Tag Nick Viall

Dancing with the Stars recap: The heat is on

Dancing with the Stars recap: Season 24, Episode 2: There’s no time to dilly dally around in the ballroom this episode. Dancing with the Stars fans will have to wait for a kicky Mandy Moore opening number next week. This week, we have an elimination, a mysterious injury, and stars who just want to dance! Let’s get to it. Nancy and Artem Cha-Cha-Cha “No Rights, No Wrongs” by Jess Glynne

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Dancing with the Stars Recap: Season 24 Premiere

Dancing with the Stars Season 24 Recap: We are back with a fun-loving, chaotic, everyone-is-having-a-ball-on-live-TV Dancing with the Stars opening scene flash mob choreographed by the one and only Mandy Moore to the tune of Whitney Houston’s iconic “Wanna Dance With Somebody!” My how I’ve missed the sequins and glitter bombs. It’s season 24, people. That’s a loooooooong time for Bruno and the gang to be whipping out numbered paddles

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Bachelor Nick Finale: And the rose goes to…

Bachelor Nick Season Finale There were more tears than ever before. Every scene dripped with feelings and questions and more feelings. Entire surfaces were draped with various pelts and animal themed blankets. Creepy Jolly Old St. Nicholas made an appearance, as well as Donner and Blitzen. But at the end of the day, one thing stood out as the moment we will remember, and it’s not that Harrison’s hair was

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Bachelor Nick: Who will he choose?

We’ve reached the end of our journey. Let the record show that I have no idea who Bachelor Nick is going to choose, but I am quite confident someone will develop pneumonia from the frigid Finland winds. I hope it’s not the loser. It’s time for you to vote, dear readers. Remember, this is a spoiler-free zone. Go with your gut and let’s see what percentage gets it right tonight!

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Bachelor Nick: Women Tell All

Bachelor Nick — Episode 10 and WTA In case you were wondering how things went with Raven and Bachelor Nick during their fantasy suite date, wonder no more. Our favorite Arkansas boutique owner actually agrees to make a “Satisfaction” video featuring herself skipping through Finland giving strangers on the street high fives, petting pooches, making snow angels, and peeping out from behind a rainbow-colored fence. The entire spectacle was set

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