Tag Listen To Your Heart ABC

IHGB #164: Listen To Your Heart

Kudos to the ABC producers who were forward-thinking enough to anticipate that the typical Bachelor viewing audience needed a place for all the budding musical artists of the world to congregate. It’s just a happy coincidence that this train wreck of a show was slated to air at a time when tigers are king and love is blind.  This is — LISTEN TO YOUR HEART! EPISODE NOTES: If you’d like to

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Listen To Your Heart Recap: Long Live John Mayer

I’m so glad ABC decided to squeeze out another spin-off from The Bachelor franchise. Otherwise we wouldn’t have any reason to watch total strangers hand out roses with a hope that their journey would end in a contractually-obligated love agreement.  Seriously, people. Bachelor Summer Games is canceled. Bachelor in Paradise is a question mark. And who knows what’s happening with Clare Crawley’s season. Kudos to the show runners who were

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