(FROM VARIETY) – ABC is reviving its unscripted series The Bachlorette, which last aired in 2005, aiming for a summer debut. The series, a spin-off of The Bachelor, features a female attempting to find true love from among a group of male hopefuls. Bachelorette first aired in 2003. ABC is has not revealed any details about the new installment.
Your thoughts?
Any news on the new season of the Bachelor? I heard it starts March 17th. I love the idea of the Bachelorette coming back!
Is it you?! 🙂
Maybe this is because they know we’re all still too stinkin’ miffed to watch another Bachelor series..?
Ooh! Who do you think it is? Bevin? Jenni? How fun! Ooh! Wouldn’t that be fun if they had DeAnna AND Jenni? I love watching men grovel. 😀
The success rate on the Bachelorette is much higher at least.
i love the bachelor – LOVE IT – but i tend to like the bachelorette way better! i’m hoping it will be jenni!!!!
I truly couldn’t care less about the show. But, if it gives Lincee an opportunity to write your always humorous recap, then I absolutely want ABC to air the show. Does ABC realize that the ratings for the show go up when Lincee provides recaps? You make us want to see these characters. With this said, YES! ABC, RUN THE SHOW in the summer. And, don’t pick Lincee as your B-ette because we need her writing recaps.
I don’t think it will be Jenni. Last I heard she was back together with her ex boyfriend.
I think it will be the little vixen, Bevin or Moana for crying out loud. Wouldn’t that be a hoot?! Anything fun for Lincee to write about is good with me. I love Bachelorette because of Lincee’s witty prose. What a gifted writer. Until then…
If they are bringing back a girl from last season to be the next Bachelorette, how about web-toed girl or the human pretzel. . . JK! 😉
oh, I didn’t think about that…if if is from the last season, it will be DeHhhhhahhhhhhna for sure. How boring on the screen but how wonderful for Lincee. Who will it be?????
I find the format of The Bachelorette much easier to stomach than that of The Bachelor. I guess I just like the idea of the guys fighting for the girl more than vice-versa.
Does everybody know that Travis Stork wrote his on book on dating and girls. It is called Don’t be that Girl. Everyone has to check out the cover of the book.
Can we say “writers strike”? They need more reality shows to fill the time slots.
I’d prefer a Bachelorette show because then we can see 25 hot guys instead of just one!
Bring it on!
I think Lincee should be the Bachelorette!! Go Lincee