
The art of ugly crying

When Catha, Amy and I decided to see The Fault in Our Stars on its opening weekend, we knew what to expect because we all read the book. Amy brought several folded Kleenex in her purse. I brought a baggie of Tootsie Rolls in mine. I knew I would probably cry a little, but that’s what my sleeve is for, right? I thought I would dab a tear here and

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An aca-post about ‘Pitch Perfect’

Lately a few select songs from Pitch Perfect have been in constant rotation on one of my FUN or SING ALONG playlists. Sidebar: You should own both the soundtrack and the movie if you don’t already. Let me be clear. I typically watch the movie in fast forward, having long ago memorized how to avoid the puking scenes in order to get to the good stuff. And there’s so much

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Kneel before Zod

“Man of Steel” came out on DVD last week. Please forgive me for not posting something the day of this blessed event. For the record, I blame jet lag. For those of you not really in to the superhero scene, I give you exhibit A: Oh wait. That’s Henry Cavill. Pardon me. We need something will a little more spandex. Ah. Here we go. Exhibit B: Superman in front of

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Team Peeta

Now that THAT’S out of the way, I’m ready to hash it out with all the tributes out there who are inevitably lining up to see Hunger Games as I type this sentence. Oh how I wish I was right there with you! ***WARNING*** There will more than likely be spoilers in the comment section. If you haven’t read the books, A.) what are you waiting for? and B.) don’t

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An email exchange

I was busy trying to decipher TV theme songs writing an article on subsea processing, when an email popped up from my sweet friend Katie at 5:07 yesterday evening.  The subject line simply read: “This movie looks like it’s going to suck.” I was intrigued. Upon opening the message, I was greeted by a simple link.  Hovering my mouse over said link, I began to get excited at what the

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