This is Me

I can’t find my car key again

Remember when I posted this, oh, about a week ago on social media? Fun fact about Lincee: I lose my keys an average of six times a year. They are almost always in the ignition of my locked car. I am a creature of habit. If my “exiting the car” routine is thwarted, I will undoubtedly lock my keys in there. In fact, I used to do it so much

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Happy Birthday Mama

Dear Mama, You are the most beautiful, caring, best-dressed woman I know. I love you to bits and reeeeeaaaally hope I get your ant-aging genes. Your daughter, Lincee Leigh

16 Takeaways from Arianna Huffington

One of the highlights of this year’s BlogHer Conference was keynote speaker Arianna Huffington. I would guess that 85-percent of the audience probably bought her new book Thrive before she was even escorted off of the stage after her 30-minute segment. And I agree with mediator Guy Kawasaki — Arianna Huffington must think in 140 characters. Arianna Huffington Takeaways We need a digital detoxification. If you want an established role

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Happy Independence Day America!

Post by Elizabeth Banks.