Crazy vs. Slutty: it could go either way
It’s ten after 9:00 p.m. here in Houston, Texas. I’m trying to let my DVR record so I can fast forward through all the commercials. I’m not reading email or answering any phone calls or text messages that may come through in the next hour. I learned my lesson last year.
With that said, according to the poll from last week’s recap, a little over half of you think Shayne is going to be the next Mrs. Matty. I have to admit that I am in that percentage.
Let’s see how we do! Can not WAIT for the most DRAMATIC PROPOSAL EVER in Bachelor history.
I’ll see you on the flip side. Don’t go changing.
hmmmmm, we’re in Barbados with Chelsea. It’s sure looking like Chelsea… lots of “honey” “baby” “i’m falling in love with you” —–
I dont like the way Chris is not doing the “Coming up’s…” right before commercials. What’s up with that?
I really need to take my Ambien, but I want to stay up and watch the rest of this! Damn you, ABC!
I knew it!!
Should we start taking bets on how long it takes for her voice to drive him bonkers?!?!
whew! i got a little nervous that it was going to be Chelsea!
I’m in love and he loves me! Gag. I give it about 3 months if not by tomorrow morning.
enough with the “monkey” for crying out loud!!!
It all seemed so… scripted with Shayne. It’s rigged. I bet they’ll have a reality show of their own soon.
I cannot stand Shayne. She’s totally fake and I hope Matt realizes that soon. Can’t wait for your update, Lincee!!!!!
I like Shayne. She never said a bad word about any of the other women, and she seems to genuinely love him. He handled himself with class the whole way through–BY FAR my favorite of all the Bachelors. I say they might just make it.
I love Shayne, she is genuine and precious and although she seems to have it all together, she is actually someone who needs a good man who adores her and makes her feel loved and someone who has a huge heart like she does…and now she has found it in Matt!! I truly hope this is one of the real forever-love couples to come out of this crazy show…I’ll follow their lives forever as a fan!!!
So, are they still together? Anybody know the scoop? Chelsea’s makeup looked terrible.
I missed it! He picked shayne????????
All right, here I am because I don’t know anyone else in the world who watches the Bachelor besides me.
Shayne had me when she said: “I love being blond. I’ve been blond since I was 12.” And I thought it was her after the astute comment made here that his shaved head seemed like a Shayne idea. But the editing made me nervous tonight. I think they might actually get married, which would be a bachelor first? I think they really seem to like each other.
I LOVE Shayne and Matt together! Although there were a few boring moments, this has been my favorite Bachelor by far. I really hope they make it. I didn’t like Shayne in the beginning, but I now believe she really is genuine. This finale made me happy!