal his heart away? Or will Jake’s stunt double ride off on a motorcycle into the sunset…destined to be alone forever.
At least until the Bachelor Pad 2.0 debuts next fall, but that’s neither here nor there.
It’s your choice readers. Be heard.
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So I guess everyone thinks Vienna! I am quite sure its either her, or from the way he was talking no body! However, he said he was very much in love?????
I think he chooses Vienna…but does not propose. Or they don’t get engaged. That’s how he ‘stays true to himself’ to use his own Cheez-ass words.
Gross. The thought of Jake in love makes me want to hurl. He is so one dimensional and uninteresting! My vote goes to “who cares, I’m just going to be entertained by Lincee’s recap”!
What a lousy season. This batch of bachelorettes left a bad taste in my mouth, and the only reason I’d even watch Ali as the bachelorette is for the funnies. Who knows? Maybe her season will be….dare I say it….good????
But I don’t think Jake and Vienna REMAIN together. I think he’s stupid enough to get down on one knee for this chick because she’s the wild child he always wanted to date but never got the chance to cause he’s too much of a cheese ass….I think he may propose, then later back out when he discovers just how “wild” his child really is…You must remember….he’s just NOW hearing about all the stuff WE knew about from the start of this trainwreck.
I don’t think he’ll end up w/ either Vienna or Tenley, not sure who says no to whom, but I got that impression from the way he was talking on the LTA episode. I have a feeling that he might go search out Ali after it’s all over, but we’ll see. I have to say, he has been a real dorky bachelor.
Worst bachelor ever. I can’t believe I watched this whole season!
Ali – even worse choice for b-ette. I vote Corrie.
I voted for Vienna (and hate myself for it), but she’s honestly who I think he will pick. And I think he will propose. It really irks me because she totally seems like the opposite of what he said he was looking for in the beginning. I believe he’s letting his “little co-pilot” make this decision.
Jen from Tucson: “I believe he’s letting his “little co-pilot” make this decision.” LOL! Too funny!!!!!
I’m totally over this season…The Bachelor Pad, however, will hopefully pull the show out of this bad casting slump…Jason, Jill, Jake…ugh!
Can we get a do-over on Brad?
Did you all see coming up on 20/20 in March “Behind the Bachelor”? Looks pretty interesting! Set the DVR’s.
I agree that Jake picked Vienna but that they are not engaged or probably even together. I would have said he doesn’t choose either but he said he was “in love”…unless of course, he is “in love with his ‘little co-pilot; “…..
He should choose Tenley.
Tenley and Vienna are just so different! I can’t get over it!
I need a glossary. Lincee – would it be too much to ask to have a link with a cheat sheet of terminology? Or is it more fun to keep us newbies in the dark? What is LTA? (from Sherilyn -Dominee Huisvrouw’s comment)
And when/where did Jake say he was “in love”? I’ve only heard him say he’s “happy” (on the Girls Tell All episode) and that he didn’t have to choose (on Ellen).
I totally agree about Corrie – Corrie for bachelorette! She is a hoot
Jenn- Sorry, I just didn’t feel like typing out “Ladies Tell All” 🙂