
Bachelor Recap: Two Reasons to Stop Watching the Show

Reason #1: Spoiler alert. The Stag is gone. Reason #2: He Who Must Not Be Named is back. (In his own annoying way…) If next week’s group competition is a massive green bean eating contest, I’m definitely out. Mark my words. Welcome to week five of Bachelor Pad. Come suffer along with us, won’t you? Sarah Season: Brad – The Original Recipe The episode begins with Sarah Cyrus crawling up

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Bachelor Pad Recap: Week 5

Sometimes, there are no words. I’m unsure how He Who Must Not Be Named was featured in a LOVE MONTAGE for crying out loud! Someone has sold their soul to Mike Fleiss. The madness must be stopped. I’m going to watch my Chris Harrison birthday tribute video to try and calm down. In the meantime, you guys discuss how in the world this happened!?! The recap will be up later

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For those of you who’ve been around for a while

I’m working on a little project and I need some help if you don’t mind! I’d love for those of you who have followed me for a while to please write in the comment section all of the IHGB-isms you can think of that we’ve established over the years. Bonus points for those of you who stretch back farther than a few Bachelor seasons! Examples that come to mind are:

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Bachelor Pad Recap: Chris is a Dill Hole

Seriously. I couldn’t come up with a better title to describe last night’s bender into the soul-sucking depths of depravity. He’s immature, cocky and surrounded by a bunch of silly girls who checked their self respect at the door years ago. This is the best you’re going to get Chris. Live it up, because I’m quite confident that no woman with an ounce of decorum would give you a second

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Bachelor Pad Recap: Week 4

I’m working on my recap, trying to figure out other words to use for Chris besides dillhole, when I began to wonder how many people are actually watching the show?  It feels like about three of you check in every week while everyone else is busy pinning ideas to their “harvest decorations” Pinterest boards. Let’s take a poll.  You know how I love a good poll. [poll id=”17″]