
Thirteen Thursday

Everyone who knows me, knows that I love Christmas! And one thing I love about Christmas is the music! So here’s a list of the 13 most played songs in my Holiday folder from my I-Tunes. 1. Joy to the World – Aretha Franklin – Miracle on 34th Street 2. Good News – Avalon – Joy 3. Tchaikovsky’s Nutcracker 4. Christmas Without You – Kenny and Dolly – Once Upon

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Blockbuster Movie Replay: Summer 2007

Most of you may know that I screen movies as a way to make a little extra cash on the side. Although I’m not the main screener, I am occasionally called up from JV to play in the Varsity game. This year was no exception. I’ve seen pretty much everything worth seeing. It was the summer of the blockbuster. The summer of the three-quel. The summer that broke all previous

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