
I don’t know. I just don’t know.

Rumor (and has it that Hollywood is in the process of remaking Ice Castles.  Really?  Really Hollywood?  Do you think that you are ever going to be able to recreate a moment like this? (Please pay no attention to the 70s attire and hair in the embedded clip.)  And where are you going to find a modern day Robby Benson, huh?  Do you think they just grow on trees? 

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It’s the most wonderful time of the year

Calling all Christmas lovers!  I need your input. Since I’m going to be laid up for the week of Christmas due to a pending ACL reconstruction, I decided to save all of my Christmas movies in order to watch them that week while I’m bored out of my mind.  Or comatose.  Whatever the case may be. I was rattling off a list of my favorites to a friend of mine. 

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Dear John

The last two times I was at the movie theater in the last five days (can’t remember what I saw…wink/wink), there was a trailer for the movie Dear John.  It’s based on the book by Nicholas Sparks.  It looks like it has potential. So I bought the book and finished it in two days. It made me wonder…have you ever read a book to prepare yourself for the movie?  Or

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Saw it. Loved it.

I know this is another New Moon post, but just hang with me here.  I promise it’s the last one.  And it’s 11:14 p.m. as I type this and I am frantically trying to post something before midnight so my National Blog Posting Month promise will not be tarnished. Top 10 List of Everything I Liked About New Moon: 1.  TEAM JACOB 2.  When the girls in the audience screamed

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Midnight showing of “New Moon”

So I went to the Jackopierce acoustic concert (awesome) last night and had every intention of going to the midnight showing of New Moon. But I was too tired after the show ended.  And I went to the early one.  How sad is that? I know.  I’m a bad fan.  I do have advanced tickets to join all the tweens and their mothers after work, so never fear, I will

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