
Big Fish

Fun Fact: Did you know that the story of Jonah is number six in the top Bible stories for children? It makes sense. A man living in the belly of a big fish for three days is memorable, to say the least. I studied the book a few weeks ago and was delighted to learn that this story is more than the big fish we all remember. For only being four

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My To-Do List

I’m looking at my weekly to-do list. There are 37 items in a column which have a “deadline” that needs to be met by the end of the week. I have it broken down into categories, including one that reads HOT! HOT! HOT! That’s code for STOP PROCRASTINATING. Crossing off items on my to-do list may be a simple action, but it is super thrilling for me. I get a kick

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A Reminder Regarding Mary

On Saturday, we had Christmas brunch for the women at my church. As my friend Nancy Jane led worship, she suggested that during this season of advent, we reflect on what young Mary must have been thinking so many years ago as she waited to bring the Savior of the world into the world. How would you have responded? I wrote about that exact scenario last December. Originally published December 22,

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My whole heart

We have been reviewing the prophets in Bible Study. Boy, did these guys have a tough job. Even though Israel refused to listen to their warnings of judgement, they remained steadfast. Isaiah was unsurpassed as a model for godliness. Jeremiah was passionate and faithful throughout his calling. He even wrote a book of sorrow and grief called Lamentations that manages to remind us that God’s mercies are new every morning.

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